Naruto 26

(Tanzaku City-4 Days Later)

"You're sure the information was accurate?" said Naruko, as she along with Alucard, Shinobu, Sasuke, Sakura, and Jiraiya soon found themselves searching the nearest gambling hall for any sign of Tsunade. They noticed quite a lot of men in black suits walking around that looked like they were some sort of police force.

"Interesting..." Alucard said as the casinoes and gambling reminded her of a certain dandy man.

"So you noticed them too," Jiraiya muttered as Alucard looked at him with confusion. "Apparently Tsunade owes a big debt here so I doubt they'll just let us go bringing her back to the village willingly."

"Any sign of her?" Naruko asked

"None, suppose we should just go get something to eat and continue the search afterward what do you think?"

"Yeah I suppose that couldn't hurt I always wanted to try gambling," Naruko replied with a small before walking off to an establishment

"I shall follow her to make sure my little sister doesn't do something stupid. Gambling is a dangerous game." Alucard said with a smile as she followed after her.

"I think we should follow them. I trust either of them doing nothing stupid." Shinobu stated with a sigh as the rest of team 7 and Jiraiya followed after Narko and Alucard.

The four made their way inside where loud shouting and commotion could be heard that immediately put them on alert as they began looking around.

"Hey. Old Hag." Naruko shouted at a slender woman of curvaceous frame with above-average height and noticeably large breasts. "Stop hogging all the lottery machines to yourself."

"Little sister she can't help herself with all the losses and debt she has acquired" Alucard added as she put her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"You brat. Who are you calling a hag?" The woman shouted while crossing her arms over her sizable bust making them look bigger.

"I don't believe it as if our luck could be this good," Jiraiya said with a smirk. "Looks like we found her."

"I wasn't aware that she spends most of her time gambling," Sasuke commented as the four walked over to the small crowd that was gathered around the three women who were arguing.

The first to notice their approach was a black-haired young woman holding a pig.

"Lady Tsunade…"

"What is it Shizune can't you see I'm about to teach this brat a lesson!"

Pointing to the group Tsunade and Naruko momentarily stopped their argument and looked at where Shizune was pointing at.

"Hello, Ladies. Hope I'm not disturbing your fun." Jiraiya said.

"Pervy Sage," "Jiraiya," both Naruko and Tsunade said respectively before looking at each other and at Jiraiya again.

"You know this Hag/Brat" They both exclaimed at him.

"Yeah. Naruko that is Tsunade, the person we're looking for. Tsunade meet Naruko. Can we talk somewhere a bit more private?" Jiraiya says.

Tsunade sighed and nodded taking her earnings from the lottery leaving the group with Shizune and the pig that was surprisingly oinking violently at Naruko.

"You know that's pretty rude of you. I'm a growing girl." Naruko randomly spoke up.

"I'm sorry," Shizune asked confused as Naruko shook her head.

"I was talking to the pig that was saying a few rude things to me." Naruko replied as Jiraiya looked at her like she grew a second head.

"Why aren't you two surprised? She is communicating and talking with a pig." Jiraiya asked both Sasuke and Sakura.

"It's Naruko. Not the weirdest thing she has ever done." Sasuke replied before sighing.

"You can understand Tonton?" Shizune exclaimed

"Tonton, that the pig's name eh?"

"OINK, oink oink!" Tonton oinked.(that is a word right)

"Oi shut it. How was I supposed to know your name!" Naruko exclaimed getting annoyed with the pig.

"What is Tonton saying," Shizune asked as Naruko to the shock of some of them actually blushed.

"Nothing important." she replied red-faced.

"Oink oink, OINK!"

"Listen if you keep saying things like that about my chest then I'll flail you like a pig, pig." Naruko growled as her shadows started dancing wildly around her.


"I don't care if you have the best pillows to lie in. Keep talking shit pig. See what happens!" Naruko shouts before getting interrupted by Tsunade.

"You're really arguing with my pig?" Tsunade asked with a raised eyebrow as Naruko turned her attention towards her.

"It's your fault that the pig is insulting me." Naruko exclaimed.

"Well it is true, My chest is bigger than yours. You are still a growing child." Tsunade responds.

"Wait… you can understand the pig too?" Naruko asked.

"Of course I can. Tonton is mine after all," Tsunade said with a smirk.

The group made their way into a corner booth taking, placed silencing seals, and took their seats. The pig was no longer teasing Naruko as she was holding TonTon 'gently' in her arms while petting it with her nails.

"So what do you want from me Jiraiya?" Tsunade asked.

"I trust you heard about what happened in Konoha?" Jiraiya soon responds with a sigh.

"Yeah," Tsunade replied softly. "I hear Orochimaru was killed during the invasion."

"Listen Tsunade I'm not gonna beat around the bush. Sensei would like you back in Konoha to help with the recovery effort and become the Next Hokage." Jiraiya said.

Tsunade just sat there frozen in shock, Shizune nearly dropped Tonton as she gasped in shock looking at her mentor. There was a tense silence in the air as Jiraiya and Tsunade simply stared into each other's eyes until Tsunade finally sighed.

"Well I can tell you aren't lying… but the answer is no." Tsunade said solemnly.

"Why?" He asked

"Because I can't." she replied.

"That isn't a good enough excuse," Shinobu added her view on the subject as Tsunade frowned.

"And just who are you to tell me anything you've got a lot of nerve talking to me like you have the knowledge and life experience necessary to do so!" Tsunade snapped getting a frown from Shinobu.

"Actually Tsunade she was the one that helped Sensei with the fight. At least hear us out." Jiraiya said slowly as Tsunade's neck snapped towards him.


"Well, you see-."

"Jiraiya-san enough." Shinbou said quickly silencing the man. "Are you sure this is Tsunade Senju, student of Hiruzen Sarutobi and granddaughter to Hashirama Senju?"

"Yes, this is her I don't get what you're implying Shino-" Jiraiya asked in confusion before being interrupted.

"All I see is a coward, a frail and feeble woman refusing to rise to the task set before her. Having exchanged blows with Hashirama he'd be disgusted in the way you are IF you are truly Tsunade." Shinobu said with a frown.


"Actually Tsunade she did," Jiraiya said calmly as Tsunade's rage-filled eyes turned towards him.


"Orochimaru summoned both Lord First and Second and if it wasn't for Shinobu, Alucard and Naruko the entire village would've probably been wiped out."

"Is this some kind of sick joke!" Tsunade exclaimed staring down at Jiraiya.

"Do you believe Orochimaru to be above such a despicable act?" He responded calmly.

Tsunade was about to retort but paused, if anyone was capable of such a despicable act it would have been her now deceased teammate.

"And you aren't lying about that?" she asked after finally calming down.

"Tsunade would I honestly lie about something regarding your family?" Jiraiya asked her sincerely.

"True, but I don't understand how you were able to take on both my Grandfather and his brother it makes no sense the power of those two-!" Tsunade stated before getting interrupted by Shinobu

"Is legendary," Shinobu stated without any emotions gracing her beautiful face. "In a way yes. However, there are things and beings higher in scale and power than your Grandfather and Granduncle. unfortunately, they unfortunately had to deal with one being me."

"No need to say it like that." Jiraiya replied with a sigh getting an eyebrow raised from Tsunade.

"What does she mean?" Tsunade asked.

"It's okay if Naruko allows it." Shinobu said looking at her new little sister.

"Eh, sure why not. If the Old Man trusts you then I guess it's cool." Naruko replies and gives Shinobu a thumbs up.

"You humans would call me a goddess I suppose but I'm not one that grants wishes even though I can. I'm just a lady passing through and watching after the affairs of my little sister. The same applies to Alucard" Shinobu says to Tsunade who looked with wide eyes.

"You think you're some kind of Deity?" Tsunade asked not willing to believe what she just heard.

"I can prove it if you want if Naruko allows it?" Shinobu said receiving a nod from Naruko.

"All right go on then." Tsunade says.

"Come on outside I think we've damaged enough here," Shinobu said as she lead the group outside and into a deserted street.

"Unleashing the Saint Graph Galaxy. That's the least any goddess should do...Know our difference in dimension." Shinobu chanted.

Shinobu's body began to glow as she rose into the air before her body opened the gateway to the sister's shared dimension.

Planets, stars, comets, asteroids, moons, nebulae...all passed by Tsunade's vision. She could only stare in disbelief. To top it all off the massive shrine Bel-Maanna, resembling Shinobu herself, appeared behind her.

"T-This is just a Genjutsu!" She stated unsure of what she saw.

Shinobu sighed before ushering Tsunade to come with her.

"No, this is my universe that I encompass as a Primordial Deity" Shinobu states before warping a galaxy around her. Tsunade looked on with astonishment as they continued exploring around while talking.


"Did I prove to you that I'm a goddess.?" Shinobu asked sagely with a smile.

"You are the daughter of death, I'm sure that qualifies." Tsunade replied with a small smile.

"Alright then back we go," Shinobu said as the two were suddenly back in the deserted street with Tsunade shaking her head.

"All right I believe you now I have to think about a few things, look after Shizune while I'm gone please." Tsunade said.

"Easily done." Shinbou said as Naruko looked between the pair.

"I'm guessing you are done, big sis?" Naruko asked as she drank some juice.

"Yes. Tsunade and I had a chat." Shinobu said as she began walking towards Shizune.

"You are Shizune right?" Shinobu asked looking straight at her.

"Y-yes!" she answered back timidly.

"If Tsunade accepts the Hokage position she will need your support more than ever you realize this correct?" Shinobu further inquired.

"Where Lady Tsunade goes I have always followed it's always been that way, if she becomes Hokage then I'll return to the village with her." Shizune replies with a smile and great enthusiasm.

"Good," Shinobu replied as she turned her attention toward Naruko.


As the group(Tsunade, Shizune with Tonton, Jiraiya, Team 7, Shinobu, and Alucard) were walking back to Konoha. Jiraiya was talking to Tsunade about some medical problems.

"There is one kid I want you to see when we get back. His name is Rock Lee and I want you to save his arm and leg."

"What happened to him?"

"He opened like five of the Eight Gates," Alucard said casually as she was sucking on some blood-flavored lollipops getting a frown from Tsunade.

"Did Might Guy teach him how to do that?" Tsunade asked with a frown

"Mhm." Alucard hummed out while sucking on her lollipop.

Cracking her knuckles Jiraiya unconsciously took a step back as Tsunade grinned.

"Well then after I have a look at the patient I'll have to beat a little sense into one of my Jonin now won't I." Tsunade said cracking her knuckles.

"Hey Granny Tsunade," Naruko said as Tsunade's neck snapped toward Naruko preparing to smack her over the head for her remark only to pause seeing Naruko's fist extended out towards her.

"What?" Tsunade asked.

"Promise me you'll do your best as Hokage and make the village a better place for everyone." Naruko said softly.

Looking into her eyes that same fire was back and Tsunade understood what Naruko meant as she remembered back to when she first met her Sensei.


"The Hokage must carry on the Will of Fire and lead the future generation on the right path."

-End of Flashback-

"Disrespectful brat of course I will," Tsunade scoffed as she bumped fists with the blonde before taking off her pendant and putting it around her neck. "This belonged to my Grandfather Hashirama Senju I hope you know who he is?"

"Of course I do, Shinobu kinda beat him up." Naruko said as she accepted the gift with a grin before getting a light hit on her head.

"Hey brat why do you keep calling me Granny anyway you don't know how old I am?"

"I can see through the Genjutsu you know and I'm sure both Shinobu and Alucard noticed, our eyes are immune to them. Don't really know why you want to hide yourself. A few wrinkles never hurt anyone and you still look pretty enough- OW!"

"You damn brat stop saying such things so casually," Tsunade roared as NaruKo rolled around on the floor having been punched on top of the head which her iron fist.

"Damn it, you old hag. How did that hurt." Naruko asked before getting up

"What was that!" Tsunade exclaimed as they both slammed their heads against each other getting a laugh from Alucard.

Shinobu couldn't help but laugh as Tsunade chased Naruko around the field with smiles on their faces. It was one of the few moments Naruko ever genuinely smiled. She was proud to be a big sister.