
Marino frowned, "You know my name and you seem familiar to me but you are not the woman from my dreams, the soulful artistic one that I'm in love with."

Why did her heart suddenly feel dread at the sound of those words, she didn't want to contemplate that. Juri knew who her heart belonged to after all they've been though it was Prince Juval.

Yet her heart still squeezed her and raced when she heard Marino say that there was someone else he loved even more. The biggest puzzle was how does a vampire get amnesia in the first place but later for mysteries that would probably go unanswered.

Maybe when he fell off the cliff he smashed whatever little human brain cells he had left on the rocks below. It would make sense now that Marino was all vampire because the human side of him would never have said such words and be so callous to Juri whom he once professed to love.