Tall Tales and Card Readings


Edward Runner had suggested that since this ship was missing it's flag, the best way they can prove they were pirates were to wave a red flag. And Ren Jidian's bandana was the only thing that fits the bill, so they have to wave it to save their lives.

The pirates were already preparing their cannons ever since the have arrived within 100 meter distance from the shore, and by the time they reach 50, they were already shooting.

"Get down, Wei!" Ren Jidian exclaimed.

Prince Weiford's head was lowered by Ren Jidian's hand as he waved his bandana with the other. "What about you!? They will shoot you, Ren!"

"I will be alright! Someone has to steer the ship and wave the red flag for peace! They'll see it soon, don't worry!"

Edward Runner, ever being the coward, already dunked upon seeing them.

Meanwhile, Captain Bail stayed scowling with crossed arms as he stared at the Omega couple. His former quartermaster pulled him down.