Naruto 27

"Hmmm, to think they will be this many people to greet Lady Tsunade," Sasuke asked curiously as the group walked through the front gates of Konoha.

"Well they're here to meet the Fifth Hokage" Jiraiya replied with a grin.

"We're finally back. Chaaa!" came Sakura's happy voice.

Naruko, Shinobi, and Alucard were in the back taking the walk rather slowly; having retrieved Tsunade and placing a new Hokage in charge.

"Greetings Lady Tsunade on behalf of the Hidden Leaf we welcome you back after a long journey," Koharu said clearly annoyed by her presence as Tsunade smirked.

"Good to be back and taking up the position of Hokage after all we wouldn't want someone like Danzo in charge of the Leaf." Tsunade said.

Homura scowled as Naruko burst into laughter on the spot not even caring as both the elders glared at her only to get the bird. Tsunade had to suppress her own laughter as she strolled into the building with the group in tow as they entered the office.

In the office was Hiruzen sitting on a couch on the side with a smile as Tsunade walked in. Seeing her sensei Tsunade walked up to him and hugged him.

"It's been a while Sensei. Looks like old age is catching up to you." Tsunade said with a smile as they dispatched from the hug.

"Indeed, thank you for listening to this old Man's request. I do hope you do better than me for your reign as Hokage." Hiruzen said with a smile as he walked bak to the couch and took a sit.

"So this is the place I'm gonna spend my foreseeable future eh?" Tsunade said.

Walking behind the desk Tsunade sat down as everyone before her except Shinobu, Alucard, and Hiruzen stood at attention awaiting her orders.

"Right then I suppose before we do anything you lot need to be paid for retrieving me so I'll find and have the necessary slips filled out for you. It might take a little while since I don't know where anything is around here but you'll all get paid." Tsunade said with a smile.

"Tsunade, congratulations on becoming Hokage," Jiraiya said with a smile as Tsunade nodded.

"I can see my work is gonna be cut out for me from day one what with the state of the village and all so I'm probably going to want to kill you by the end of the week Jiraiya so you should save the congratulations. Now then everyone is dismissed for now."

Jiraiya exited through the window much to Tsunade's annoyance, Shizune, Sakura, and Sasuke left through the door closing it behind them while Naruko, Alucard, and Shinobu all merged and disappeared into the shadows.


"You have news then Itachi?" A voice called out.

"Yes Leader," replied the voice of Itachi as his cold eyes bored into the strange purple ones of his Leader. "The Nine Tails Jinchuuriki Naruko Uzumaki left the Hidden Leaf alongside Lord Jiraiya, Team 7, and two identical-looking women. Kisame and I managed to find the girl after we distracted Lord Jiraiya however she was accompanied by the two women. One of them was the woman you told us to avoid, Shinobu Oshino. However, she asked to be called Kiss-Shot by her enemies.

"Judging by the fact you two are still alive I'd say this was a mere skirmish? I see tell me what happened then." The Leader asked again. Before Itachi began to retell what happened.


Naruko and Alucard were busy gambling as Shinobu watched over them. She made sure they didn't do anything stupid or dangerous.

Not far from them, two people wearing black cloaks with red clouds with straw hats with bells on them were watching the group, and the shorter of the two had his Sharingan Eyes activated.

This was Uchiha Itachi, ex-Konoha shinobi of the deceased Uchiha clan.

Next to him, is a blue-skinned man with shark-like teeth, and a wrapped sword strapped to his back looking in the same direction as his partner.

"So is the Kyuubi brat among them?" asked Kisame not being able to properly sense their target in the casino.

"Yes, she is. However, Shinobu Oshino is down there with another woman that looks identical to her with just a different hair color." Itachi said causing Kisame to grow pale.

"So even if we somehow by Kami's grace took down Shinobu Oshino, which is a big IF unto itself, we have to deal with a woman who looks just like her with unknown abilities, a Sannin, and three Genins." said Kisame.

"Shinobu Ohsino and the woman identical to here aren't human I believe Kisame. The Kyuubi Jinchuriki also looks to have extra qualities to her but she is far weaker than the two of them." Itachi said getting an eyebrow from Kisame.

"I see, so what's the plan?" Kisame asked looking at Itachi.

"My Sharingan can suppress Kyuubi. I'll deal with her. You should try to hold off the other two," said Itachi seeing Kisame nod knowing that between them.

(At the Hotel Suite)

"Ah, the life of luxury and pampering. I love it!" said Tsunade, as she collapsed back against the soft Queen size bed, and loved how it helped relax her back muscles.

"Very nice. We should rob the pervert of his money more often," said Alucard laughing with Naruko at the idea.

With that said, everyone went to their respective rooms and decided to get some rest before moving out tomorrow back to Konoha. In Naruko's room, she and Alucard were gaming while Shinobu was preparing dinner for them.

Shinobu sensing two people approaching took off her apron, put a barrier around the room, walked to the front door, and opened it just before the shorter of the two men could knock.

"We are here for the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki Naruko Uzumaki simply hand her over." Itachi asked as Shinobu looked down at him(She's taller than him)

"Judging by your appearance you are an Uchiha, you, on the other hand, look like a Fishman and from the looks of your coat. You're both from the Akatsuki. "

"Heh I feel like I should be offended, the names Kisame Hoshigaki one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen."

"I am Itachi Uchiha of the Sharingan," Itachi said calmly as Shinobu's eyes narrowed.

"I see. Very well, if we most fight let's move it elsewhere." Shinobu said.

"I have no interest in fighting only to acquire the Nine-Tails." Itachi responded trying to avoid any confrontation with the monster in front of them.

"I don't know about you Itachi, but I want to fight Miss Oshino." Kisame said his shark-like grin still firmly in place.

"Please refer to me as Kiss-Shot as you are my enemy." Shinobu said as she corrected Kisame's mistake.

"Tell me do you plan on getting in our way," Itachi asked as Kisame was nodding behind Itachi almost begging her to say yes.

"Well I can't really have you two kidnapping my little sister now can I, the answer is yes." Shinobu answered.

"Very well, Sharingan!" Itachi said.

"Oho I'm going to enjoy this I can just feel it," Kisame said as he began to pull the bandaged weapon off his back as he began to unravel it.

"We have heard tales of your strength based on the incident with Yagura and the Three-Tailed Beast, so we will not underestimate you." Itachi said as he got ready.

"Very Well." Shinobu said getting into a fighting stance as Kisame barked in laughter.

"It would be fun to see if you live up to the rumors." Kisame said.

Shinobu's body got wrapped briefly in darkness before reappearing in her skintight bodysuit. A red cloak surrounded her body, with snake-like protrusions wrapped around it. From her skull, small spike-like horns grew to form a crown on her head. Her eyes had irises of a moon and star.

"Careful Kisame we have no idea what her Visual Jutsu is," warned Itachi as Kisame pointed his blade at Shinbou.

"Samehada lusts for your power almost like no other, your chakra must be as strong as a Tailed Beast!" Kisame grinned insanely

Moments later Kisame charged forward and took a swipe at Shinobu who simply dodged the blade by falling to a kip-up stance before pushing up and nailing Kisame in the jaw, pushing him back.

She looked back and saw Itachi performing a set of hand seals.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" exclaimed Itachi sending the fireball her way.

Shinobu flew to it and cut through it with her hand and sent a punch at Itachi who jumped back avoiding it.

Soon she vanished from both their sight with both men being on alert. All of a sudden a punch caught Kisame's face as he was sent through a nearby wall. She turned her attention to Itachi who was making a half ram seal.

"Clone Jutsu: Super Explosion!" Itachi exclaimed as an explosion hit Shinobu point-blank.

Shinobu came out of it with no damage as she sensed Kisame approaching behind her as she dodged some hits before materializing a sword covered in darkness as the two continued clashing.

"Well now isn't that an interesting ability but you fell into my trap!" Kisame stated.

Shinobu looked on bored as her sword was being eaten by Samehada. She disengaged and gained some distance looking on in fascination as the sword gained a bastardized version of her darkness.

"What the hell type of power is this!" Kisame asked shocked by what his sword had just eaten.

'Hmm, interesting if I feed his sword more. I could get an interesting fight that I could enjoy." thought Shinobu.

"That's an interesting sword you have there." Shinobu said with slight interest.

"My sword Samehada is able to steal the chakra of others and use it against them in battle though in all my years I've never come across chakra like this." Kisame said with a grin and excitement.

Crows began to appear behind Kisame as Itachi appeared still with the Sharingan activated as the group had yet another tense stare-off. Shinobu held off her sword duel with Kisame and looked at the Uchiha.

"You pack quite a punch there, I guess you do live up to the rumors. But don't worry I'll be sure to return it to you in kind." Kisame grinned as he prepared to charge forward.

Summoning another sword to her hand only made Kisame's grin wider as he charged forward and the two clashed sending sparks flying everywhere.

Knowing you're a swordswoman, makes this so much more fun!" Kisame exclaimed as he pushed forward.

The two began to exchange a series of lightning-fast blows before Shinobu caught his sword with her free hand and landed a kick to his chest sending him skidding back.

Looking at Itachi Shinobu noticed her surroundings change and soon found herself hanging by a cross in another dimension.

"Hmm, an interesting technique but otherwise futile," Shinobu said as she suddenly appeared in front of Itachi much to his shock. "Those eyes are weak compared to my own and but I must commend you for trying." Shinobu said as her grin became twisted.

Shinobu charged toward Itachi who preemptively jumped backward leaving a few shadow clones and tossing chakra-laced kunais. Shinobu easily dodged this before appearing before the real Itachi and swiftly elbowing him in the gut, she follows up with a backhand to his face before taking a swipe at his legs. Before he could start falling he was hit with another punch to the face and a punch to his gut. Followed up with a high kick with her heels nailing him in the face and leaving him slightly airborne. Shinobu then connected with an elbow to his chin and finished off with a roundhouse kick sending him falling.

"Who, what are you?" Itachi asked as he picked himself up.

"For who, I am the iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire, Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade. The what, someone far stronger than you." Shinobu mocked.

Itachi froze as he felt a powerful presence behind him, seeing Shinobu's grin he slowly turned around to meet the eyes of a beast with seven necks, seven heads, ten horns, as well as seven long thick tails of different shapes. It also has four stout arms and two legs that are even thicker than its arms. Its main body is that of a primate leaning forward and is covered in black fur and what appears to scale all over its body. It roared at him sending him flying backward from the shockwave created.

"What is that?" Itachi asked shocked by the power of the beast.

"Why don't you stick around and find out." Shinobu replied to his question as the snake-like protrusions of her coat wrapped around her as she floated in the air with her legs crossed.

For the first time in a long time Itachi was sweating at the predicament he was in, the Leader was right to tell them not to engage this woman. She is far stronger than any ordinary ninja to shake off the Tsukuyomi this easily.

"My first question is this Itachi what was the real reason you are working with the Akatsuki, don't give me the fabricated story I know it's a lie." Shinobu said.

"You realize that the answer is something I cannot tell you as it's a secret." Itachi responds.

"Don't care, if my little sister is being targeted by this organization I would like to know what is happening. I already know you are a spy." She asked with her eyes closed.

"It seems you wish to know the ruth then. Very well, but could you call off your beast before I begin?"

"Hmmm, very well. Trihexa come here." Shinobu said as Trihexa glowed before taking the form of a teenage-looking girl in a dress and black hair. Shinobu opened up a portal for her to walk through.

"Thank you; you already know I'm actually an undercover spy for the village on the orders of the Third Hokage. The night I killed all the Uchiha I was actually ordered to do so by the Third Hokage because they were planning a rebellion against the village." Itachi started as Shinobu listened to his explanation.

"So Hokage-san asked you to wipe them out and go rogue?" Shinobu asked getting a nod from him.

"To maintain the fragile peace and balance that was only recently established," Itachi replied calmly. "We were coming off the back of the Third Shinobi War and had the Uchiha Clan succeeded in their uprising there was little doubt that the Hidden Rock or Cloud would have capitalized and commenced an invasion."

"I see, but I need information on what's Akatsuki plan is with them collecting all the tailed beasts." Shinobu asked getting impatient.

"We have a statue called the Gedo-Mazo that I believe would be used to store the tailed beasts. Other than that, Leader-sama keeps to himself. Itachi concluded.

"I see. Very well done you are free to go. I would kill you but my sister and her teammate would not like that. One more thing, do not tell your leader of this conversation we just had." Shinobu said as she freed him from the dimensional pocket.

As they returned, Itachi dropped to one knee clutching his eye as blood began to stream down his face.

"Kisame we're pulling out!"


"She's far stronger than we could have realized we need to pull back!"

Kisame looked between Shinobu and Itachi and agreed. They both vanished in a geyser of water and a flock of crows respectively.

-End of flashback-

Itachi soon finished his tale of their encounter while also emitting the information between him and Shinobu's talk.

"Were you tortured for information then?" the leader asked

"No she simply wanted my name and information regarding the Uchiha Massacre, that I was more than happy to share," Itachi replied calmly. "But this does present a problem if she can counter my best Genjutsu made possible by the power of the Mangekyo."

"Indeed, was there anything else?"

"I engaged her in combat shortly before Itachi caught her in the Genjutsu," Kisame said with a grin. "Samehada ripped a most interesting chakra from her as we clashed."

"Tailed Beast?"

"Yes and no," Kisame replied. "We were actually going to ask if we should return so you can analyze it yourself?"

"Is it really necessary I would have thought the Sharingan would have been enough to see what this chakra is after all the eyes are secondary to my own?" the voice spoke up.

"It is hard to explain but her chakra indicates that Shinobu herself is a Tailed Beast or something close to them in nature and yet she is also something more? Are you aware of Senjutsu Leader?" Itachi asked.

"Yes I am familiar with the concept." replied the voice.

"It's like her body is filled with the chakra of a Tailed Beast or something akin and yet amplified by natural energy with no traces of regular chakra at all. It is an anomaly I simply cannot fathom and believe only the eyes of the Rinnegan to be capable of deciphering." Itachi said with intrigue.

The Leader stood in the darkness pondering what Itachi and Kisame had said before turning to Konan who simply nodded.

"Come to Ame and we will discuss this matter further," the Leader said firmly as both Itachi and Kisame nodded. "Also if you happen to run into Deidara and Sasori tell them to hurry up on that assassination job I have another one for them for when they return from a most unusual client."

"Of course Leader will that be all?"

"That will be all Itachi," the Leader replied as the two glowing forms of Itachi and Kisame vanished

"What do you think this Shinobu is," Konan asked slowly as the man simply shrugged.

"I've never heard of such a combination of chakra before however, I can tell you this Konan this woman most definitely is not human of that we can be certain." The leader answered.

"She looks human though?" Konan asked.

"So do Kakuzu and Sasori," the man scoffed as Konan nodded in agreement.

"If she is truly half a Tailed Beast then what do we do?" Konan asked both worried and intrigued.

"She could simply be another lost fragment of the original beast like the Zero Tails but who can really say. The plan does not change however and we shall stick with the original timeframe, how does the search for the three tails go?"

"They have reported nothing out of the ordinary, the three tails has resurfaced." Konan replied.

"Perfect then when we see Kisame and Itachi we can inform them that the Nine-Tails can wait a little," the man said as both he and Konan vanished leaving naught but the large statue behind.