Representations of Monad

Gabriel was the messenger, after all, so sending messages had been easy for him. He had done it to Daniel, and to Mary. Appearing before them in the image of a dove.

Soon, he appeared before Baphie in a dream. His voice was clear but his whole figure merely that of the bright dove. 

"Your Majesty….. Do not be afraid. It is me. I will return to you, along with whom you loved the most."

He meant it as a forewarning of Monad within him. Gabriel genuinely believes that until now, it was Monad that Baphie loves the most. 

Baphie only ever paid attention to him when he was the Divine Host. When he pretended to be that sheep, and Monad was already using his body as a chrysalis. The reason why the great Yaldabaoth was so drawn to him was because he looked like Monad, and he gave off the same aura as him.