Naruto 13

The Hokage sat in his office waiting for the last Jonin to arrive. His test had taken the longest.

Kakashi arrived in a swirl of leaves and looked slightly defeated. He then reached for his equipment pouch for his book only to be reminded that Naruko incinerated it. His shoulders then slumped even more.

"Now that we're all here I want reports on who passed and failed." Hiruzen said.

"team 1 failed."

"team 2 failed."

"team 3 failed."

"team 3 failed."

"team 4 failed."

"team 5 failed."

"team 6 failed."

"team 7 passed." This got a few sighs as some knew what the blonde girl was capable of.

"Not surprising, she is probably stronger than me now." Hiruzen stated. He had a small smile on his face as he thought of his surrogate granddaughter. "Kurenai, Asuma your teams?"

"Team 8 passed."

"Team 10 passed."

"Good. The teams that passed will start D-ranks as soon as you think they're ready. The sensei of the teams who failed will return to regular duty as of tomorrow. Dismissed." With that everyone left and Hiruzen sat back before bringing out a familiar book from his drawer and began giggling perversely.

-2 months' timeskip-

It's been two months since Naruko had beaten Sasuke and Sakura and took them in as her apprentices with help from her servants.

Naruko introduced the two of them to her servants. With Shinobu and Kaede smiling warmly at the duo. However, Alucard was pretty angry at first for her master making friends with weaklings, but after hearing her plan she had a grin on her face. Naruko had instructed her servants to break them down and build them back up into respectable shinobi. Alucard had an outlet for her bloodlust while she worked on training/torturing Sasuke.

What Naruko told Sasuke and Sakura about the Kakashi only training Sasuke was correct, Kakashi would only train Sasuke, and when he did, it really wasn't anything serious because of Kakashi's laziness, who also found out about their little get-together and allowed naruko to continue training them.

When the team would finish their D-rank missions and Kakashi would dismiss the team, the three genin would head to Naruko's servants' personal dimensions and train there.

Naruko first found out that Sasuke had Fire and Lightning elements while Sakura had the Earth nature element.

Sasuke has practiced in his clan's Jutsu. After him, Naruko and Alucard went into the Uchiha clan library, which was old and abandoned. Sasuke and Naruko took most of the fire, lightning, and Earth Jutsu they saw with Alucard exorcising some of the withering souls of the dead Uchihas as she devoured them. Sasuke also started training in Kenjustsu with assistance from Shinobu and Kaede who were sword mistresses of the group. Which he took in like water to a sponge due to the countless near-death beatings he took from them. Naruko made sure that she trained him in his chakra control and then started on mid-Chunin level Jutsu and higher. Sasuke also learned everything he could about his Sharingan, and to make sure he knew that it was another tool and that it didn't make him better than everyone else. Which was drilled into his skull by the Kyuubi whenever she manifested to take out her anger on the Uchiha.

As of right now, Sasuke was at a mid to high-Jonin level at ninjutsu, high-Jonin at Kenjustsu, high-Jonin at genjustsu, and mid-Jonin at Taijutsu, overall making him at a High-Jonin level.

Sakura, on the other hand, was surprisingly a secret prodigy. She learned over 75% of the Earth Style Jutsu from the Uchiha clan library that was inside of her chakra level. She had perfect chakra control and took into medical Jutsu. She also learned the Chakra Scalpel Technique and added it to her Taijutsu. Sakura would also add chakra to her fist, with her perfect chakra control, to make herself stronger, just like a certain Sanin.

As of now, Sakura was a low Jonin at ninjutsu, high chunin at Kenjustsu, high Chunin at Genjustsu, and high Chunin at Taijutsu, overall making her at a low jonin level.

Sasuke and Sakura also came to respect Naruko and her servants, they took the time to train them when the council was only going to train Sasuke only a little. Luckily for them, Naruko and the girls became to care for them as friends with Shinobu teaching Sasuke sword techniques she had learned over the years.

The training the team did was usually done in secret with only both Kakashi and the Hokage knowing about it.

Now they were about to receive their first C-rank mission from the Hokage.

Mission Hall- Konoha

"Somebody get this damn cat of me!" screeched Sakura as she held the demon cat of all Konoha.

"Aww come on Sakura, it isn't that bad." Stated Kakashi with an eye smile and gave the cat to its rightful owner. "Hokage-sama do you have another mission for us?"

"Hey Old Man. I'm tired of these kiddy chores. I was promised to have real-ass missions, so produce them please." Naruko spoke up from the group as she was tired of doing chores for people. Plus that cat was getting on her nerves with its running around.

"Well there is this C-rank I can give them," said the Hokage

"A C-rank! let's get it sensei, I'm so sick and tired of painting fences and digging up plants! Let's do some real ninja missi-" exclaimed Sakura to Kakashi only to be interrupted by an object hitting her face courtesy of Alucard in Naruko's shadow.

"Hold on Sakura, let's see what the mission is first. Old man?" said Naruko to the Hokage

"It's a simple mission where you are to guard the bridge builder, Tazuna, back to Nami no Kuni, the land of the waves. Please let him in." said the Old Hogake.

As soon as he said that, an old man who looked over the age of sixty, and the smell of alcohol reeking off him.

"This is the team that's going to protect me, they're nothing but little kids. The black-haired kid looks like there is a duck ass, that girl's hair is making me go blind, and the blonde, she seems to have a good head on her shoulder" The man answered.

After trying to control Sakura and Sasuke because they were trying to kill Tazuna, they went off to go get their supplies, but before they left, the Hokage said something to Naruko.

"Please can you call one of your servants? I would like to make a request of them." The Hokage said as he slowly smoked from his pipe.

Upon his request Naruko's shadow slowly rippled as Alucard, Kaede and Shinobu rose out of it. They exchanged brief looks and nods with the aged Hokage.

"What is it you require Hokage-sama?" Shinobu asked with respect.

"There is a war, currently going on in Hidden Mist and they contacted us for help. I have 2 shinobi currently on standby. I would like to have one of you ladies to assist our shinobi in any way possible. I am willing to make any payments for this." The Hokage asked.

Naruko thought about it for a few seconds before agreeing.

"Shinobu will it be ok with you to go to the Mist and assist them in their civil war. Gramps, I hear that the Mizukage is a Jinchuuriki. What should we do with the tailed beast once we deal with the civil war? I would allow Shinobu to absorb it but I would like your input." Naruko questioned.

The Hokage agreed with whatever choice she wanted to make regarding the Bijuu.

After that, the Hokage dismissed Naruko, with Alucard and Kaede following behind her. Leaving Shinobu with the Hokage. Shinobu knowing about the Anbu Corps created a temporary mask to use for this mission. She immediately manifested a mask that resembles a Human skull, complete with a jaw joint and rounded forehead, and has dark-red stripes on the left side. She took the temporary name, Shi.

He soon called in the two shinobi helping with the recon mission.

Upon being called two females soon came in. The first is a young woman with straight, purple hair reaching down to her waist she wears a porcelain mask resembling a cat with three red stripes, one vertical stripe on the forehead and two horizontal stripes, one on each cheek. She is wearing the standard Anbu uniform, consisting of black and grey armor, metal arm guards, and a katana strapped to her back. She has the signature Anbu tattoo on her right shoulder.

Besides her is an average-sized, young woman who was of a slender frame, short violet hair styled in a short, spiky, fanned-out ponytail. She also is wearing the standard Anbu uniform. Her mask was of the Hebi category which was of her choice. She had a sheathe made just for her blade with it being strapped over her right shoulder for easy reach at any moment's notice.

The two were standing before the Hokage with a woman standing next to the Hokage's desk. before they could start their discussion a knock was heard on the door.

Opening it. A man walked in behind them, he was a middle-aged man with blue hair which was styled in a moused-up manner, his left eye was blue and his right eye was covered by an eye-patch. He wore a talisman in each ear. He also wore the standard striped, grey suit, with a green haori that had white trimmings that stop halfway down, over them.

"Three?" The man questioned.

"Ao, you came here requesting aid from us." Saturobi told him. "I assure you, this will be enough. They are loyal to the Konoha and strong enough to be among the elite of Anbu, I hand-picked them myself." A scoff from Yugao was heard making Anko laugh underneath her mask. "I expect that under the circumstances that the rebels are victorious, the negotiations will be handled." The man eyed them all, seeing the Neko mask on Yugao and hebi mask on Anko's face so he could only determine that Shi was Shinobu.

"Shi, I suspect you are well versed in the details of this war?" The man questioned as Shinobu calmly looked at him from beneath the mask. Ao rose an eyebrow before looking down at Sarutobi. "Does she not speak?"

"I do, just not to fools who don't know anything." Shinobu replied causing Anko to bite back a snort at her behavior. Ao narrowed his uncovered eye at him. "I know war, I've seen what it can do." Shinobu continued before Ao could speak. "I call you a fool simply because you are."

"Care to elaborate?" Ao hissed out.

"If I didn't know anything about the war, why would Hokage-sama put me in the position to handle the negotiations of a treaty between us?" Ao opened his mouth to speak but realized that he would only be putting himself down more. "I see you're starting to understand." Ao simply gritted his teeth before turning back to the Hokage.

"I shall give Mei-sama your regards Hokage-dono." Sarutobi nodded his head. "I shall meet the three of you at the front gate in an hour. We will be traveling light and fast." He told them before disappearing in a torrent of water.

"What exactly is our mission?" Yugao questioned removing her mask alongside Anko

"To end the rebellion in the Kirigakure. This is not the first time we have been requested for aid, however, this is the first time we have been begged." Shinou nodded as the Hokage handed her the mission scroll. She opened it and read through it. She pocketed the scroll and stood, walking to the front gate to start the mission.