Stark Revelations

A/N All of the events happening here are based on the Book of Revelations. I followed most of it and it's quite accurate, I just tweaked a bit to fit the story :)


Saklas was so stricken by this change. Of course he knew about the prophecies, the things written in books about how the end of the world would arrive. But he had lived for such a long time that the idea that it would all just come to an end like this had given him a whiplash far worse than anything else he experienced. 

Michael had just regained his memories, so his reaction was more of confusion and disbelief. When he looked at his lover, he could see the visible terror in his eyes that it scared him more than what was happening right now.

He took Saklas hand, the light of the goliath of a blood red moon turning everything into crimson. He remembered Saklas' true demonic form, with his red skin and tall horns and tail.