Naruto 25

Naruko appeared in the arena and looked upwards seeing Alucard and Bel-Maanna laying waste to the enemy forces. Looking around she saw the dead corpses of both Oto and Suna shinobi laying on the ground.

The ANBU that were on the outside of the Kage Booth suddenly looked up when Naruko appeared before them. They all waved at her before moving out of the way as she walked through.

With the Kages and Shinobu.

Shinobu looked out the window noticing her master approaching.

The Kages were arguing amongst themselves as the sound of shoes alerted them and saw a young girl dressed in a sleeveless red shirt and an intricately knotted red cravat, covered by a long trench coat decorated with buttons, which extends to her ankles, while below was cut in half. She is also wearing a black colored belt with a silver buckle. Underneath she has a pair of shorts.

Both Shinobu and Hiruzen saw Naruko approach them, her hands behind her head as she walked in with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Gramps. It seems everything here has been sorted out. Shinobu thanks for helping the Hokage it means a lot to me." she said with a smile.

"Don't thank me, master. It was an easy task. The snake is dead and his soul is going through suffering as we speak." Shinobu said.

"Hey, who are the old short dude and the old buff dude." Naruko asked with a smile getting a groan from Hiruzen.

"Please don't call the other Hokages such derogatory terms." Hiruzen said before turning two the other two Kage's and apologizing to them.

"Anyways. Thank you Naruko for the assistance." Hiruzen said getting a thumbs up from the girl.

"Well, Shinobu let's go pick up Alucard and Kaede. Gramps sorry about any excess damage Alucard caused." Naruko said as she walked out of the room with Shinobu.


Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Professor, Third Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, was tired.

Tired of doing paperwork.

Tired of ninjas coming to him with all their problems.

Tired of being Hokage.

But who to appoint as his successor? Naruko is still too young, Kakashi's genins need to graduate before he is made Hokage, Shikaku is too damn lazy, and Jiraiya…

Actually, Jiraiya might be the only solution right now. If he refuses he better have a damn good suggestion for who should take over the paperwork and be bossed about by Iruka.

There's also Tsunade. His other student came to his mind but he doubted she would be willing to come back to the village and become Hokage.

It has been a few days since the end of the chunin exams and his dead student failed invasion. His old age was already a problem while he was Hokage. If he were younger he would have been able to deal with Orochimaru with ease. Something tells him that if Miss Shinobu never intervened he might have died to his own student.

Finally making up his mind. Hiruzen decided that he was going to retire from being Hokage.

Before he could continue a voice broke him from his train of thought.

"Sensei. what do you need? you know I was doing some important research." Jiraiya asked confused only to get hit in the head with a fist.

"Jiraiya I have come with urgent news. I need both you and team 7 to have Tsunade return to Konoha. Not just to take the position of Hokage but to help with the hospital as the doctors have gotten lax as of late, and mortality rates are high because of our lack of medical ninja

"You know she will probably refuse to come back willingly to the village." Jiraiya states getting a groan from Hiruzen.

"Just convince her somehow. The faster you return the better. Best of luck." The Hokage says as Jiraiya jumps out the window.

"How troublesome." The Hokage sighs.


On the female side of the Hot Springs, Naruko, Alucard, Shinobu, and Kaede could be seen soaking in the water while drinking and eating.

"Wow. this is really nice. We should do this more often." Naruko spoke out slowly submerging herself.

"Indeed master. Shinobu gimme some more donuts I'm hung-" came the voice of Kaede before she got donuts shoved into her mouth.

"You're welcome." Shinobu said with a smile before looking back at her master. "Master I believe praises are in order for defeating the One-Tailed Beast. What would you like Master?"

"Nothing much I guess, having you three with me is the best thing that could happen to me but I guess I would like you all to call me little sister if that is not too much work. " Naruko said with a blush as she stepped out of the bath and grabbed a towel.

"Hahaha, of course, little sister." Alucard replied with a grin as she stepped out of the bath and walked over to Naruko and patting her head getting another blush from her and groans from the other two.

However, before they could continue there was a high pitch screaming from outside.

"Pervert, pervert!" came Sasuke's familiar voice

"That was cathartic." Sasuke whispered to Sakura who was standing beside him as Jiraiya began to panic fearing for his manhood and life.

"That good-for-nothing pervert deserves it and what makes it funnier is Naruko and the others are in the bathhouse. They would be so angry seeing an Old Pervy man spying on them." Sakura chimed in.

This didn't go unheard as when Jiraiya heard what she said, the color left his face as he went pale and couldn't find himself moving.

"Ara, peeking on young women. One would think you are trying to add us into that perverted book of yours again or was Alucard warning not good enough for you." came Shinobu's voice who is dressed in a familiar red dress with sharp black frills at her waist and chest, and a white section along her torso, black stockings, alongside white high heels.

"What you want Pervy Sage? I hope it's a good reason or I'll seek Baskerville on you." Naruko asked as she looked at the pervert remembering their first meetings.


A tall and well-built man with waist-length, spiky white hair was spying on a group of women with a pair of binoculars and a book by his side. He was dressed in a green short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armor that is visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore hand guards, a black belt, traditional Japanese wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side. He wore a horned forehead protector with the kanji for "oil" written on it.

As he was continuing his 'research' he heard footsteps approach him. Turning back he saw three drop-dead gorgeous women and a girl. The three women looked identical with few key and noticeable differences. The younger girl briefly reminded him of his deceased student which caused him to softly smile remembering Minato.

"Hey Pervert, what you doing here at the women's bathhouse." Alucard asked with a grin.

"Oh, you know just doing some 'research'." Jiraiya said nervously as the girl's red eyes stared into his soul.

"Doing some 'research'?" she repeats with a smile.

"Doing some 'research." Jiraiya repeats with uncertainty and fear.

"Perving on women?" Alucard asks as she slowly approaches him.

"Perving on women." Jiraiya answers with a gulp moving away from her.

"Are you!?" Alucard asked as she suddenly appeared right in front of him.

"N-no." Jiraiya said as he lost the feeling in his arm and legs.

"Uh-uh-uh. No lying" Alucard responded with a grin as Jiraiya soon fell over on his butt.

"Well that was fun, but now I'm bored. I'm going to give you to the count of 5 to run as fast as you can before my Dogs chew on your balls." Alucard said as mentioned dogs rose from her shadow and started snarling at Jiraiya.

Not needing any more motivation Jiraiya immediately turned tail and ran dissapearing through the streets of Konoha.

"Who was that?" Naruko asked after seeing the funny display.

"That is Jiraiya one of the Sanins and also your Godfather. He was called here back Hokage-san when you told him about Orochimaru to help with the invasion that is going to take place in a few weeks at the Finals." Kaede chimed in dropping some exposition.

"Hmmm, he seems okay and pretty funny even though a bit odd and a pervert," Naruko said before getting a groan from Kaede.

"Master he is no mere pervert. I believe he calls himself a super pervert," Kaede said with a slight blush, she enjoyed reading porn at times.

-Flashback End-

"Sensei asked me to take you and your team for a mission outside Konoha," Jiraiya began. "We are to find and escort Senju Tsunade back to Konoha so she can help heal those who are hurt and take the position of Hokage from the old man."

"I see, well since the old man asked then I'll do it. Hey Sasuke and Sakura." Naruko said before waving at the two walking beside Jiraiya.

"Sup. Been a while." Sasuke said as he briefly nodded at the women with her.

"Where's Kakashi?" Naruko asked.

"Not sure, probably reading his porn somewhere." Sakura's voice came in as she waved at Naruko.

"Well, I need to keep our home safe and sound little sister," Kaede said getting looks from those around her.

"So you're not coming?" Shinobu asked getting a nod from Kaede who waved them all off

"Do you know where Tsunade is Pervert Sage?" Naruko said leaning against Alucard who was chewing on a bar of chocolate.

"My spy network says she is currently in Tanzaku Gai which is a few days from here. We leave at dawn" Jiraiya said getting a nod from everyone present before leaving to resume his research.

"Well, guys time to gear up for tomorrow." Naruko said everyone went their separate ways.