Naruto Shippuden 3

"This is really good." Naruko said sitting next to Alucard as they were sharing a bowl of Cheetos.

"Naruko you're spilling crumbs everywhere, how uncivilized." Kaede's voice called out as she jumped over the couch and landed sitting next to them. This action caused Naruko to lose control of the bowl as it fell out of her hands and spilled the rest of the Cheetos on the rug.

There was a short silence before it was interrupted by a knock on the door. The three girls looked at each other before Kaede sighed and walked up to the door.

She opened the door and asked, "What brings you here?"

At the other end of the door was a female anbu with a cat mask.

"Hokage-sama has asked for Naruko's presence with the rest of her team for a mission." The anbu said.

"I see, I shall relay the message to her." Kaede replied as she waved the anbu away and gently closed the door,

"So the Hokage needs me for something." Naruko said as she overheard the conversation

"Yes, you are needed by Lady Hokage for a mission." Kaede said before she saw Baskerville eating the spilled Cheetos from the floor.

"Well, I'll get going, you guys come along if you would like." Naruko says as she walked out the door and towards the Hokage office.


"Temari, why are you here?" Sasuke asked as he noticed the sister of the Kazekage here. Next to him were both Sakura, Naruko, and Kakashi who were standing outside of the gate.

"I'm the emissary for our village, Gaara and Lady Tsunade agreed it would look better if someone with direct relation to the Kazekage was made the emissary to the Leaf. But enough about that I was just informed about Gaara. Are you all heading to the Sand?" Temari explained.

"Yes." Naruko answered.

"Then take me with you I must assist my brothers!" Temari demanded.

"No need to shout, you are welcome to join us." Naruko sighed.

'I need some help opening up a dimensional rip to Suna, since I kinda suck at creating one for all of us.' Naruko communicated to her sisters who were in the pocket dimension.

In front of everyone, a rip opened up showing a black void, further into it one could see a desert and Suna.

"Don't run, please. The rift opens up near the entrance to Sand and please stay in a single line. If you fall off then I wish you luck where ever you end up because I'm not saving you." Naruko instructed.

The group nodded and slowly made their way through appearing just off to the side of the entrance to the village behind a cart of cabbages. As soon as she was through Temari sprinted towards the gate surprising the guards on duty.

"Lady Temari you've returned!" One of the guards spoke up.

"Yes and I've brought aid from the Hidden Leaf, where is Kankuro I need to get up to speed on the situation!" Temari asked frantically.

The two guards looked between each other nervously until another voice answered for them.

"Baki Sensei please take me to my brother," Temari pleaded as he looked behind Temari and began to thank every deity he knew.

"Come with me he's currently in the hospital with Lady Chiyo herself overseeing his operation." Baki said directing the group as they followed him.

"Is it really that bad?" Temari asked with concern.

"I think you should simply see it for yourself Temari," Baki sighed.

Upon arriving where Kankuro supposedly was staying Temari burst through the doors and nearly broke down on the spot. The veins from his neck upward were bulging and had gone a strange greenish-black color and a few stab wounds were also present on his body.

Chiyo turned to see what all the commotion was about and sighed when she saw Temari and beckoned her to come closer.

"What's wrong with him Lady Chiyo?" Temari asked with worried laced in her voice.

"The stab wounds are of little concern considering his durability however he's been poisoned by a substance I've not seen in decades." Lady Chiyo said with a frown and consoling Temari.

"Can you cure him?" Temari asked as Chiyo looked down and slowly shook her head giving a negative.

"Excuse me but I might be able to help," Sakura said as she stepped forward with Temari's eyes widening.

"Yes Sakura if there is anyone who could save Kankuro it would be you, surely Tsunade taught you how to heal people of poisons!" Temari asked ecstatically.

"An apprentice to Tsunade you say, most interesting," Chiyo mused as Sakura stepped forward and began to examine Kankuro before an idea came across her mind.

"Excuse me Naruko but are you able to deal with bloodborne or related issues with your abilities." Sakura asked looking at Naruko who had Beats by Dre headphones on listening to 'Devils Never Cry' bobbing her head.

Kakashi who was busy reading his book poked Naruko on the shoulder and pointed to Sakura.

"Sakura, what do you need?" Naruko asked looking at Sakura who inwardly sighed.

"You are able to deal with bloodborne or related issues with your abilities. Right?" Sakura asked again getting a thumbs up from her.

"You need me to cure him of the poison" Naruko asked before cringing at the thought of having to drink poisonous blood before coming up with a better idea.

She walked up to Kankuro and slowly drew the symbol of 'Uruz(ᚢ)' one of the runes that Scathach taught her used to heal ailments and curses onto his chest. She made use of her evil eyes and scanned his entire body to find out the poison type used.

"The poison has been purged from his system. He should wake up in a few minutes. However, I found something strange in his body due to the poison." Naruko stated getting eyebrows from everyone waiting for her to elaborate. "His blood cells were sticking together into large clusters and beginning to decay, not only that but it's as if the decaying cells were being mutated and changed into something else entirely. It was pretty gross."

"His blood cells were sticking together, was there any trace of a small green-like substance that is of plant-based origin?" Lady Chiyo asked grimly.

"Several different ones actually," Naruko replied as she wondered why the Old lady knew the exact description of what she saw. "The colors are purple, green, and pink."

"Purple, green, and pink…wait are you positive about that!" Lady Chiyo exclaimed softly.

"Yes, Do you recognize any of these?" Naruko asked with her head tilting slightly.

"Impossible. He should be dead!" Chiyo states while looking around with a blank face.

"Who?" Sasuke asked

"The pink one, this is a plant that has only ever been used by one shinobi to create a poison so effective there was never a known cure! The man who created the poison and the one who attacked Kankuro was Sasori of the Red Sand!" Chiyo said gaining a groan from Naruko.

"So the Akatsuki did this, and I'm guessing kidnapped Gaara to extract his tailed beast. You looked trouble Lady Chiyo?" Naruko stated.

"I have much reason to be troubled with this news since Sasori is my Grandson and now he is in league with the Akatsuki." She said with a grim look.

"Thank you for the help all of you," Temari sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair before composing herself. "So who was it that did this?"

"The Akatsuki, with Sasori poisoning your brother and Sasori's partner who is most likely Deidara attacking your village and kidnapping Gaara so they can extract his tailed beast." Naruko stated as she walked out of the room.

"Sasori of the Red Sand. He's alive!?" Temari gasped in shock.

"Yeah, news to us." Sasuke stated with Sakura and Kakashi following behind him walking towards the direction Naruko went.


"Naruko, you can't just kick down someone's door and demand an item of the Kazekage." Kakashi said calmly as Naruko was looking for anything that could help her locate him. With Sasuke and Sakura watching behind quietly.

"Well you can't just go reading your porn out in the open, but we can't always get what we want." Naruko said before she ran into Temari again.

"So Temari how is Kankuro doing?" Sakura asked before Naruko could say something.

"A lot better thanks to the efforts of both yourself and Naruko, we're in your debt twice over now it seems. He's currently awake and says thanks for saving his life." Temari said with a smile. "What's with Naruko. She looks a bit unhinged."

"She needs something that belongs to Gaara so she can track him down." Sasuke chimed in.

"We have his gourd from the fight. Would that be beneficial?" Temari asked looking at Naruko.

"That would suffice." Naruko said as she materialized an umbrella and opened it over herself and blocking out the sun.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." Temari said as she left.

"Naruko do you really need to keep the umbrella?" Sasuke asked as he looked at her.

"Yes I do need to keep the Umbrella Sasuke," Naruko says turning around and looking at him. "It comforts me and blocks out the sun."

Before Sasuke could backtalk Temari returned with the gourd.

"Here's the gourd." Temari dropped it with a strained sigh as it caused a small crater.

"Neat. Gimme a second." Naruko walked towards the gourd and touched it. 'Sis, another dimensional rip please, I know the location.' "Got his location.

Another rip appeared in front of Naruko with the other side of the dark void being the outside of a sealed cave.

"You know the rules, straight line, no running, and fall at your risk. Let's get moving." Naruko said.

Before the group could walk through it, Lady Chiyo soon appeared and requested if she could come along. She wanted to talk to Sasori and perhaps make him change his mind and quit Akatsuki.

"Sure, wouldn't want to deny a good old family reunion." Naruko said gaining a surprised look from Chiyo.

"How did you know?" Chiyo asked getting a shrug from Naruko.