Naruto Shippuden 5

Sasori who was engaged in battle was rapid-firing senbons at both Sasuke and Sakura. The barrage went for a full minute before it seemed like Sasori had run out and both Sasuke and Sakura had closed some distance towards his stilled form. Looking between Sasuke and Sakura, Lady Chiyo was relieved to see neither of them had suffered even a scratch.

Then Sasuke opened up his hand as all the senbons that were tossed at them were dropped on the floor.

"You caught all of them. Impressive Uchiha." Sasori said with his raspy voice.

Without answering his question Sasuke charged forward much to Sasori's delight as he prepared to strike him with his tail.

"You've underestimated me!" Sasori exclaimed as he moved in to strike Sasuke through the head, or so he thought until Sasuke caught the bladed tail with a hand and tucked it under his arm holding him in place. All of a sudden Sakura arrived from above and struck with a punch shattering Sasori's puppet form and sending it flying and breaking.

Sasuke and Sakura stood side-by-side as a cloaked figure shot out from the destroyed puppet and turned to face them.

"How did you do that?" Sasori out of his puppet asked in surprise and amazement.

"Fuck you that's how." Sasuke replied instantly.

"Now that your shell has been destroyed how about you reveal yourself to us Sasori, I came all this way to see my Grandson so the least you could do is reveal yourself to me, especially after twenty years of separation." came Lady Chiyo's voice behind them.

"So, this is Sasori," Sakura asked as she looked between the shocked Elder and a young red-headed man who barely looked out of his teens.

"He looks the same … he hasn't aged a day!" Chiyo said.

"He's far too young. You even said you hadn't seen him for over twenty years, he should be older than this" Sakura asked with her mind going straight to her mentor's trick to keep her youthful appearance.

"What's wrong Grandma Chiyo? Are you so choked up that you can't even speak," Sasori asked in amusement as he pulled the black cloak off revealing another Akatsuki cloak in its place. "I suppose that's alright though it is our first reunion in twenty years after all."

"Sasori." came Lady Chiyo's meek voice.

"Want to see what else I've got up my sleeve," Sasori said as a scroll slid from the sleeve on his right as he held it out in front of him. "This one might just give you a heart attack after all the reveals."

A massive cloud of smoke appeared obscuring Sasori for a moment before revealing another puppet where they had been.

"It can't be, that's impossible!"

"What is it Lady Chiyo," Sakura asked standing in front of the Elder defensively now that it appeared Sasori was preparing to fight again.

"That puppet isn't just any ordinary shinobi. That's the Third Kazekage!" The old lady said.

"Yes, this is indeed the Third Kazekage," Sasori said with a smirk. "He was one of the hardest to kill and add to my collection but I suppose that is what makes him my favorite."

With the fight resuming, Sasori threw a few kunais which Sasuke and Sakura dodged s they approached him in close-quarters combat.

A few well-placed hits from them severed Sasori's head as they broke apart his body. Before they could do anything, the destroyed Sasori began to levitate in the air and rebuild itself piece by piece until he was whole once more. As his head attached itself backward as it spun around and looked at the trio with a hollow gaze.

"You turned yourself into a puppet?!" Chiyo said with anger laced in her voice as she motioned for Sasuke and Sakura to move. Chiyo stood before Sasori as she pulled out a scroll from her pouch.

"Of course, things would end up this way. To defeat one who has crossed over to the forbidden shinobi arts one must use their own forbidden jutsu. I had thought after the Third Great Ninja War I would never need to use them again but life isn't always that simple I suppose." Lady Chiyo said as she unfurled a scroll and made a half ram seal.

From the scroll, ten separate puppets began to emerge in the form of pure chakra which began taking on humanoid forms.

"A puppet user's ability is measured by the number of puppets they can use, not bad at all Grandma Chiyo. It's one thing to hear the rumors but to actually see them in person, the puppets that were once used to conquer a castle. I'm almost impressed." Sasori said looking at them.

"Secret White Attack: Chikamatsu's Ten Puppets!" Chiyo exclaimed.

"Though I'll be the first to admit that they are some of the finest works to grace this world I'm afraid that they simply won't be enough," Sasori said as a single chakra string pulled a scroll from his back.

Unfurling the scroll above his head and opening his chest where a well of pure chakra seemed to reside dozens of red-cloaked figures began to shoot out of the scroll with an equal number of strings firing from his chest to link them all to him.

"I used these to conquer an entire nation!"

"Damn, more to deal with," Sakura said as she looked at the new puppets

"To think he's come this far," Chiyo murmured as Sasori placed a hand on his forehead.

"Just how long am I going to have to fight you three, to think I'm being forced to use my final puppets! I'll give you all a special showing of my own master performance! Secret Red Technique: Performance Of One Hundred Puppets!"

"Sakura, Sasuke," Chiyo said softly gaining the attention of the pair. "Don't fight any longer. This is something I must do for myself."

"Lady Chiyo with all due respect you should be able to understand my personality by now," Sakura replied stunning Chiyo for a moment before a small smile graced the Elder's face.

"Of course. Naturally, you inherited that from Tsunade too. This will undoubtedly be the finale, are you two prepared!" she asked both Sasuke and Sakura getting nods from both.

"Here he comes," Sasuke said as he rushed in forward and dispatched some of the puppets.

Chiyo's puppets engaged Sasori's with Sakura also engaging them while destroying the few that came her way with her fists. Sasuke brandished his sword and in a blink of an eye, arrived beside Sakura with the puppets all cut in half and the sword back in its scabbard.

"We need to end this quick, the puppets are reforming after all the damage we thr-" Sasuke said but was interrupted by having to immediately rush to Lady Chiyo's side before she could get stabbed stopping the blades of one of the puppets with his sword.

"Elder Chiyo!" Sasuke said beside her as she gave him a strained smile.

You need not worry about me," Chiyo sighed. "Concentrate on getting Sasori!"

"You fools are finished!" Sasori exclaims engaging them once again.

"Sakura you need to hit that core on Sasori's chest it's what allows him to rebuild himself," Chiyo cried as her puppets moved in to support them.

"You have the raw power to end this Sakura, Elder Chiyo and I will support you but you must end this now. I believe in you." Sasuke added as he rushed forward to engage all the remaining puppets alongside Chiyo's own puppets.

Charging forward Sakura dodged a series of blades while using them as a stepping stone to reach Sasori as she launched herself off of them. As she was about to land she saw Sasuke engaging the puppets in front of her with a lighting-infused blade slicing them up.

"Sakura, hold on. I'm going to give you a boost." Sasuke said as he created a clone that appeared behind her before it perfectly kicked the base of her ninja sandals with any force to rocket her further towards Sasori.

"Eat this you bastard, Cherry Blossom Violent Impact!" Sakura shouted as she hit Sasori square in the face sending him flying into the back wall where one of Chiyo's remaining puppets fired a strange skull-like object that impaled Sasori into the wall breaking his connection to all the red puppets as they fell to the ground lifeless.

Sakura dropped to the floor as she looked at where she punched Sasori with Sasuke appearing next to her.

"Well Lady Chiyo, you may go resolve any dispute you have with him. Do be careful." Sasuke said looking to the old lady who nodded and left to talk to her grandson.

"That was pretty good Sakura." Sasuke said which got a blush from Sakura.


"Thank you." Chiyo sighed as she walked to them with Sasori's body wrapped up and got nods from them.

"Looks like our job here is done. I wonder how the other two are doing?" Sakura asked almost feeling bad for Naruko and Kakashi's enemy.