Naruto 12

Naruko was walking towards training ground seven around 9 o'clock in the morning with her servants walking alongside her. It was an odd day in fire country as the weather was very cold and foggy mist blanketed the roads and ground today as well as the sky being overcast.

Naruko still had her trademark sleeveless dress with wine shorts but she had bracelets on both her arms. She soon came upon the sorry sight of her half-asleep, half-frozen teammates. "Oh come on really!? Let me guess you didn't eat anything either." This was answered by a pair of growling stomachs. "Jeez. The least you could have done was wear something warmer. He didn't even mention that." Naruko ranted as the two looked away before looking at her as they soon thought that she had no reason to call them on not wearing anything warm when she was wearing thin clothes.

"Hey, Naruko, who are those ladies with you?" Sakura asked, they were quite beautiful but nowhere close to her beauty she thought in her mind.

Naruko looked down at her with blank eyes and told her they were family and friends. Shinobu further clarified that by nodding and hugging the blonde and ruffling her hair.

That was when Kakashi decided to make an appearance wearing a thicker outfit with a scarf due to the weather. "Good to see you all here on time." He said with a slightly mocking eye smile. Sakura growled slightly. "Actually you and Naruko are two hours late..." She chattered out, the cold finally catching up to her.

Kakashi was in mocked surprise and looked at a watch that wasn't there. "Huh, you're right sorry about that, I got lost on the road of life." He said still giving that eye smile. Sakura growled again and Sasuke grunted.

"Anyway, you have until midday to get these bells off me. If you fail to do so you'll be sent back to the academy." He said while pulling out two bells.

"But wait, doesn't that mean one of us is getting sent back no matter what? There are only two bells." Sakura asked.

Kakashi again feigned shock. "I guess you're right. One of you is getting sent back no matter what." With that said, Kakashi placed down the timer and set it for three hours. "Ok, begin." with that said Sasuke and Sakura disappeared into the foliage.

"Good luck master. Do crush him and most importantly have fun" Shinobu said as she walked away while followed by Kaede and Alucard.

Naruko swiftly nodded to the departing group as she stood there with her arms crossed.

"Naruko, aren't you going to go hide?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What's the point of hiding from you Kakashi. We both know you aren't able to beat me but fret not. While I'll be pounding you into the ground with malice and enmity, I shall give myself a handicap." Naruko said while Kakashi was surprised at her sudden change in tone and also noticed her red eyes gleaming evilly.

Naruko caught onto his shocked face and smirked. A moment later she was directly in front of him.

"I will not fly. I will not hide myself in the shadows. I will not use my intangibility. I will not vanish. I will not transform myself. I will not use the power of my eyes. I will not even generate matter. Needless to say, I will not use the demon sword Kokorowatari gifted to me by Shinobu. In other words, I will not use any of my active abilities as a vampire, you have my words. Of course, feel free to use your Sharingan on your part, it would help you survive just a bit longer."

"..." Kakashi was speechless as he was looked down upon as if he wasn't worth her time. However, he did something that caused Naruko to look at him with anger as veins started to grow on her head.

He reached into his weapons pouch and retrieved...a book?

That annoyed Naruko to no end. Even she wasn't rude enough to read while fighting. Then she saw the title and her rage only grew. He was reading porn just after she threatened to beat him to a pulp. She didn't mind perverts, she was one herself. But this was taking it too far. She was going to humiliate him even if it's the last thing she does.

Kakashi wasn't really paying attention and only barely focused on Naruko. So when she dashed through him so fast that her body briefly caught fire. He looked behind him to find his ripped book in her hands which was burning. "Did you just..." He left the question hanging.

Naruko smirked as in her right hand were the last remains of the burnt book. "That's right. I killed your smut." she said with an insane grin. Kakashi quickly discarded the small remains he managed to hold on to and drew a kunai. He was rather upset. First, she underestimates him by giving him a handicap, and then she burns his precious Icha-icha. Then she insults it right in his face. The Cyclops was going to make her pay.

As Kakashi was thinking about getting revenge for his book Naruko contacted both Sasuke and Sakura with her telepathy.

'First thing first, yes I am speaking in your head so please be quiet and listen. I need both of you to get Kakashi's Bell as I fight him. The whole point of this test is teamwork.' Naruko relayed to them.

Sasuke agreed with Sakura happy that bother her Sasuke-kun and Naruko-kun are working together.

With that done she set her focus back on Kakashi. With her prey waiting she stood with both cupped as a red orb was forming inside of it. She looked like she was ready to pounce on the silver-haired jonin.

Naruko took the initiative and ran to Kakashi at near-light speeds ready to fire out her attack. Kakashi was patiently waiting as his student was approaching him with her attack only for her to disappear and appear all around him with moving afterimages with all of them holding the attack in their palms. He then noticed a brief flash of red as the main Naruko fired her attack as the afterimages dispersed. With quick reflexes, Kakashi with his Sharingan out swapped with a log that was instantly incinerated as the beam traveled forward to the trees and exploded on impact. Kakashi noted that the beam technique wasn't just for burning. It seemed they were explosive as well.

Before he could continue, he saw Naruko block out the sun as she descended from the sky with a dive kick with her foot instantly going ablaze. Within a split second, he was forced to dodge again, jumping away as a loud explosion was heard where she collided.

As the dust and some snow cleared all was seen was a massive crater with some burn marks inside it. Naruko's lithe figure swiftly jumped out of it with a smile on her face. They continued fighting, with Naruko bullying him and keeping him on the defensive.

The hiding pinkette and Uchiha were both surprised at the power the blonde had or the damage she was able to produce and began planning their attack. Naruko's started jogging toward Kakashi before she broke into a sprint. As Kakashi prepares to defend himself he is suddenly kicked directly in the stomach and felt a rib break causing him to spit up blood, then another kick to his side, then a punch to his back. Countless blows from multiple directions were thrown at Kakashi as he failed to block every one of them. Naruko ended the fight with a punch to his sternum igniting the air and causing a mini-explosion sending Kakashi careening into the forest and breaking his fall with some trees.

"Kakaka, this is pretty fun Kakashi-kun." came Naruko's voice as she laughed and walked in Kakashi's direction only for him to turn to smoke. All of a sudden she had a smile as she looked behind her only to see a bleeding Kakashi with his hands clasped together and extending his middle and index fingers. Using the full weight of his body, he tried to thrust his four fingers between her buttocks, but he was forced to abandon that as he dodged a kunai that flew straight for him.

Slowly looking behind him he saw Sasuke and Sakura throwing some more kunais and shurikens respectively at him which he struggled to dodge with the injuries inflicted on him by Naruko.

"It seems you all know the meaning of the test, that's good for you. Now all you have to do is get the bells from me to pass." Said Kakashi with an eye smile.

"No problem" then Sasuke started doing hand seals and took a breath of air and said " Katon: Great Fireball Jutsu!" and blew and large fireball right at Kakashi who jumped over it. Sakura jumped at Kakashi with her fist curled and threw a punch which he dodged, avoiding both the fireball and punch.

As he landed on the floor, he took a step back only to hit something.

Looking back he saw Naruko smiling at him with her red eyes boring into his soul before catching a right hook to the face and forcing him down to the floor. As he was getting up he saw both Sasuke and Sakura with bells in their arms standing above him and Naruko beside them.

"Good job, you three, together you took the bells from me and passed the exam. I must say, Naruko, your Taijustsu is far more advanced than a regular genin, but that is not surprising I guess. Sasuke, that fireball was perfectly conducted and packed a lot of strength in it. Sakura, your accuracy with those shurikens and strength was very impressive indeed. Together you all concurred and took the bells away, which means you all are now officially Team 7. Congrats!" said a proud Kakashi to the genin.

"CCCHHHAAAA! We did it, were genin now!" said a very happy Sakura.

Sasuke had a smirk on his face, showing his happiness, while Naruko had a slight frown on her face.

It's almost time… she thought to herself.

"We shall meet on the bridge on the east side of Konoha at 10 a.m. every day from now on. Tonight, make sure you get a lot of sleep because we start work tomorrow, Ja'ne" with that Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"All right let's go celebrate, you guys in?" asked Sakura

"No, we're staying here for the moment." Said Naruko

"What do you mean?" Said Sasuke.

" It means that I'm going to explain something to you two." Said Naruko as she faced Sasuke and Sakura with a serious expression on her face. "Kakashi will not be a good teacher to you Sakura, only to Sasuke, but even then Sasuke will be as strong as a higher than average genin." Said Naruko.

"How do you know this!" asked Sakura.

"Because Kakashi feels guilty for not saving his Uchiha friend that died way back when he first became a Jonin. Not only that, but the council has ordered him to train Sasuke more than Sakura and to not train me at all, not like I need any training." Said Naruko.

"Why would they do that?" asked a now interested Uchiha.

"Since you are the last Uchiha in Konoha, the council wants to tie you down to Konoha and believe you can only get stronger here, making sure that you won't follow your older brother's footsteps and leave the village."

Sakura now had a shocked face on her because she knew what happened to the Uchiha that night a good 4 years ago. Sasuke was angry, though. How could the council try to make sure that he didn't turn into his brother? The council didn't know the whole story behind the Uchiha Massacre.

'Those bastards…..' thought an angry Sasuke as he clenched his fist to control himself.

"I know one thing." Continued Naruko, "is that I will not have a weak team, so I will train both of you." Said a dead serious Naruko.

"You're going to train us, Naruko. How can you train me, an Uchiha Elite." Laughed Sasuke.

Then faster than the two could see, Naruko grabbed Sasuke by his throat and slammed him down to the ground.

"GAAAAAAAHHHHHhh!" howled Sasuke in pain from the powerful and sudden attack.

"Stop this Naruko!" yelled Sakura as she tried to throw a punch at Naruko, only for her to catch it and knee Sakura in the stomach causing her to spit blood out of her mouth.

"If you really think I'm dealing with your bullshit change your mind after this." Said Naruko as she started her assault on Sasuke and Sakura.

Naruko continued her attack for a good half-hour. The two tried to fight back, but they were facing a ninja who could face the Hokage. After a while, Sasuke was slammed down to the ground, bruises and open wounds all over his body, Sakura looked the same right beside Sasuke. Naruko then slammed her foot on Sasuke's stomach causing him to throw up blood on the ground. With her foot still on top of Sasuke, Naruko looked down at Sasuke, an angry expression on her face.

"Are you stronger than the Old Man?" asked Naruko. Sasuke didn't answer him, causing Naruko to get angrier and stomped on his stomach again causing indescribable pain to Sasuke.


"….No.." wheezed out Sasuke.

"Are you stronger than Kakashi?"

"No" he replied

"Are you stronger than your brother?"

" No, I'm not"

"Are...You...Stronger….Than MEEE!" yelled Naruko.

"…..I'm-…..No, I'm as weak as a regular genin, that's what I keep running away from, saying that I'm an Uchiha doesn't make me strong at all, it's just my last name…" said a very sad Sasuke.

" It's good that you understand your limitations. If you listen to me, you will get stronger if you listen to me." said Naruko

" Good." Then she grabbed them both and they all left the training ground."

Outside Konoha Hospital

The new team rose from Naruko's shadow as they appeared in front of the hospital with Sasuke and Sakura wondering how they got there.

Naruko opened up a portal as a stack of money fell out. She gave the stack of money to the two and said, "Tell the doctors that you both came back from a terrible mission and were hurt very bad. This will cover the medical bills. You two need to be in full health by tomorrow because after we finish our D-rank mission, we start training."

Then she started to walk away but turned around to both of them and said, "Have a nice stay and Sasuke do me a favor and turn off those cursed eyes.." And she sank into her shadow and left.

Sasuke didn't understand what she was talking about at first, but then he took off his headband and used it as a mirror to see his eyes were now red with two black tomes in each eye.

Sakura and Sasuke looked at each other, before walking into the hospital.