Naruto Shippuden 6

Several explosions rocked the area followed by the sound of clashing blades. Deidara and Naruko traded blows as Kakashi prepared his attack out of the clay user's reach.

Deidara fell back of his clay bird gritting his teeth as he was hit in the chest by a kick from Naruko who was floating in the air spinning her spear in her arm before coming to a stop.

"Well aren't you just full of surprises," Deidara said as he coughed out some blood as the bird hovered. "Guess the information Akatsuki has on you is a little out of date?"

"Really?" Naruko replied as she stared at Deidara who in an instant adopted a serious look.

"So it's going to be one of those days." Deidara sighed.

"Indeed, " Naruko said with a grim look as she summoned her second Gae-Bolg into her hand rushing at Deidara.

She really is something else, being able to deal with S-Rank Nins as if they were just children.' thought Kakashi with a smile.


"Hmm, I think that looks suits you better. You know with you being beneath me." Naruko said with a smile as she walked towards Deidara who jumped away and made his way back to his clay bird.

'You really need to stop getting horny from beating someone weaker than you' Tamamo's voice called from her head.

'What, I'm not horny. I just enjoy fighting without the chance of getting beaten bloody by Scathach.' Naruko responded to Tamamo.

'Yes well in any case you have a pathetic bug that needs to be squashed and Gaara who needs to be saved?" Tamamo replied.

'Indeed.' Naruko said to Tamamo with a serious look marring her face.

"You think you're hotshit just because you pulled off a bit of an upset, I think you need a lesson on who I am!" Deidara spoke up.

"Oh I know exactly who you are, I know enough about all of the ninja in your little club," Naruko replied coolly as Deidara looked to have swallowed a lemon. "Former Elite Jonin assigned to the Hidden Rock's Explosive Core turned S Rank Missing Nin Deidara The Mad Bomber. You indeed are mad picking a fight with me."

"How do you know what core I was assigned to!" Deidara asked with shock.

"Ninja Registration IW-08721, birth date May 5th, age 19, height of 166 centimetres, weight of 50.8 kilograms. Blood type AB with the Explosive Release Kekkei Genkai alongside an affinity for the Earth Style."

Deidara was frozen under the cold and analyzing gaze of Naruko as she took several steps forward.

"Notable information includes being a student of the Third Tsuchikage before stealing a forbidden justu from the Iwa Scroll of Sealing and fleeing the village by detonating several key facilities of import to the village in order to mask your escape. On the run for less than six months before being approached by Akatsuki operatives Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki for possible recruitment into the Akatsuki organization. You initially refused until Itachi proposed a challenge which you subsequently lost forcing you into their service where you remain to this day." Naruko finally said staring at him emotionlessly with her red eyes.

To say Deidara was freaking out would be an understatement. To dig up dirt on his time in the Hidden Rock was one thing but this brat actually had information on how he was recruited into the Akatsuki something no one outside of the Akatsuki should know.

'She's picking Deidara apart mentally, unnerving her opponent before the fight even begins. She usually only chose brute force as her first option in a fight. What could have made her change this much?' Kakashi thought while watching the exchange

"Th-there's no way you should be able to know that, who the hell told you all this! What game are you playing at?" Deidara asked her frantically.

"What game am I playing? No, this game is all yours and your Akatsuki buddies? I'm just better at playing it." Naruko said with a sigh. "Now I believe I've gone on long enough so I'll give you one last chance to hand Gaara over or I will simply kill you like the lowly dog you are."

Naruko's words only seemed to piss Deidara off as he went to charge at her. However, before he had a chance a strange vortex began to swirl around his remaining arm with it suddenly being severed causing Deidara to cry out in pain and shock.

"Kamui!" Kakashi's voice spoke up.

"I was wondering how long it was gonna take you to charge that up, stalling someone for that long is pretty boring you know," Naruko sighed as Kakashi placed his headband back over his Sharingan.

"Sorry, I'm still practicing with it but I've gotta ask was any of that stuff you said about him true?" Kakashi asked her.

"I got the information from Shinobu and Alucard," Naruko replied with a smirk as she looked up at the stunned Deidara. "Well looks like you have about as many options as you have fingers, a shame you refused my offer earlier."

"The fuck is wrong with you!" Deidara exclaimed at the loss of his only arm.

"Gaara took that other arm of yours didn't he," Naruko asked as Deidara's slight shift in posture told her all she needed to know. "Well now we've finished the job but you see I was reading the bingo book some time ago and it said that you have a bounty of over two hundred thousand Ryo but I do not have the need for money. Leaving with the final option of me devouring you, body and soul." Naruko said with a smile showing her fangs and shark-like teeth.

Deidara seemed to realize Naruko was going to kill and vore him and tried to flee on his clay bird only for Naruko to throw Gae-Bolg at the bird watching in horror as it was split down the middle and exploded sending him flying down into the forest below.

The spear disappeared into bright red lights and rematerialized in Naruko's hand with a grin.

"Nice Job Naruko." Kakashi said.

"Anyway, we should probably go get Deidara's head before he gets the bright idea to run. Not that I mind fast food" Naruko said with Kakashi groaning at her dark comment.

The pair jumped off the cliff and ran down to the forest below following Deidara's chakra signature. Arriving in a small clearing they saw Deidara simply standing there waiting with a smirk on his face.

"Big mistake letting me get out of your sight."

"A clone," Naruko sighed. "So I'm guessing you plan on blowing up or someshit right?"

"You really are a piece of work you know that, still hopefully this piece of art will tu-" Deidara began before getting interrupted by a cough.

"Yeah look I don't care about that I want to know why Gaara didn't emerge from the destroyed bird," Naruko said cutting off Deidara.

"He's still back at the hideout hidden in a back room; we took the One Tail from him ages ago so we just dumped him in there to di-!" The clone began before its head was removed and then exploded.

It took less than five minutes for the duo to arrive as they froze seeing the state of the hideout and the three lone figures sitting amongst a sea of destroyed puppets.

"Holy shit. You lot look like you had fun." Naruko said with a grin drawing the attention of the three who seemed relieved to see them.

"Naruko, Kakashi," Sakura sighed in relief as she ran over to the pair.

"Sasuke, what's with your shirt being off. You didn't try anything with Sakura did you?" Naruko called to Sasuke with a laugh getting a groan from him.

"We didn't do anything. We were waiting for both of you?" Sasuke said looking at her.

"Have you guys seen Gaara around here? He wasn't with Deidara who also escaped but lost his other arm thanks to Kakashi over there." Naruko said looking for Gaara.

"Holy crap you guys really had fun with all the dead puppets on the floor!" Naruko said.

Naruko walked along what remained of the cave wall until finally pausing and charging up a punch and smashing it right into the center.

"Gaara isn't dead yet but…" Naruko started.

"Naruko he isn't breathing I'm sorry to say this but-." Sakura replied

"He is dying, not dead yet but his core is fading fast." Naruko replied picking up Gaara's body and dropping it carefully next to the group.

"Then we'll just have to do something about that then won't we," Chiyo sighed as she moved to kneel next to Gaara as her hands began to glow a faint green color.

"Lady Chiyo you shouldn't be doing anything strenuous in your condition-!" Sakura said with a grim look.

"Sakura," Chiyo sighed as she turned to face the promising Medic nin with a smile. "I can feel my body collapsing even as we speak; I won't make it back to the Sand at this rate. That being said there is one thing I can do, one last use from this old bag of bones to make up for all of my mistakes."

"Lady Chiyo what are you doing," Sakura asked slowly as Chiyo smiled sadly at her, her age truly beginning to show as she struggled to remain upright.

"If I'm going to die then why not use the last scraps of my life to ensure that Gaara can live his?" Chiyo said.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked

"She means she is exchanging her life force with his. Giving him back his life in exchange for hers." Naruko spoke up behind Sakura with Sasuke putting a hand on her shoulder.

"As your friend, said I'm going to use a certain jutsu, one that restores life to someone in exchange for the caster's own. Considering I'm dying anyway I don't see the harm, do you Sakura?" Chiyo said with a small smile looking at the group before she slumped over Gaara lifeless, just as the red head's eyes shot open immediately locking onto the group gathered around him before noticing Chiyo's still form on his chest.

"What … happened?" Gaara asked confused.

"You're alive." Naruko said with a smile pulling the redhead in for a hug as Sasuke and Sakura gently moved Chiyo to the side.

"What happened to Elder Chiyo?" Gaara asked.

At his question, the room fell silent for several moments before Sakura finally managed to muster up enough will to speak.

"She-Lady Chiyo gave her life so that you could live." She said.

"I see." Gaara said looking up with a sad look.