Monkey Show

Asmodeus and Agares rushed to the direction of the sound of the trumpets, but....

It's already too late.

All the other demons were petrified, staying in place like statues in front of the many eyes of that messenger. The Angel of Peace had put an end to the War, and in his arms, he had also put Destruction into slumber for a while. 

"Is that... He's still alive." Agares said, noticing the small rise and fall of Baphomet's bare chest as he continued to breathe.

Asmodeus narrowed his eyes. "Not for long. We have to do something."

"But what else can we do? Look, he's already taking out the blade." Agares pointed out. 

They watched closely as 'Gabriel' conjured a bloodstained dagger, which floated just above his fingertips. They all waited in bated breath as he finally committed the slaughter....

But just like Abraham, something stopped him from killing the sacrifice. 

"Oh. It is you."