Naruto 3

Shinobu POV

Inside Naruko Uzumaki's apartment bedroom the shadows rose and expanded in mass and size. Almost like a tattered cape, the Shadows split apart and revealed the forms of all four of us in a badly kept room.

Slowly, I lowered my master onto the only bed in the room. I smiled at her sleeping visage before scowling and looking around the apartment. 'Such a disgusting, and disgraceful place. My master deserves much more than this. Hmm... Perhaps I can make this place much more fitting.' I thought. Although first things first.

'There are no other occupants living within the apartment complex, thus I can safely assume they left because they did not want to live near my master. The only other person who lives here must be the owner of the building as I can sense his presence a few floors below.' A smirk settled itself on my vampiric visage. "Kaede, merge with master's shadow and Alucard please send your familiars to parole around the apartment. I am going to talk to our Master's Landlord" I told them. Silently, I phased through the ground beneath me and continued to phase through the floors until I reached the floor where the owner lived. With a snap of my finger, my clothing shifted forms.

Quickly, I walked down the halls, turned a corner, stopped at the door at the end of the hallway, and knocked several times. Moments later, a man in his thirties opened the door. He had shoulder black hair that was matted down against his head. His black eyes expressed annoyance. "What do you want now demon brat-" The man stopped speaking when he noted that, instead of the blonde brat who lived several floors above him, in his place stood a woman with long pink and blue dual-colored hair tied into twin tails, whose outfit was sleeveless light red frilly top with a sweater collar and a dark red ribbon, under which she wore dark wine red shorts with black stockings and high heels. On her head was a Floppy Beach hat. Her eyes were sickening gold.

He had no idea who this woman was, but judging from how expensive her outfit looked, she was obviously of noble birth. Thus, his attitude did an entire one-eighty. "How may I be of assistance Ojou-sama?" He asked politely, and in a friendly manner.

I fought the urge to scowl at the man in front of me. Having used my telepathic abilities, I was quickly able to detect the obvious dislike towards my master. I would kill him immediately but I needed him alive for the moment. Once he's of no use I'll devour him. "Yes." I began. "I was hoping we could discuss the ownership of this building," I stated.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confusion in his voice. In response, I lifted my hand and pressed my finger to his head.

"You are going to invite me to your room, and you're going to bring me the deed to this apartment complex," I murmured, my eyes illuminating a bright yellow.

"Yes of course. Please come in, I shall bring you the deed." The man said hollowly, his eyes blank as they shined a dull yellow in color. Smiling, I walked through the door. Eyes flashing gold as a sinister chuckle escaped my lips, using my telepathic abilities I forcibly close the door behind me preparing for my next meal.

Narrator POV

A random shinobi was walking through the area as he was planning on how he was going to kill the demon brat. As he was walking up the stairs to the apartment, he was distracted by loud chewing sounds. Being curious he followed the sound with his kunai out. He soon arrived at the source of the sound and slowly opened the door.

He suddenly fell back on his butt in fright as he front of him was a beautiful young woman eating-the owner of the apartments.

"...Wha-" he tried to scream before he was swiftly bound by Shinobu's shadow and pulled directly to her.

Still in her hands was the LandLord's head, gnawed halfway through. Before the shinobi could try to scream he was pulled into her body which was composed of different celestial bodies and galaxies and was immediately absorbed into her.