Konoha (A few seconds right after the Naruko told Shinobu to help out)
Things were becoming quite hectic outside of the arena. Luckily Jiraiya managed to summon his toads to help combat the summons. For some odd reason, the battalions of ANBU and jonin that were defending the gate did nothing but throw explosive shurikens at the damn things.
With the Kages, as Naruko had predicted, Orochimaru was trying to kill Hiruzen and tried to sway the other two to his side. The Raikage also known as A was too prideful and focused on the repercussions his village would face as he assumed Oto and Suna would fail while Onoki sided with the stronger side leaving Orochimaru on his own.
Except Orochimaru had a little trump card up his sleeve. The bastard sannin managed to steal a jutsu from the forbidden scroll. The Edo Tensei, a technique created by the 2nd Hokage to resurrect the dead and force them into combat. Aside from the civilian council, it was safe to say that Tobirama was probably the real idiot among the Senju clan when he made these decisions. Along with Kimimaro by his side, Orochimaru was at a slight advantage in a four-on-three fight.
Then suddenly a female figure with pink and blue dual-colored hair tied into twintails. Black spikes jutted from her head like a crown, and her golden eyes had irises of a moon and star. Dressed in a skintight bodysuit, decorated in a mix of golden, red, and burgundy. A red cloak surrounded her body, with snake-like protrusions wrapped around it. managed to penetrate the barrier. The figure fully revealed herself to everyone in the room.
"Shinobu-san? What are you doing here?" Hiruzen asked.
"I'm here to fight on my Master's behest to assist you as she deals with the Tailed beast rampaging." Shinobu answered as she summoned her demon sword.
"Wait, did you say Shinobu Oshino, the Shinobu that wiped out all of Yagura's men and killed him while in his tailed beast form? That Shinobu!?" Onoki asked with awe.
"Hmm, I was right to not agree with you Orochimaru. Good luck Snake. You will need it." A pointed out.
"Enough games! Kill them now!" Orochimaru ordered as the two deceased Hokage charged at them.
Hiruzen brought out his bo staff and began the summoning of Monkey-King Emma. "Shinobu-san please watch out, these are two of our deceased Hokages. They were very powerful in their time and with the way they are, they can't be defeated by normal means." he warned.
"I see, so they're basically the undead?" Shinobu asked.
"I can handle the Hokage-san. I shall have to be up close and personal." Shinobu said as she charged toward the undead Hokages.
"A valiant effort but far too slow." Shinobu said as she grabbed Tobirama by his throat and opened her mouth wide, her irises shining bright.
"What is this? What kind of woman are you?" Tobirama asked before some strange essence which is his soul exited his body and entered her mouth.
"What the hell?" A asked as Tobirama's body dissolved into dust.
"Impossible! My puppets should be invincible!" Orochimaru yelled in outrage.
"I devoured his soul. Don't worry, I'll send it back to the afterlife." Shinobu answered as she sliced through the wood, just as Onoki started using his jinton at Orochimaru while Hurizen fought off Kimimaro only to be tossed around by A who grabbed his head and smashed him into the ground.
The fight continued and things eventually turned one-sided as Hurizen managed to leave an opening for A to restrain the First Hokage. Much to his horror (along with everyone else) Shinobu proceeded to swallow his soul.
Which left the three Kage to fight off Orochimaru who was hiding his nervousness. It didn't help that Shinobu was fighting Kimimaro who was already in his second curse mark form.
I...will defeat...you!" Kimimaro declared as he spun around like a top at Shinobu who stopped his attack with her pinky before grabbing the boy by his face and slamming it to the ground.
Before he could get up he was pinned by various swords keeping him on the floor courtesy of Shinobu.
"This is... not enough! I will...kill for Orochimaru...sama!" Kimimaro proclaimed as he began to remove the swords that were currently embedded in him. With those removed, he tried charging at Shinobu again as he went to stab Shinobu.
"You put up a decent fight, but you should pick your enemies and friends better boy." Shinobu said as she used her sword to stab him in the gut and before bringing it up and slamming it onto the floor as hard as possible. "Goodbye boy, be glad you fell by my hand and not Alucard's." she said before decapitating him.
She then turned to see Orochimaru being beaten silly by each Kage who took a turn. Onoki bashed him with his earth rock fist before A uppercutting him into the sky which was followed by a flurry of punches from Monkey King Emma and ending the attack with Hrizen teleporting into and slamming Orochimaru back into the rooftop with his staff.
However before they could finish him off, they noticed that the sky started to go dark. Orochimaru managed to slip away only to frozen in his spot by Shinobu who used her telekinesis to restrain him. Causing him to remain immobilized while the Kage felt a strange sensation. That's when a dark voice could be heard high in the sky.
"Activating Bel-Maanna."
Soon the sun that lit the ever-bright sky and gifted the village with light. Was soon succumbed to darkness as a shadow blocked its sight in the form of an eclipse. The entire village was cursed with what seemed to be everlasting and cold darkness. However, it only seemed that way to most people.
On the ground below, many Oto and Suna ninjas stopped in their tracks as they felt their vision had been impaired. However, it didn't help that Konoha's forces continued the fight. To the surprise of the Suna ninja, their wind ninjutsu was nothing more than just the air coming from their breath.
That didn't stop the Konoha ninja from firing rather large balls of fire at them. Oto shinobi jumped in trying to use their techniques only to face similar issues as they started to crumble before vast amounts of heavy ninjutsu. A few even tried to utilize taijutsu only to feel sluggish and heavy before being defeated quickly and killed. Within minutes, the invasion force was being trapped in several corners of the village.
As for the summons, they weren't feeling the same ailment but faced an even greater threat. Just as Jiraiya pushes the snakes back. He ducked in cover before a giant beam of light caused one of the snakes to explode.
"Jiraiya what the hell was that?" Gamabunta asked as the toad sage looked up.
"I think someone managed to summon a beautiful goddess to fight for us." Jiraiya said pervertedly. Gamabunta also looked up to see the face of a gigantic floating woman Bel-Maanna with brown eyes and on her forehead is a symbol of a star. She had an elegant red dress and around her were four black feathered wings floating but not attached to her body.
Beside her was Alucard who was a lot smaller and looked identical to her. She was dressed in a yellow vest and blue tube top, and yellow shorts with boots.
"Who is that?" Jiraiya asked as he saw more lasers firing from both the Bel-Maanna's dress and the Alucard's fingertips.
"Scorching galaxy, I'll let you see my sparkling crown... Go! I'm not letting a single neutrino escape! Edin Shugurra Quasar!" Alucard voiced from the sky as more beams of light were fired downwards obliterating the enemy.
Back with the Kage and Shinobu
Orochimaru started to scream as he tossed and turned on the ground, "WHAT IS THIS!? SHINOBU YOU BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Orochimaru yelled as he was restrained and forced down by an unknown force.
"SILENCE SNAKE! Do not raise your voice to your better. You have caused my Master and her loved ones enough trouble this day. I shall fulfill my duty and smite you know" Shinobu screamed as she stepped on his head forcing him down and eating pieces of broken wood.
"What did you do to him Shinobu-san?" Hiruzen asked.
"The fool looks like he's being crushed." Onoki said as Orochimaru continues to be pressed down by Shinobu's heel.
"I used my evil eye to forcefully restrain him with telekinesis. I shall end his life now if that is ok with you Hokage-san." Shinobu asked only to receive a solemn nod from the Hokage who looked away.
"Well, it looks like it is the end of the road for him. He's done a lot of messed-up experiments from what I heard. I guess this is his judgment day" A said as he hated the sannin.
"AAAAHHH!" Orochimaru screamed as his soul was being brutally and violently ripped out by Shinobu in what seemed to be a gruesome game of tug of war. After a few seconds, Shinobu pulled out his soul and devoured it while trapping it in an unending cycle of torment and suffering within herself.
Orochimaru's body soon started forming cracks before violently exploding in gore. Shinobu set the body aflame, destroying the body.