Naruto 2

"What're your names?" Naruko asked.

"My previous master's gave me the name Alucard." Was Alucard's instant reply.

"My name is Shinobu Oshino, but my enemies know me as The iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade." came Shinobu's reply as she smiled.

"Hello, master-san. My name is Kaede Oshino, ut you can call me Kaede" Kaede replied.

"If I took you all as my servant. Do you promise to never abandon me? To remain by my side until the end? To fight alongside me in every battle? To crush my enemies into nothing but a smear on the ground?" The blonde asked seriously.

"Nothing shall please me more master." Alucard gleefully answered.

"Easily done master, I'll forever stay at your side" Shinobu replied soon after

"Of course Master, I would enjoy staying at your side" Kaede answered with a grin.

"Then...I shall accept you as my servant. What are the requirements needed to make this possible?"

"Allow us to handle this master" Alucard rose her hands up, and suddenly, the blood on the grass began to rise, and began to swirl around her hands. Soon a circle appeared on the back of each of our hands. The circle held similar symbols to that of the one Alucard used to have when she served the Hellsing family, except there was no star in the middle. In addition, both Shinobu and Kaede gave their master a bit of their blood to ingest, turning her into a human-vampire/Endless hybrid.

With a large grin, Alucard turned her eyes toward her new master. "All that is left is for us to drink your blood master."

Without a moment of hesitation, Naruko used the same Kunai she nearly stabbed Alucard with and cut herself across her hand. Alucard was quick to grab hold of her hand, and she began to lick the blonde's bleeding hand, making Naruko flush scarlet at her actions. This was later repeated by both Shinobu and Kaede. Alucard giggled slightly at her master's flustered look while watching in glee as a swirl appeared in the middle of the circles on the back of each of their hands. The runes shone brightly.

"The sealing has been completed master. We are now under your command. We will follow any order you give to us, and your wrath is now our wrath. Your sorrow is our sorrow. Your hatred is now our hatred. Your enemies are now our enemies. We shall kill thousands, millions, billions in your name master. All you must do is give the command." Alucard announced, her eyes glinting gleefully.

"We're happy to serve you every need and whim master. We'll do our best to take care of you." Kaede piped in.

"That... Sounds nice." Naruko murmured, her face being extremely flushed as Shinobu held her form closer to her. Soon the day's events finally caught up to her, and she felt exhausted and her eyelids drooping.

"Rest master. We shall deal with everything until you awaken." Shinobu softly spoke in her ear. Heeding her advice, Naruko allowed sleep to overcome her, and she unconsciously snuggled in her servant's embrace.

The clearing was silent for several moments before Alucard slowly began to tremble. Her form was shaking uncontrollably until suddenly, she threw her head back and laughed loudly. Her mad laughter echoed into the very night itself, scaring away any predators who were attracted by the smell of blood. Her eyes were shining ominously in the night, a scarlet glow that could be seen from miles. Her fangs are out in the open for all to see.

Shinobu, ignoring the laughter from her sister, she summons her shadows which began rising up and quickly surrounded all of them. She held onto her master lovingly, before the shadows consumed them, and they were gone from the clearing.