Naruto 20

Inside the forest

Team 7 was going through the forest with a fast pace at hand, as Naruko wanted to get the scrolls as fast as possible so she could speedrun the stage.

"So who should hold the scroll? " asked Sasuke as he looked at the 'Earth' scroll in his hand.

"Give it to Sakura." chimed in Naruko.

"What! No! You should have it Naruko! You're the strongest of us all, so isn't it the smart choice for you to have it." She said

"Stop kissing my ass. I'm not into you. You are going to hold on to it. Sasuke and I have been doing the heavy lifting for a while, so you hold it." She said. Sasuke then threw the scroll into Sakura's shaking hands.

"Alright, if you want." Sakura said as she put it in her ninja pouch.

The team came to the ground when Naruko told them to stop.

"What's it, Naruko?" asked Sakura.

"I'm hungry and need some food." She said as she started walking away looking for something to kill and devour.

Sasuke and Sakura stared at their Naruko who was slowly walking away from them.

"Ahhh, Naruko please try to keep your eating as quiet as possible. I'm sure no one would like to see a severed head, or limbs being eaten." said Sakura with a sigh.

Before anything else could happen some kunais were thrown at them but were snatched out of the air by Naruko whose entire arm had been morphed with her darkness to form the jaws of wolves.

A masked mist ninja then charged at them, but before he could get within ten feet of the team, his head rolled off his shoulders and landed in front of Sakura.

"Look at that, your food is here Naruko." she said as she kicked the head over to Naruko who picked it up and started to feed on it and finally eating the body.

"Naruko, you knew that he was following us, didn't you. That's why you stop to think that we dropped our guard." Said Sasuke to Naruko, who soon blushed and looked away.

"Of course, I'm glad Sasuke got what I was doing, but I was really hungry though." She said while wiping her mouth to remove the traces of blood from it.

The team resumed their running when there was a major blast of wind moving toward them, forcing both Sakura and Sasuke to use their chakra to stay on the ground. While Naruko manipulated her darkness for wings and stayed afloat in the air.

"What's going on!" yelled Sasuke, as he turned his Sharingan on.

"I don't know!" yelled Sakura.

The wind died down to reveal a Kusa ninja with long black hair, and a crazy grin on her face.

"Let's play, sha-" the woman began to say but was interrupted by a rock hitting her.

"Well if it isn't Pedo Snake. Just a little too late, as usual?" Naruko said while holding another rock in her hand.

"You were expecting me nine tails?" the woman said but had a frown with the nickname she was given.

"Yeah, after reading your butt-buddies mind. I soon found out you were here on a mission of revenge. Which has me surprisingly very nettled and the only way to cool down is to pound you around every inch of this forest but I shall hold off on that. So what do you want? I'm guessing you are here for Sasuke." Naruko finished with a deep frown.

"What, me. Why would she want anything with me." Sasuke asked confused about why a random woman would want with him.

"Keep up Sasuke, that's Orochimaru. Ex-Sannin of Konoha. Known for doing illegal and immoral practices. Previously got his handed to him on a platter by your brother." Naruko says causing Sasuke to frown.

"So he is here because of my brother?" Sasuke asked still not getting why they wanted him.

"Well yes, kin-" before she could finish she was forced to dodge out of the way from a fireball.

"Kukuku, so you know of my plan and who I am and yet you are willing to fight one of the great Sannin, how foolish of you little girl."

"Very well Snake, What do you say we wrap this up guys." Naruko said as she got nods from both Sasuke and Sakura

"Hmmmm, yes, but we shall see, after this!" she yelled and blasted the team with KI, only for it to be absorbed by Naruko.

"Using your KI won't help you here. I can absorb KI and make it my own power." Said Naruko, surprising Orochimaru.

"I see, interesting." Said the Orochimaru.

"Now have some if it back!" yelled Naruko as she blasted some KI at Orochimaru, causing her to freeze up.

'What? How can a genin have such a strong KI, KI even strong enough to make me scared…..' thought Orochimaru.

While frozen, Sasuke ran up to her and cast some hand signs.

"Katon: Phoenix Flower Technique" he yelled and sent large fireballs towards a now recovered Orochimaru.

He jumped over the attack, only to meet Sakura, right in front of him.

"Doton: Earth-Dragon Blast!" she yelled and a dragon came from underneath Orochimaru, forcing him to Substitute with a log in the forest area.

Naruko came from behind Orochimaru, without him noticing, and formed a katana and slashed at his back, causing Orochimaru to scream.

'Shit, this isn't good. I didn't sense that girl at all. What kind of team is this?...' thought a very surprised Orochimaru.

Sasuke sent some kunai with explosive tags toward Orochimaru. Orochimaru switched again with a log, only to find himself locked in combat with Sakura.

She sent an uppercut which he leaned back from and kicked up at Sakura. She caught the kick, and bent all the way back, picking up Orochimaru, and slamming him down on the ground behind her. Orochimaru transformed his legs into a snake tail and got out of Sakura's strong grip, and ran towards Sasuke at a speed he couldn't react in time, and got punched in his midsection, causing him to fall back.

Orochimaru was going to go for another only for Naruko to jump onto his back, wrapping her legs around Orochimaru's arms, and her arms around his neck.

"Sakura, now!" she yelled.

"Doton: Stone Spear!" and a stone with a sharp point grew underneath Orochimaru, but he leaned back in time, only causing him to get scratched on his shoulder.

The Naruko on Orochimaru's back started to glow until it exploded.

The real Naruko came from a bush far away from the blast zone.

'How good can a group of genin be? This has been going on for far too long, I'm starting to attract attention, but first….' Orochimaru started to make hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu!" he yelled and summoned a very, very large snake.

"Let's see how long you last with my friend." Said Orochimaru.

But then Orochimaru felt the air behind him distort, so he jumped up to see his snake blown to bits by an unseen force. When he landed on a tree branch, he saw his whole snake get blown up spreading its viscera everywhere.

"What! How did this happen?!" he yelled. He looked over to see a smirking Naruko covered head to toe in blood.

"I told you, I was going to pound you across the forest." Naruko said.

Orochimaru was speechless. Even he couldn't do something like that, and even do it that quick.

'By Kami, that girl is far stronger than me….' He thought. So he pulled off his fake face and sat down on the branch he was on.

"Well, if I were to continue this battle, I would lose. So first, I congratulate you, you stood up against the snake sanin, Orochimaru!" he said

"I came here for reason, to give the Uchiha my mark." He said while looking at Sasuke.

"What mark?" asked Sasuke.

"Well, my curse mark, of course. If you let me give it to you, you are a couple more steps at finding your brother, Sasuke." Said Orochimaru.

"Itachi?" said Sasuke with wide eyes.

"You said it would make Sasuke stronger?" said Naruko.

"Yes, very strong. With it, he is guaranteed that he would make it to the finals of this exam." Said Orochimaru.

"We'll have to pass on that option Pedomaru, but Sasuke here is going to get stronger the funnular entertainment way. It was fun meeting you, hope to never meet you again." Naruko said as she ushered Sasuke and Sakura only to be interrupted by Sasuke.

"I'll do it." Sasuke started.

"What?" Naruko questioned.

"I said I'll do it and make that power my own."

"Hmph, very well who am I to stop you?" Naruko finished and closed her eyes and walked away.

Orochimaru extended his neck to Sasuke's and bit down, causing Sasuke to scream loudly

"AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!" he yelled and then fainted.

"Well, you've got what you want. Scram snake." Naruko said as she picked up Sasuke and hoisted him up onto her shoulders and ushered Sakura to follow as they walked away.