Naruto 18

Three Days after the feast at Wave

Tazuna's house

"Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… (snore) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…"

"Come with us lady, or we'll hurt the kid!"


"Don't worry Inari, just go back inside, Kaa-chan will handle this."

"zzzzzzzzzzzz….zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (snore) Mmmmm…Donuts….zzzzzzzzz"

"Let's go!"


"zzzzzz..huh…. Alucard, what's that noise."

Outside the House

"Get out of here kid!" said a thug that was dragging Tsunami away.

"No, I won't let you take my Kaa-chan away! I won't run away anymore!" shouted Inari.

"Then die!" charged the other thug with his sword drawn.

When he was about to kill Inari, his head fell from his neck, the same happened to the other thug. In the middle of the scene were Alucard and Naruko. Naruko looked at Inari and brought him into a hug.

"You did good kid, sorry about all the mean things I said about you. Take care of your mother. Alucard and I are gonna go bag a bitch." Naruko said as she walked into Alucard's shadow.

"Hahaha, you aren't half bad boy. Keep that pride and courage. Till we meet again." spoke Alucard as she shadow-ported to look for her Master's team.

On the bridge

'Damn this guy is good…..' thought Sasuke as he faced Haku in her dome of ice mirrors with some senbon sticking out of his body.

"You fight well, your Sharingan has helped you greatly in battle." Said Haku in one of his many mirrors who had some bruises and scars from their tussle.

Haku then jumped out of the mirror to the right of Sasuke to hit him, only for Sasuke to block it with a kunai. He grabbed another senbon and stabs it into his midsection.

"Now please forgive me for this, but you must die. Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death!" He yelled as she sent loads of senbon at Sasuke's body, only for him to feel a senbon in his back.

Turning around he saw another Sasuke grinning at him with his hands in his pocket.

"You faced my clone, how was the experience?" Sasuke asked walking slowly towards Haku.

Before Sasuke could continue a dark small tornado appeared in the middle of the dome, and when it died down, it was Alucard and Naruko in the middle of it.

"Huh, nice entrance." Said Sasuke looking at both of them.

"How strong are you people?" Haku asked.

"Strong enough. This battle is over." Said Naruko as she and Alucard walked into the mist to go see Zabuza and Kakashi's battle.

On the other side of the bridge

"It's time for you to die, Zabuza!" said Kakashi to Zabuza that was held down with dogs that Kakashi summoned.

Kakashi charged up his Lightning Blade and shocking Zabuza in the process.

'What kind of jutsu? I can see the chakra he is putting into it'….. thought an amazed Zabuza.

"It's time, Lightning Blade!" yelled Kakahi as he charged toward Zabuza.

However, he stopped and changed direction hitting a tree as Naruko and Alucard appeared in front of him.

"My cute students. Please don't dive directly in the way of such an attack. Please don't run into this even if you could regenerate" Kakashi scolded Naruko as she smiled sheepishly at the scarecrow.

"Thanks a lot there, Gaki, for a second I thought I was actually going to die." Said Zabuza as he freed himself from the dogs Kakashi summoned earlier. He then released his mist jutsu to reveal Haku and Sasuke walking over, Sakura still protecting Tazuna, and the mob of thugs on the other side of the bridge with Gato himself, clapping.

"Wow, I can't believe that you're still alive, Zabuza, those leaf ninjas failed to kill you. But that's all right, my thugs will kill you now and take over Wave, permanently!" laughed Gato and his cocky thugs.

"Alucard, remember when I said that you could have fun later?" asked Naruko

"Yes." Said a smiling Alucard

"Go For A Walk" Was all Naruko said.

"Break her legs and send her to the sex rings, same as the other two girls. Show them who's boss around here!" yelled Gato to his thugs as they also charged toward Alucard

"So guys, how's your life insurance?" asked a crazed Alucard

One of the thugs thrust his pole into her as he got his head blown up.

"Apparently it's great." She roared as she dove into the crowd and began killing them.

Tazuna, Zabuza, Haku, Sasuke, Sakura, Naruko, and Kakashi could only watch as Alucard tore through the crowd of thugs with her guns and other weapons. One after one the thugs would lose body parts, get new holes blown in them, and thrown all over the bridge, with Alucard in the middle of it all, having the time of her life.

Alucard ran towards a group of thugs that were trying to get away from the vampire and rammed herself into a thug causing him to violently explode in a shower of gore with his intestines lining the streets.

"DarkCurrent!" she yelled as the group of thugs were then launched into the air by a tornado made of darkness

"DeadSpike!" she yelled again and the thugs were then caught in spikes that grew out of the ground and railed them.

She then brought her guns together before firing a large round, "Die!" and the thugs' bodies exploded from the pressure of the bullets, blowing the body parts everywhere on the bridge.

"DarkCurrent!" she yelled and all of the other thugs, including Gato, rose from the ground and into the air. The ground below was covered by a sea of darkness with various things swimming in it including sharks, giant insects, hell hounds, krakens, and many more.

The monsters in the shadow all jumped up fighting for their food as they violently ripped into the thugs in the air. This continued with Gato being the last left alive hanging in the air. All of a sudden he was dropped into the sea before being attacked from different directions. Each creature fought for a piece or limb of the fat man before he got ripped to shreds leaving nothing left of him except for blood.

"She….. she did it...She killed Gato!" screamed Tazuna in glee, already forgetting what Alucard just did.

The next day, on the bridge.

Today was the day Team 7 and Alucard returned to Konoha, and none of the villagers wanted to see them to leave, but it had to be done.

They were standing on the bridge, while some of the villagers were saying their goodbyes, when they were done, Inari came up to Naruko and Alucard

"Naruko, Alucard. Thank you for everything. I'll keep my promise and stop crying and always be courageous, honest!" he said to both Naruko and Alucard.

"I'll hold you to it." Said Alucard with a smile while Naruko nodded

Then, Inari hugged both of them.

"I love you both, Onee-sans." Said Inari as he let go and ran away, not wanting Naruko or Alucard to see his tears.

"Onee-sans he called us..sisters….." said a smug Naruko to Alucard as they both laughed while walking to the rest of the team.

"Alright team, it's time to go. Say your goodbyes." Said Kakashi, and with waves, they left Wave.

"You know," said a man who Naruko and Alucard helped build homes in Wave, to Tazuna," we still have to give the bridge a name."

"Let's name it ' Insert Name Here' to honor the people who freed us." Said Tazuna.(Don't know what to name it as Alucard did most of the work.)