Chapter 15. Golden Antelope Core/ Spiritual Antelope.

Dorci turned left to return to the camp so as to report on the observation, Jender was ahead of her as she even couldn't believe how he managed to spawn from shadows but she left the questions for other times.

As they approached the camp Modez and the other were just waiting for the go ahead as to take what they wanted.

"Oooh!, you are back what the catch?," Modez asked.

"We have to hurry, the leader antelope was giving birth, but it has a grave injury. I don't think it will survive from it, if we are late the wild beasts may be attracted by the smell of blood, and you know what follows.

"How is their ranks any wild ones?," Modez asked.

"No any ranked beasts except for their injured leader," Jender replied.

They all got into their formation as Jender disappeared to the shadows, Dorci was just beside Modez, Germin was leading the was as a tanker, Marci also was beside Modez, and Joles right at the rear for support.

As Jender disappeared everyone was shocked except for Dorci as she knew what happened.

"Oooh!, forgot to tell you he has another skill on his arsenal, moving through shadows." Dorci said.

Everyone was baffled by the statement, "does that mean we may have more than just one skill after drinking that potion!?," Germin spoke his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets.

They all marched towards the pack of antelopes, reaching a clearing upfront there were ten vanguards standing on their was protecting their leader and the new born calf.

Joles could see the calf was on their attack range and didn't want to kill it as it was valuable in some ways, looking at Modez he covered the calf with a protective spell and Modez looked at Germin for confirmation.

Germin dashed forward not expecting the burst of energy that he produced, unknowingly he bashed into the vanguard's formation disrupting it, the front was open but still there were more vanguards standing to the sides.

Germin experiencing the burst of energy was baffled by what he had done as he hit the protective barrier that Joles created and bounced back.

Everyone was astonished but reserved themselves, as the battle had just begun the vanguard's started dashing for the group leaving some behind as the leader gave a sound.

It was a high pitched sound that most of the squad members squinted down covering their ears from it, except for Joles and Dorci.

Joles used his magic to cover his ears but Dorci had no reaction to the sound she could even hear the meaning of the high pitched sound that was produced turning to Marci thinking it was her that spoke.

Joles cancelled the barrier on the calf, covering the team with it they all stood up to continue fighting.

Jender was hiding in the shadows until the barrier was raised, he ran to the left side through shadows, and launched one of his daggers to the vanguard's charging to his teammates.

The dagger went through the necks of two antelopes falling down the other jumped over them and continued charging to the squad.

Marci's sword started glowing with her aura, unlishing it towards the antelopes three more down.

Modez was observing from the middle as he could see the antelope's leader was staggering to stand up, he pulled his hand back his spear quickly was covered in ice, he shouted to Joles' to cover the calf while he was throwing the spear as the antelope's leader was up and it's horns started glowing white, just as it was to unleash the attack, a spear pierced through its head and froze it in place.

The light that was beginning to shine on the horns of the leader antelope's disappeared gradually as it's life force was drained from the ice prison it is in.

When it died Joles produced a fire spell and hit the ice sculpture of the antelope, melting away the ice and obtaining it's carcass.

The swift hands of Jender did the skinning and harvesting work, at the last moment he took a golden gemstone, from head of the leader antelope.

As everyone observed it, they were all astonished by its beauty, but Modez was certainly thinking of what value it holds.

As they were accessing the gemstone Modez went to Joles' who kept the calf under the control of the vines that tied it to the tree.

Dorci was brought there by it's weeping sounds, "it sounds sad but very soothing," she said.

"I think it is trying to communicate with us, I feel like I can understand it's language in some ways but I don't know how"

As time went on they returned to camp, ate the antelopes, kept the other using Modez's ice magic.

During the night Dorci was awakened by a soft voice from her sleep, getting out of the tent she followed the sound just behind the big tree.

The little calf was speaking to her and she could hear and understand, she thought she was just dreaming, but it felt to real to be a dream.

As she listened to the calf, the calf expressed it's worries and feelings to her.

She was in tears from listening, as it was sad to listen to the creature that, they made an orphan with their own hands.

At dawn she agreed to let it out of the territory of the black leopards and take revenge, as it was the black leopards, that gave it's mother the grave injury, that accompanied it to the afterlife.

When dawn reached she was no where to be found and the calf too, after the sun has fully risen she came back to camp completely fine, she sat on the camp and gave them a rundown, of what happened to her yesterday night.

Now she could listen and hear different animals talk at her own will, she avoided danger from her venture, to take the calf to a safe spot by communicating, with all insects and animals but first at the aid of the calf.