Tossing Apples

Ren Jidian returned to the General's sleeping quarters with some food on a large terracotta slab with carved lion legs serving as a tray. 

The servants insisted that they carry it for him, but Ren Jidian denied them. He told them that this was because he wanted to gain a good impression from the general…..

But the truth was, he was petty for being emasculated by his remarks. The general must think he was weak and noodle-limbed as an Athenian scholar, so he must show that he was strong enough to carry this much. 

When he arrived, General Euandros was waiting for him while sitting up with a smile. 

"Are all those for me?"

Ren Jidian nodded, trying to avoid those pale blue eyes. "Mn. I do not know what you like, so I asked them to bring a little bit of everything. Bread, cheese, fruit, meat, soup….. It is up to you to choose, Gen— Euandros."

He settled it down carefully by the warrior's bedside.