Naruto 21

Sakura was standing watch but was really tired. She stayed up all night, watching Naruko and Sasuke's bodies. She really wanted to sleep too.

She threw a kunai in the bush, hearing something in them.

What ran out wasn't what she expected.

'A Squirrel….Thought Sakura with a deadpan look. She then noticed something weird attached to its body.

"What the!" she exclaimed and ran to the squirrel, and took the explosive note off it, saving its life.

"Who would do that to a little cute thing like you?" she said as she rubbed the squirrel to her cheek, making it purr in delight. (rabbits purr right?)

Then, the squirrel was taken out of her hands. She turned around to see Naruko holding it in her hands and slowly petting it with a smile.

"Hey Naruko, I got that for you. Hope you like it." said a now sad Sakura who just lost her rabbit to a murder-happy girl.

"How thoughtful of you. I'm glad you got this for me, but your screaming, unfortunately, woke me up and we have some company." She said as she looked in the trees.

"Yeah, I noticed." She said. She got a kunai out and wrapped an explosive tag around it and threw it at the trees. When it exploded, three figures jumped down to avoid getting caught in the blast.

The first had spiky, black hair and dark eyes. He wore a beige shirt with two black stripes and three prints of the kanji for death written down the front. He wore a snake-patterned scarf around his neck.

Next to him was a girl with fair skin, black eyes, and very long black hair, almost reaching down to the ground, tied by a violet ribbon right near the end. She wore a forehead protector, a pale green vest, snake-patterned pants with a snake-patterned skirt over them, and a snake-patterned scarf around her neck.

The last person had bandages covering most of his face, leaving only his left eye and eyebrow uncovered. He also wore a large poncho with long sleeves, a snake-patterned scarf around his neck, and a straw raincoat protruding from the back of his scarf.

"About time you all came out." Said Sakura as she looked at the Sound team in front of them.

"We are not here for you two, we want the Uchiha." Said the one on the left that was bent over.

"Sasuke is asleep. please leave a message and come back some other time." Said a grinning Naruko to the hunchback.

"We don't care, we're here to kill him, so move out the way!" said Dosu, surprising the two.

"Shit dude, that's all you had to say." chimed in Naruko before she prepped herself for a short fight while entering a stance.

"It seems you don't want the easy way out of this, so will just take care of you now." Said Dosu.

Rather than respond, Naruko simply smiled sadistically, before raising her hand at the Oto Team, as drills of shadows shot out from the ground. Impaling Zaku in both his head and chest, piercing his brain, as well as his heart, killing him instantly.

Dosu started sweating nervously from what he just saw and the wicked gleam in Naruko's eyes, hoping to get away with his life intact he tried to make a tactical retreat. Only to be forced down to his knees by an unseen force.

"What's wrong? Say something Hunchback. This look in your face in which I can see hope crushed into despair," Naruko started with an innocent look staring at the boy on the floor who looked at her with fear. "Got me in the best mood." she finished with her smile twisting into an insane grin as darkness slowly came off her. (Hope you got the reference.)

Naruko waits for him to slowly get up before she blitzed him and struck him in the face with a fist, before teleporting behind him and elbowing his back. Followed by her teleporting and striking his sides with another fist, as she made a series of progressively faster teleport punches around his body before she landed a final hit around his heart which obliterates his torso as his head slowly fell to the ground.

Licking the blood off the corner of her lips, Naruko kicked Dosu's head aside before it could hit the floor, before turning her attention to the last Oto Ninja, Kin. Seeing the girl frozen in place, looking at her in fear, made Naruko sneer at her in disgust, before steering at her with her eyes blazing in power.

"And you. You are worse than these two. Here you are, frozen in fear, just like the weak, pathetic, coward you really are." Naruko said, before letting a blast with her evil eyes violently exploding Kin into a shower of gore.

Just as that was done, Sasuke chose to wake up and grace his team with his presence. Looking at the dead corpses, severed head, and blood stained on the grass. He simply sighed knowing Naruko woke up and chose violence.

-A few hours Later-

The Check-in Tower

Inside the tower, the team read the scroll on the wall and figured out that they need to open the scrolls. When they did, their old teacher, Iruka Umino, came out.

"Hey guys!" he said with a smile.

"Iruka-sensei!" said Sakura.

"Yeah, it's been a while. I see you three have gotten better as well. It's only noon on the second day and you already finished the second exam, congratulations." He said.

"WHAT! Only second, damn totally failed that speed run." Naruko exclaimed with an annoyed face as she went to go have a shower.

Iruka instructed the other two to a room for them to stay in until the fifth day.

-A couple of hours later-

Inside Private Dimension

Naruko, Shinobu, Kaede, and Alucard were all sitting on the Bell-Maana and in front of them was a television.

"So what movie are we watching master?" Alucard idly asked as she lounged on the Bell-Maana with the others. A few hours had passed since their master had returned after the 2nd part of the chunin exams. They had a brief talk about it and shared a few laughs about Naruko's nickname for Pedomaru.

"Hey, guys what do you think of watching this one?" The blonde asked, tossing the film.

Kaede caught and looked at the name of said film. "Oh? A horror film featuring a vampire?" she asked in amusement "Why not. I'm curious as to what humans think of vampires in the first place. Considering they never met vampires like us before." she started, a small grin on her face.

Naruko shrugged, and she plopped the film in. Moments after it started playing, Naruko quickly took her favorite spot on Shinobu's lap. The vampire's arms encircling around him automatically, and her head resting atop her wavy blonde hair.

The movie was quite dull in Alucard's opinion. At times she felt insulted by the way the people described vampires as. What type of Vampire screamed like a little girl when garlic so much as scraped them? What type of Vampire fucking sparkles in the sunlight? By the end of the movie, Alucard's eye was twitching rapidly as she glared at the T.V. as she made a list of a few things to kill and torment when her master and sisters were done in this part of the multiverse.

She turned her scarlet red eyes towards the left she saw her master, whom was still on Shinobu's lap, with both of them asleep. She carefully formed a blanket and lowered it down onto their forms as they snored away. On her right was Kaede who too was sleeping and had a bowl of popcorn resting on her lap. She picked it up and also dropped a blanket on her. With a slight genuine smile, she opened up a portal and left them to their night's sleep.