Naruto Shippuden 2

Naruko yawned, she rarely felt the need to sleep anymore since her stay in the Land of Shadows. It was a strange feeling waking up in bed without the feel of a red-tipped spear penetrating her to force her awake. She really had a deep-rooted fear and respect for Scathach.

Hopping out of bed Naruko made her way to the kitchen still in a half-asleep state. It was this state that had her rubbing her eyes at what she saw.

She saw Shinobu having tea and having what sounded like a happy conversation with a beautiful-looking woman who looked deathly pale. She was dressed in a black camisole, black pants, black boots, and black leather gloves. Next to her was a folded umbrella resting by the chair.

"Naruko? Please come sit with us," Shinobu said as she was already pouring another cup before Naruko got to the table. What was happening she thought to herself.

"H-hey, I have never met you before ma'am." Naruko started. She had an odd feeling of deja vu as she looked at the woman next to Shinobu. "I've never met many people who could rope Shinobu into a decent conversation. You must be pretty special for her to interact with."

"What can I say? I'm a pretty interesting gal," she said with a smile that made Naruko feel relaxed and quite calm. "Call me Death, mother of Shinobu. I guess I'm also your mother too since we are also related by blood."

"Your name's...Death?" Naruko said with fear, then she remembered what she said soon after, mother of Shinobu and her. "Mo-mother, you are Shinobu's and my mother."

"Well, I am your second mother due to circumstances with the girls turning you into a being like us. Anyways I have a little present for you from two people. They would like to speak to you for a while." Death said with a small smile before she made a snapping motion with her fingers, before she and Shinobu left to give Naruko space.

In an instant two smoky-like figures formed, they both appeared humanoid. Upon Naruko looking at them she noticed a man and a woman. The man had blonde, spiky hair with jaw-length bangs framing both sides of his face, and blue eyes that strangely reminded her of hers before her transformation. The woman next to him had beautiful red hair that was straight and reached her ankles. She had violet eyes.

"You're the fourth Hokage," Naruko said with shock looking at the ghost of the man.

"You've grown up Naruko." both the man and woman said to Naruko with a soft smile.

"Na-Naruko, you know my name. H-how?" Naruko said with shock surprised that the Fourth Hokage knew her.

"How? I am the one with that lovely woman over there who named you. You're my daughter after all" he said with a smile surprising Naruko.

"...Your daughter!? Then you're," Naruko started.

"Yeah, that's right." Her father said to her as she got pulled into a hug by the woman she presumed was her first mother.

"My pa-parents. Mother, father-" Naruko started to say before she began to unknowingly let out tears while clenching her fist.

"You, you bastard. How could you put the Kyuubi into your own daughter." She asked breaking away from her mother's hug and in a blind rage tried hitting her father who dodged her attempts.

"How could you put me through all this shit. the village shunned and took out their frustrations on me for most of my life. I would have died if not for some miraculous saving. Why? why? I was lonely for most of my childhood being treated like trash. Why?" she asked as she continued to throw punches before her father caught her fist and looked at her with a sad smile and gave her an apologetic look.

"I was so lonely, but I kept it inside till that day." Naruko said with tears as she was pulled into a hug.

"Forgive us, to leave you alone. It must have been terrible. I suppose it's a little consolation for me to wear a fatherly face and I apologize... after putting you through all that." Her father stated before she felt her hug from behind which was her mother.

"Dad, Mum," Naruko said with a hoarse voice.

"But we're relieved." He said causing Naruko to fall back and look at them with a confused face.

"Huh, you're relieved?" Naruko asked.

"You're bearing everyone's wills and are living with a new family that loves and cares for you in ways we could not. We're happy you could find happiness. I'm really proud of what you've become and I hope you continue to do well with your new family." He said looking at her with a smile as he embraced her into a hug once again. "I believe your mother would have some things to say to you. Just know we both love you from the bottom of our hearts and we're both happy to have an opportunity to talk to you again."

"Naru-" Before she could finish Naruko immediately hugged her as she brought her in and stayed there for a few minutes.


Naruko was waving goodbye to both her biological parents as she told them about her new family and how things were going. Before they could depart to the afterlife, Minato gave her the remaining of Tamamo's chakra. Beside her were Shinobu, Alucard, and Kaede hugging her as she soon started to cry again as her parent's spirit soon passed on to the afterlife.

"Thank you for Death for giving me a chance to talk to them. It means a lot to me." Naruko said as she stood up and walked over to Death giving her a hug.

"It's not a problem. It is the least I can do for family." Death of the endless replied returning the hug.

"Thank you for everything Mother." Shinobu spoke up as she gave Death a smile.

"No problems, anyways I have to be heading out. Do take care of yourselves and your little sister." Mother said as she picked up her umbrella and opened it up. With a smile and a wave, she walked away into the distance.

"Thanks, guys for everything. I am happy to be your little sister." Naruko said with a smile as her tears dried up as everyone came together for a hug.


Tsunade was about to take a break from going through paperwork to drink before the doors burst open and Shizune ran in waving a message and shouting.

"Tsunade-sama! Important message from Suna. You need to read it now!"

Tsunade read it almost not believing it. "Damn, Akatsuki! They Attacked and captured the Kazekage!"

"Get team 7 and Kakashi. I have a mission for them of utmost importance." Tsunade said with a serious voice.