Naruto 19

Time skip

The team returned the next day to Konoha, and things quickly settled down. Kakashi went to the Hokage to give the mission report, and everyone else went their separate ways, with Naruko and Alucard reuniting with Shinobu. Kaede was monitoring their home while they were away and was happy to see her family again after a while.

The team would still have missions, just not as big as the Wave mission. Sasuke would continue to train with both Shinobu and Kaede to improve his swordsmanship.

Shinobu now had an entry on the Bingo Book.

Name: Shinobu Oshino but known to her enemies as Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade.

Age: Between 23 and 29.

Village: Hidden Leaf Village

Status: Unknown, but serves under an unknown master in Konoha.

Shinobi Rank: Unknown, possibly Jonin.

Rank: SS-Rank

Combat information: She is good at CQC. Has the ability to fly with and without the aid of wings. Uses unknown techniques that absorb and re-direct jutsus and even tailed beast bombs in any direction of her choice. Has been seen to have regeneration that allows her to fully regrow her head in seconds. Uses swords that can cut through tailed beasts. Uses unknown Ninjutsu that allows her to fire a beam-like attack of different sizes from her hands. Level of Taijutsu is Kage-Level presumably. Possesses superhuman strength far above the Slug Princess Tsunade as she was able to fully lift and kick a fully formed tailed beast. Punches are strong enough to cause massive shockwaves. Summons a large version of herself, maximum height unknown but larger than every Tailed Beast.

Feats: Killed every single shinobi under the fourth Mizukage with one attack in a few seconds.

Scarred and destroyed a large terrain of land and surrounding lands with the same attack.

Killed Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi while in Tailed Beast Mode and an unknown form that was stronger than the previous tailed beast mode.

Destroyed the Temple on Mt. Hien from the collateral damage of killing Yagura's men, destroying Oda Army stationed there.

Killed Oda Nobunaga, Proclaimed Demon King of Sixth Heaven and user of Meiton.

Destroyed Tenko Castle with over a thousand men inside its walls through collateral damage from killing Yagura's men.

Rewards: 77.000.000

Recommendations: She is unlikely to pick a fight with anyone unless angered. If you do anger her, kill yourself. What she would do to you will most killing yourself pale in comparison.

East side of Konoha- Team 7 meeting place

Naruko was looking at the Chunin Exam sheet she would have to sign to get to participate. She was happy about such an opportunity, and let out some stress.

Sasuke was looking at the sheet with a flame in his eyes. He would fly through the competition and challenge Naruko, and even though he would lose, he wanted to fight Naruko with everything he had.

Sakura, on the other hand, wasn't so sure. So yeah, she has gotten stronger these past few months, but it's a big world. She wouldn't know if she could handle ninjas outside of the village.

Sasuke and Naruko were already signing their papers, so she did so also.

"All right students, remember these words. Work hard, study well and eat and sleep plenty. That is the Kakashi Hermit Way. We must master the art of peace in addition to the art of wa-" unfortunately Kakashi was rudely interrupted by a fist from Alucard who was rubbing her ears.

"Blah, Blah, Blah. I'm tired of listening to you preach Pervert Scarecrow."Alucard said annoyed as she walked away with Naruko, Shinobu, and Kaede following her before waving off Sasuke and Sakura.


Naruko sighs with a deep breath. "Hope this day doesn't continue to be shitty." She hoped after spending the last hour training intensely with Shinobu. She has never been happy to have regeneration with the number of limbs she lost while training.

"Let me go!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Or not." She sighed as she made her way to the sound.

She arrived he sees two teenagers. One was a boy dressed in a full-lose black body suit with cat-like ears at the top. There appears to be some bandaged item on his back. He has purple-like markings on his face to make look like makeup and a Suna village hitai-ate sown to the top of the hoodie. He has deep brown eyes.

Behind him stood a teenage girl with dusty blonde hair set in four separate pigtails about eighteen. She wears a black battle kimono that is slightly open showing a small portion of her mesh shirt and a red sash tied around her waist. She also has a large metal fan strapped to her back via the sash. She wears her suna hitai-ate over her forehead.

The boy was holding up a boy about thirteen years of age. He wears a silver helmet with his ponytail sticking out of the opening. He has a medium-sized yellow shirt and grey knee-length shorts and a long blue scarf tied around his neck. He also wears blue shinobi sandals.

There were also two other kids around the boy's age group. One has brown hair that was cut in a small bowl ear length. Onyx eyes and a running booger out of his right nostril that looks like it fall out at any moment but never will. He wears a grey shirt and dark brown pants. He also wears blue shinobi sandals.

Next to him was a girl with dark orange hair set into puffy ponytails set in an upward V formation. Dark eyes and a permanent oval rose blush on her cheeks. She wears a dark pink shirt with an equal-colored skirt. You can see the knee-length pink pants. She also wears blue shinobi sandals.

"You just bumped into me and hurt my leg!" The older boy yelled. "You really think I'll just let it slide?" he grinned.

"Kankuro, just let him go." The blonde demanded in an annoyed tone. "If she was here you wouldn't be doing this."

"That's why I have the chance to do this." Kankuro answered.

"You're an idiot to cause trouble you know." Naruko said as she made herself known. She stood there with her hands crossed against her moderate chest. "I would like for you to put Konohamaru down or I will introduce you to the ground without your teeth intact."

"Onee-san!" The three kids yelled in unison.

"And who the hell are you." The painted teen asked.

"You didn't put my friend down yet." She said leaking out some KI.

The older teen froze momentarily. The was enough for the smaller boy to get out of the Suna nin's grasp.

"Thanks, Onee-san." Gramp's grandson smiled.

"No problem." Naruko smiled. "Now go. Let big sister handle this, yes."

"Tch, I'm sick of this kid, I should kill her now to get rid of future competition." Kankuro said as he reached out to grab the bandaged bundle on his back.

"Are you really going to use Crow for something like this?" Temari asked. Then, a rock hit the boy's arm, causing him to look up in the tree, revealing one Sasuke Uchiha.

"People causing trouble already. You don't want to go up against Naruko, she will probably kill you while doing it stylishly and humiliate you as much as possible." He said gaining some PTSD from the beating he got from the blonde.

"Tch, there are rats everywhere. Maybe I should-"

"Stand down, Kankuro. You are a disgrace to our village, keep talking and I'll kill you." Said a boy in the same tree as Sasuke.

"Gaara, they were the ones who started it. No need to-"

"Silence, now." Was all Gaara said as he appeared on the ground, in front of Naruto.

"I was wondering when you were going to stop hiding behind me." Said Sasuke as he jumped down beside Naruko.

"Forgive my siblings, they are just cocky for the Exams coming up."

"It's cool, just make sure they don't annoy me." Said Naruko.

"My Name is Gaara of the Sand."

Naruko then spoke up. "My name is Naruko, and that is Sasuke Uchiha. Say hi Sasuke." Sasuke growled as he walked away looking for Sakura.

"I see. Your blood shall be shed, Number 9." Said Gaara, him and his team walking away.

"Hmm, he is such a nice kid." Naruko said as she looked down at a hand appearing from her shadow with a thumbs up.

Morning-at the Academy

Sasuke and Sakura saw Naruko and Alucard approach them. It was 6:00, on the dot. With a nod of her head, they all entered the academy.

There was no one in the Academy, so they took to the stairs up to the second floor. They walked past the two hidden jonin, acting as genin, with Naruko waving at them.

'A team this early, and they noticed the genjutsu that fast. They're good…' one of the men thought.

The team passed through the double doors where the first exam would be, to see no one there. Everything was going according to plan.

Sasuke posted up on the side of the wall, his arms crossed.

Sakura sat down in a chair, crossing her arms and leaning her head on them.

Naruto laid her head down on the table with Alucard returning back to their private dimension wishing her master good luck. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

3 hours later

The teams for the chunin exam started coming in. With the number of people in and socializing the noise level became a bit too loud waking up Naruko.

"You all should lower your voices, people will think you're getting cocky with all that loud talking your doing." Said a boy with silver hair and glass.

"Who are you?" asked Kiba

"I am Yukashi Kabuto. This is my seventh time taking the exams." Said Kabuto with a smile.

"Seventh time? Aw man, I knew this was gonna be a drag." Shikamaru spoke up only to be smacked on his head by Ino.

"Ow! Dammit woman, what was that for?!" He whined getting a laugh from a few people

"That was for always being such a lazy bum!" Ino retorted as she walked away to go talk to Sakura.

"Luckily for you guys, I might be able to help you. These are my Ninja Info Cards, filled to the brim with all the data I could find on every participant here. Anyone you would like to know about?", He said, shuffling the deck of cards.

Surprisingly Naruko was the first to make a suggestion.

"Do you have on Gaara of the Desert?" Naruko asked with her head resting on her cheeks.

"That's no fun. You know his name already?" Kabuto said. He shuffled through his deck and pulled out two cards. "Here they are."

"Please get on with it." Naruko insisted with her patience running thin.

"Gaara of the Desert, rank genin. He is a member of team Baki with his siblings, Temari and Kankuro. His mission history is zero D-rank missions, five C-rank missions, five B-rank missions, and two A-rank missions. On each mission, he has come back without a scratch on him." Kabuto told Naruko who gave him a thumbs up.

"Anyone else wants to ask for information?" Kabuto asked around the room before getting a nod from Sasuke.

"I would like information on Naruko Uzumaki." Sasuke asked. This got an eyebrow from Naruko who looked at him confused on why he was asking for information on her when they were already good friends. 'He could always just ask me.' she thought.

"Naruko Uzumaki of Konoha, rank genin. Is a member of team 7. Her mission history is 25 D-Rank missions. 1 C rank mission which turned into an A-Class Mission?

Though he sounded surprised Naruko knew it was just an act. She already knew the information he was reading off about her. Besides, he slipped up or perhaps underestimated them. The records of the missions that a ninja has completed are only available for the ninja in question's eyes only. Only the Hokage had the permission to view and distribute that information to any person or party that would need that kind of information.

She did not remember giving permission to Kabuto, so how did he get his hands on that information? Besides, she skimmed through his thoughts, Kabuto was much stronger than a mere genin and working for the Pedo Snake Orochimaru. She and the old man needed to have a talk about this Kabuto.

'It seems we have an imposter amongst us' Naruko spoke through the telepathic link to both Sasuke and Sakura who both sighed at her joke.

'Alucard, please tell the girls we might need some extra security around the village. We have a snake in our midst' she relayed to Alucard.

'Of course, anything else master.' came Alucard's response as she disconnected from the connection.

"Now, is there anyo- "

A door slammed open, interrupting Kabuto. Near the front of the room, several chunin had walked in, followed by what looked to be a jonin. He was a large man, his face heavily scarred and a bandana atop his head.

"All right everyone, shut up and listen! I'm Ibiki Morino, the proctor for the first exam! Now, if you don't want to fail immediately then form a line in front of the two chunin in front of me, grab a number and sit your ass down!"

During the test

Ibiki had explained the test, and Naruko, being quite lazy, already knew what she was going to do, she was going to cheat to pass the test.

She made use of her telepathy and communicated between herself and her teammates while also reading the minds of nearby people for answers.

'First test cleared…' She thought as she decided to have some fun getting rid of the competition.

She took control of an unfortunate Genin. Her mind worked to control the poor boy's movements. She could hear him whispering to himself, panicking and not able to figure out why his body was moving on its own. Naruko made the genin turn to the one next to him, making him reel back a fist and plant it into the other boy's face.

"Number 69, you're disqualified! numbers 17 and 38 also fail!" Ibiki voice came in as he noticed the commotion.

"W-wait! That wasn't me, I'm telling you guys, that wasn't me I swear!" The boy screamed, forcing the proctors to drag him out as his teammates walked out, embarrassment clear on their faces. Ibiki spoke when the boy had left the room.

"Listen up, if any of you proceed to attack another student like he did, you're disqualified. Now continue with your test."

Tenth Question

"Alright, the tenth question is now here. But before you all answer it, let me say this. Those who answer wrong will never be able to take the chunin test again!" said Ibiki.

"What! That's not fair! There are others who have taken the test before!" yelled Kiba.

"Too bad, I'm the one administering the test this year. The only way to save yourself is to leave and take the test next year." Said Ibiki.

One after one, teams would start to leave. Sasuke and Sakura wouldn't dare raise their hands, or they would probably die from Alucard because they denied her master a higher rank.

After the teams stopped leaving, Ibiki then spoke up.

"Good, those who are still here have passed the first test." He said getting shouts of an explanation.

"It was to see if you all would take the risk at continuing or to go home and take it next year. Only the brave and sneaky would have been able to pass the exam." He said. Then, a window broke open and a figure came through. Two kunais were thrown into the ceiling to spread a banner that said-

'The sexy and single, Anko Mitarashi!'

"Alright, Gakis, I'm your next exam protector! Anko Mitarashi!" she yelled. She looked around the room and counted the teams.

"52 teams? You're losing your touch, Ibiki-kun." She said mockingly

"We have a talented group this year." He says with a slight grin.

" Hmm, that's alright. When I get through with them, I'll cut the numbers in half." She said as some people gulped in fear.

" Follow me to the next exam area, The Forest of Death!" and she jumped out the window.


"Welcome to my playground or the Forest of Death to you. This is where you all shall fight to the death to survive." She said, making some people shake in fear.

"But first, everyone must sign these wavers stating that Konoha isn't responsible for any deaths during this and the other parts of the exam." She said and started to hand out the forms.

After everyone signed them, she continued. " Here, you will have a scroll, either 'Heaven' or 'Earth', and you need to get another one from another team, meaning you have to fight. You won't know which scroll other teams will start with, which means you will have to be lucky to find the one you need first." She said.

"What about food?" asked Naruko.

" There are all types of animals for you to find in the forest, just make sure you kill them before they kill you." Said Anko with a smile.

"And remember, the only rules are, there are none. Use any kind of strategy, sick plan, killing, anything to get to the tower in five days." She said and then ushered the genin to their gates.

Once the genin were stationed at their gates, Anko's voice could be heard from the Speaker.

"Alrighty Gakis, the second exam starttttttsssssss…NOW!" and the gates flew open.