Naruto Shippuden 7

After Lady Chiyo had sacrificed herself for Gaara to live, Naruko with Alucard's assistance opened up a rift back to Suna.

They walked through the rift with the others arriving at the entrance to the Hidden Sand. Several gate guards noticed Naruko emerge with a deceased Chiyo and were about to attack until Gaara emerged forcing them to their knees.

"L-Lord Kazekage!"

"You survived!"

"At the cost of our beloved Elder Chiyo," Gaara sighed softly. "One of you please inform Lord Ebizo of his sister's death and the other please inform my siblings that I have returned."

Arriving at the home of Chiyo and her brother Chiyo's brother Ebizo stood out the front with a blank expression on his face as he began to speak.

"Lord Kazekage I am glad the retrieval mission was a success." Ebizo said.

"It wouldn't have been if it wasn't for your sister Lord Ebizo and for that you have my life in your hands." Gaara replied with a sad look.

"Then as your keeper I have but one demand of you Kazekage Gaara." spoke Ebizo

"And that is?" Gaara asked.

"Do not fail again, Lady Naruko please follow me so that I may prepare for my sister's burial." Ebizo spoke.

Naruko silently nodded knowing that inside the man was grieving as she followed him into a side house and placed her body on a table and silently slipped out, closing the door as she did so.

Arriving back out the front she saw Temari furiously hugging everyone except Kakashi, thanking them profusely for their aid in retrieving Gaara. Once she was in view Temari half crash tackled her though her balance wasn't affected in the slightest as she leaned back to catch her.

"Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?" Temari asked

"No need, I was happy to help a fellow Jinchuuriki and a friend." Naruko stated with a small smile. "How's Kankuro doing."

"He's up but confined to bed rest and currently eating some food." Temari replied.

"Ah speaking of food that reminds me, I'm hungry." Naruko said before walking to her team as they planned on staying the night in Suna before heading back to Konoha the next day.


Having departed the Sand Village in the early hours of the morning the group arrived back in Konoha a little before lunch using Naruko's gaps which she learned overnight. After checking in with the eternal gate guards the group soon stood before a tired Tsunade and an amused-looking Jiraiya.

"So let me get this straight, Akatsuki successfully stole the One Tail from Gaara but one of the Elders gave up her own life to save him. Then Naruko was being herself and let one of the Akatsuki escape." Tsunade said making the group groan and Naruko flushed red in embarrassment.

"To be fair Lady Tsunade I should take some of the blame there," Kakashi said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Plus it's not like he got away unscathed. He's missing both arms."

Tsunade simply sighed and dismissed the team promising to pay them for a somewhat successful mission. All of the team except for Sasuke left to continue their daily life.

"Lady Hokage I have a request to ask of you?" Sasuke asked.

"Sure, but follow me to my office. We can talk there."


"So you want me in all my infinite knowledge to allow you to go out of the village so you can look for Itachi. Who is working for the Akatsuki. Very well, I am allowing this because Naruko already told me about your need to talk to your brother and ask him questions. Do not make me regret this decision because I'll personally relieve your head from your skull. Well, best of luck Sasuke." Tsunade said after she listened to Sasuke's argument about wanting to leave the hidden leaf.

"Thank you Lady Tsunade." Sasuke said heading out of the Hokage tower and walking towards the Konoha gates. Surprisingly Naruko, Sakura, Kakashi, Shinobu, Alucard, and Kaede were there waiting for him.

"You didn't plan on leaving without saying goodbye did you Sasuke." Naruko asked with a grin as she looked at him.

"No, you would probably beat me up for not saying goodbye. Well, I guess this is it for now huh. Thanks, Shinobu, Alucard, and Kaede for teaching me for a while it was quite intuitive and worthwhile." Sasuke said receiving nods from the siblings.

"Well Sasuke, be safe out there. Thank you for letting me be your sensei." Kakashi said with a grin and his trademark eye smile as he looked at him.

"Hn, it was a nice run for Team 7. I thank you, Kakashi for teaching me and helping me throughout even though you have your weird habits." Sasuke said to Kakashi before turning to Sakura.

"Do, do you really have to go?" Sakura asked with a sad look on her face.

"Yes. Sorry, Sakura. I really have to go but this is not goodbye. I'm sure we will meet each other soon. Please take care of yourself and Naruko wherever she is. Finally thank you Sakura for everything." Sasuke said before pulling her into a hug.

"Have a safe trip and be safe on your journey." Sakura said with tears forming in her eyes as Sasuke began walking further away before she soon lost sight of him.