Naruto 14

An hour later with Team 7

This trip was far too boring and hot for Alucard who was dressed in a yellow vest and blue tube top, and yellow shorts with boots. On her right hip is a sword while she had a gun on the other. All the walking they were doing was making her bored and restless. She would have enjoyed it if she was with only her master for the mission.

It was the people she was with that made her so mad.

Pervert Scarecrow was over there giggling to himself while he was reading his smut he calls ' a work of art', Pinkie was running around seeing all the animals and being excited about leaving the village for the first time, and the old man was drinking the walk away with heavy smelling alcohol. The only other person that had some common sense was her master. Well her master always has common sense and was the best thing that had ever happened to her. There was also duck-butt, as he was just walking and watching out for enemies, which Alucard was grateful for, someone who was somewhat sensible.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a small puddle of water right beside a tree and noticed it was a fake. She saw that her master, pervert, Duck-Butt, and Pinkie noticed as well, the Old man was too busy tripping over himself, not that he would notice anyway.

Once they passed by the puddle, she sensed two people came out and were ready to attack. Not wanting her Master's hand to get dirty dealing with lowlives. She attacked them.

She swiftly turned around and met the two ninjas with her sword in hand and parried the poison claws they had, causing the brothers to jump back. Alucard dived back in with precise cuts disarming both of them. Before breaking both their legs causing them to scream and finally wrapping them up with shadows.

"Nice work Alucard." Naruko praised, with Alucard smiling at being praised by her master.

Naruko looked at the tied-up ninjas and soon recognized them.

"These two are Gozu and Meizu, the Demon Brothers, and are Ex-ninja of Kirigakure, the land of mist. They are chunin-leveled ninja, which brings me to ask why they are trying to kill you Tazuna." Said a serious Kakashi to a shaking Tazuna.

"All right. I lied about the mission difficulty when I gave the mission to Konoha because Wave doesn't have the money to pay for a higher-ranking mission. The only I could've was a C-rank." Then he started to cry and said, "It's okay if you want to quit, I'll understand. But when I die, my daughter might kill herself and my grandson may cry for months cursing Konaha's name, but it's all okay. AHAHAHAHAHA!" then he started to laugh and cry soon dropping to his knees.

'He wants to make us feel bad' Alucard thought with a frown. She wasn't one to care about other people suffering unless it was her master's and siblings.

Kakashi then turned to the genin and said "It depends if you all want to continue this mission. I understand if you don't want to, I won't blame you and we can head home now." Said Kakashi.

"I would like to continue Kakashi. Plus Alucard needs something to beat on unless you want to fill that spot." Naruko spoke up.

Everyone, except for Tazuna, wasn't surprised about Naruko's answer, an angry Alucard was bad for everyone's health. Kakashi saw that Sakura and Sasuke wanted to continue as well, in which they did, receiving many thanks from Tazuana.

Hours Later- Ocean

The group and Tazuna were on a boat to take them to the Land of Waves, and they all see the bridge being built in the mist.

"Wow, that's the biggest bridge I've ever seen. Why do you build it in this heavy mist, Mr. Tazuna?" asked Sakura.

"We do it to hide it from Gato, the tyrant who has taken over Wave. If we can build it, we can bring money into Wave, saving the land." He wisely stated.

When the group made it back to the land, they started walking again. After a while, something was rustling in a bush, and Alucard released Baskerville the black-furred numerous-eyed dog to attack. After what sounded like a struggle, Baskerville came back with a rabbit between its canines. It soon dropped it before Naruko and shrunk down into Alucard's shadow.

While Tazuna and the genin were kinda freaking out at the display Kakashi noticed something.

That rabbit's fur is white, but it's not that season anymore, meaning it's kept indoors. That means….

"Everyone get down now!" Kakashi tackled Tazuna to the ground. Sasuke and Sakura ducked down to dodge a flying sword which was immediately caught in midair by a jumping Naruko before embedding the sharp edge of the blade into the floor whilst landing on the handle.

"Hey, Little miss. Hand over my sword." a voice asked.

She threw it back at the voice and embedded it into the tree next to their head with a smile

A man pulled it out of the tree. He had gray-like skin, bandages over his mouth, no shirt revealing his bare chest, gray pants, black sandals, and no eyebrows whatsoever.

"Look who I ran into this time, Hatake Kakashi, the copy ninja and mater of a thousand jutsu because of your implanted Sharingan." Said the man.

"And your Momochi Zabuza, Ex- Kiri ninja but left when you weren't appointed Muzukage, you're also one of the Seven Swordsman of Mist." Explained Kakashi.

"Well aren't I honored, the Copy Ninja even knows about me, my name must be out there. Well I didn't come here to talk about names, I can for the bridge builder, hand him over!" yelled Zabuza.

Both Sakura and Sasuke brought out their kunai, while Naruko brought out the kokorowatari and made protective stances over a terrified Tazuna.

"Look at this, little kids that are trying to play ninja, what a sight to see" Zabuza joked." Kids, have you ever killed someone yet, because when I was your age…" then a fierce look came upon his face as he released a tremendous KI towards the genin. "I had already a whole classroom of kids!" he yelled.

Alucard then smiled at Zabuza, her insane side starting to come out because of the minuscule KI and boasting towards her and said, "A classroom of kids, that's child's play. Master may I have this dance?" she asked with a bloodthirsty smile.

"No Alucard, you go watch over the others. This one is mine." Naruko said with a smile as she brandished her sword. "Let's begin our little dance shall we."

"No, Naruko, stand back and let me handle it. If I do get hurt I can trust you to keep the others safe." said Kakashi.

Then, the mist started to form around the area obscuring everyone except Alucard and Naruko's eyesight.

"You'll have to find me first Kakashi, I am a professional at silent killing, as you may know." Zabuza said as he disappeared in the mist.

'Shit, I'll have to take him seriously now' thought Kakashi as he revealed his Sharingan.

Zabuza started to list off all the points he could attack to kill instantly, trying to scare the genin, Naruko was chewing on some blood pops as she let Kakashi handle the man. Alucard was looking at the fight quickly getting bored.

As quickly as possible, Naruko hardened her skin, swiftly turning around and holding the Zabuza's Kubikiribocho in both her hands as she stopped Zabuza's strike.

The two started to move around the area, fighting each other. Zabuza used a downward slash, trying to cut Naruko in half, only for it to phase right through her, counterattacking she then give Zabuza a deep cut on his stomach with her sharpened nails. She jumped back and with the use of her 'Evil Eyes' distorts the air around her and fires a shockwave directly at Zabuza's back which hits him hard causing him to throw up blood and fall to his knees.

'Damn that shit hurt. This kid isn't a joke' Thought Zabuza as he saw Naruko look at her nails that were covered in his blood.

With that done, she walked back over to Alucard as Kakashi continued his fight with Zabuza.

After a while, Kakashi got himself captured in Zabuza's Water Prison Technique.

"Run! You can't handle him, Naruko protect your teammates!" Kakashi yelled out.

"I've got a plan." Said Sasuke ignoring Kakashi's cries of protest.

Sakura then formed a wall of Earth using Doton: Mud Wall that hid clones that Naruko was forming.

Then, Sasuke jumped from over the wall and threw a Fuma Shuriken at the Water Clone that Zabuza formed to protect him. The clone raised his sword, ready to protect himself, but noticed the shuriken underneath it as well.

'Demon Windmill Shadow Shuriken' Smirked Sasuke as he watched as the shuriken closed into the clone.

Zabuza's clone destroyed the first shuriken that was thrown first and redirected the second one away from its user. He looked down to only see two more shurikens being thrown by Sakura. Moving out of the way of trajectory, the shuriken then transformed to reveal the real Naruko who was slowly floating in the air with her hand stretched forward and a small orb being formed on her fingertips.

Damn, I got to move…. And he released his hand from the water prison, freeing Kakashi in the process, and barrel-rolled from Naruko's spirit gun which caused a slight explosion and rise in the water level.

"I'll take care of that brat right now! Suiton: Water Dragon Technique!" he yelled and sent a large water dragon Naruko, only for another water dragon to counter it.

'What, my jutsu! Who did that?' then he remembered who he was going up against, the copy ninja of Konoha.

"This is it Zabuza!" yelled Kakashi, and faster than Zabuza, made hand sighs for his next jutsu. " Suiton: Great Waterfall Justsu Technique!" and Kakashi sent a flood of water towards Zabuza, which hit him with great force, knocking him back to shore and heavily damaged.

When Naruko and Kakashi got back on land to end Zabuza, two senbons implanted themselves into Zabuza's neck, effectively killing him. Then a masked Kiri ninja came up to Kakashi.

"Thank you, Hatake-san, for helping me kill this man. Kiri has been hunting him down for some time now, and because of you we can rest easier now." Said the masked ninja with a female voice.

"Glad to help." He said with an eye smile and he put his headband back over his Sharingan. With a nod of her head, she took Zabuza's body and disappeared.

"Good work team, the teamwork you displayed was amazing. Now while we're getting to Wave, Naruko please watch over my body for me." He said as his one eye rolled to the back of his head and fainted.

"Alucard!" Naruko spoke as the said woman looked upon her master.

"Yes, Master," Alucard responded wandering about what her master needed.

"Please drop him on Baskerville, I don't feel like carrying him myself. He should have listened when I insisted on wanting to fight alone." Naruko spoke. Alucard obeying her master summoned a horse-sized Baskerville. Picking up Kakashi, she immediately dropped him on her familiar as the group started moving.


Tazuna's House

The group came up to a two-story house in the forest. Before getting there, they had to go through town, and they saw the poverty that took over the people there. Children dressed in rags, people looking dead because of lost hope, stores with a lack of food, just about everything was broken.

When Tazuna knocked on the door, a beauty with long black hair, black eyes, and smooth-looking skin, wearing a red sweater and black dress skirt answered the door.

"Father!" she yelled as she jumped on Tazuna and held on to him in an impressive grip.

"Thank you for protecting my father, I am forever in your debt." She said with a wonderful smile making Naruko blush. She then noticed Kakashi on a six-eyed dog and surprisingly calmly told them to lay him down on the couch inside. With that done, Baskerville returned to its master shadow.

"Inari, your grandfather is home! Get down here!" yelled Tsunami.

A boy came from upstairs, with a blue and white striped hat, blue overalls, and a white shirt underneath looking around the age of seven.

Sensing a sob story and not wanting to listen to it, both Naruko and Alucard walked out of the house. After walking for a while they come upon a small hill.

Sitting upon the hill, Naruko rests her head on Alucard's lap and she looks at the night sky. While Alucard whistled a sweet soothing tune for her master. (Canon in D'Minor by Pachelbel)