Goats and Sheep

The King of Sparta from the line of Eurypontid was known to be a cruel and vicious man. Even as he got older, his penchant for violence and slaughter had not waned. 

In the battlefield, he would behead every poor soul that crosses his path, be it an Athenian soldier, a Spartan soldier, a random passerby, a slave, a child, or even a cow. Even his silhouette as he rode the darkest stallion anyone would ever see would be enough to engrave fear in their hearts and minds. And for good reason, because as soon as you see his figure with his sword drawn, you would be dead within seconds.

That's why the phrase 'Clear the path for King Alcyon if you want to keep your head' has come to be used by both Athenians and Spartans alike. 

King Alcyon was the truest Alpha in both physique and prowess. In the future, historians would sometimes refer to him as the Hound King, as his 'kyon' was derived from the word for 'large dog' or 'hound'.