Naruto Shippuden 8


Naruko yawned as she woke up in her bed hugged closely to Alucard. With a wiggle, she broke out of her grip put on a T-shirt larger than her and walked out of the room to find out who was knocking at the door.

Soon arrivng at the door, she opened it to see Tsunade at the front with a grim look on her face. Naruko let her in and prepared a cup of tea for both of them.

"What brings you here Granny?" Naruko asked as she served the tea to Tsunade.

"Could you call the other three first before I start explaining my reason for being here?" Tsunade asked as Naruko nodded and left to call the others. After a few seconds, Naruko returned with Alucard who was in her underwear and a nightgown, Shinobu in black lingerie, and Kaede in pajamas.

"Good day Tsunade," Shinobu spoke first. "What brings you here?"

"Asuma Sarutobi … has been killed in action." Tsunade said.

"Hmm, he's gramps son. How is gramps doing after hearing the news?" Naruko asked with her eyes locked with Tsunade's.

"He's mourning." Tsunade said getting a nod from Naruko.

"How did it happen?" Kaede asked as she drank some of Naruko's tea that was prepared.

"The mission report states that Team Asuma acquired some information successfully and made it across the border back to Fire Country when the immortal duo of the Akatsuki engaged them. Fleeing into the dense woods they managed to throw off Kakuzu however Hidan relentlessly pursued them until Asuma sacrificed himself so that his students could escape." came Tsunade's reply.

"Was there anything else, did you send a team to retrieve his body?" Shinobu asked getting a 'no' from Tsunade.

"Given the likelihood that the duo could still be in the area. I'm hesitant to send a retrieval team however this is precisely why I asked the four of you-." Tsunade said looking at them with hope.

"We'll bring Asuma home. I owe the old man and him that much, neither judged me when I was the village's martyr and Asuma seemed like a good person. This also makes Konohamaru the last of his line doesn't it?" Naruko said.

"Unfortunately it does which means he is now the heir of the Sarutobi Clan until he comes of age." Tsunade replied. "Thank you for going to retrieve Asuma for us. I'm sure Kurenai will appreciate it," Tsunade sighed as she turned to face the window. "Shikamaru is breaking the news to her now so I don't doubt she'll be down at my office in a few minutes. If you could-."

"I'll head out now. Alucard, Kaede could you come with me" Naruko said as she stood up and walked toward the door. Before stepping out she looked to Shinobu "Could you please inform Kakashi and Sakura as to why I've yet to see them for our daily missions?" With all that said she walked out of the room with Alucard and Kaede following behind her.

"Very well. Do be safe little sister" Shinobu said as she walked back into her room leaving Tsunade alone in the living room.

Alucard opened up a rift as she, Naruko, and Kaede walked through it. Appearing in a small clearing that had the clear signs of a struggle. Looking around Naruko saw patches of blood. Following the trail, they came across the corpse of Asuma leaning to the side of a tree with a small smile on his face.

"Even in death, he has a smile on his face." Naruko said as she approached the body.

She slowly lifts up the body and puts it in a princess carry position. "Alucard, Kaede one of you please open up a rip. It's time we head back."

Alucard waved her hand as another rip opened up. Walking through, they were greeted with an ear-piercing shriek as a Leaf kunoichi spotted the dead form of Asuma in Naruko's arm. Two ANBU who were always on watch at the Konoha morgue appeared before them and within moments and were frozen in shock seeing the dead body of one of their Shinobi.

"Do you have any room for Jonin Sarutobi?" Naruko asked solemnly.

"Y-yes we do," the orderly managed to stutter out as he pointed into another room as the ANBU with a mask turned to address Naruko.

"Thank you for retrieving the body I shall inform the Hokage at once." Anbu personnel said.

"Do we need to remain here or can we go home?" Naruko asked getting a nod from the Anbu.

"You can leave once you have handed the body over to the orderlies who work at the morgue." the ANBU replied before vanishing in a swirl of leaves.

"Alright show me where to place him," Naruko asked as the shocked orderlies led her into the room and had Asuma placed on a steel table.


A look of determination was currently present on the faces of three shinobi as they stood near the main gate of the village. All three were kitted out with as much gear as they could carry without compromising their respective styles as they nodded to each other.

"So we're really doing this," Choji asked as Ino nodded.

"Of course we are I mean they haven't even sent anyone to get Asuma Sensei's body back yet! If we can't find those bastards then we'll at least bring him home!" Ino said looking at Shikamaru.

"Yeah I couldn't stand seeing Kurenai that upset," Shikamaru sighed as he recalled his visit to Kurenai that morning to inform her of Asuma's death. "We owe it to Asuma to avenge his death!"

"You know if I didn't know any better I'd say you three were planning to leave the village … unauthorized," a lazy voice drawled as all three turned to see Kakashi sitting on a tree branch looking down at them appraisingly.

"We're going to avenge Asuma, not even you can stop us!" Ino exclaimed.

"Bold words coming from you Ino but I wonder could either of you do it?" Kakashi stated before jumping out of the tree and landing before them. Kakashi looked each of them in the eye without even the slightest hint of amusement present like normal.

"Could you actually kill foes like the Immortal Duo of Akatsuki, foes that are both S Rank ninja said to be each Kage Level?" Kakashi asked.

"What other choice do we have either we avenge Asuma or this all just gets swept under the rug, Kurenai deserves justice!" came Shikamaru angered voice.

"Settle down there Shikamaru," Kakashi sighed. "A Nara losing his cool often leads to some of the largest mistakes, or did Shikaku not tell you that? Besides I didn't come here to stop you."

"Then why did you come?" Shikamaru asked.

"Several reasons I suppose though they are all pure I assure you. Although I've often operated alone in the village these last few years I've grown closer to the Chunin and Jonin with Asuma being one of the people I'd come to respect above most others."

"Wait are you saying that-!"

"Team Asuma is without its leader and without a leader for your cell. You can't leave the village to perform standard missions," Kakashi explained. "But with me, you'll be able to leave in order to do what you have to do, understand where I'm going with this?"

"But why would you help us," Shikamaru asked suspiciously.

"Asuma was a comrade and right now his killers walk free out there without any sign of punishment. I vow upon my title as an Elite Jonin of the Leaf to use everything I have to bring Asuma's killers to justice!" Kakashi said

The InoShikaCho trio were stunned at the copy nin's words especially after hearing and witnessing all of the terrible things he'd done as the leader of Team Seven.

"Seeing as you three are already prepared I've taken the liberty of getting a B Rank Mission to get us out of the village, should buy us the time we need to catch those two but we need to leave now."

"Yes Kakashi Sensei," the three chorused as the now formed four-man squad moved toward the front gate of the Leaf determined to avenge Asuma Sarutobi.

-With Shinobu-

Sitting in the living room Shinobu was drinking some tea after she had told her little sister teammate and teacher about the reason for her absence. As she continued drinking tea in silence she was soon interrupted by a bang at the door.

She was about to get up when the sound of one of the windows shattering had her up on her feet and walking towards the door. Opening the door she was met by the sight of a hysteric Kurenai.

"Naruko Uzumaki you drag yourself out here right now!" Kurenai shouted ignoring the angered look on Shinobu's face,

"Watch the way you speak about my sister, lest I separate your tongue from your mouth!" Shinobu exclaimed scaring Kurenai as she calmed down.

"Sorry, I just need to talk to Naruko out here right now!" Kurenai said.

"What would you need her for?" Shinobu asked with a frown.

"I just need her out here right now before it's too late!" Kurenai exclaimed getting more agitated.

"Too late for what?" Shinobu asked slightly intrigued.

"Can't you just bring her out here! You're her older sister from what I have heard." Kurenai asked.

"No, I won't and she is not around right now?" Shinobu stated as she was planning on fixing the broken window.

Before anything else could happen Naruko, Alucard and Kaede walked into the room as they noticed the broken window.

"So why's the window broken. Kurenai sorry about the news earlier. My condolences." Naruko said sitting down at the table.

"Naruko..." Kurenai spoke up.

"She's not going to leave until I listen to what she needs?" Naruko asked looking at Shinobu.

"Indeed, she seems quite stirred up and I don't think it's about Asuma at least not his death directly." Shinobu said

"Out of respect, I'll hear you out on why you chose to break the window. It's not our fault that Asuma died." Naruko said urging Kurenai to speak.

"No, you don't understand I NEED you to go after them!" Kurenai said getting a confused look from Naruko.

"Excuse me?" Naruko asked.

"Do I need to beg you for this because if that's what you want I'll do it!" Kurenai said getting desperate.

"I'm confused and you haven't asked me anything yet." Naruko stated.

"Don't act like you don't know why I came I can see it in your eyes you know exactly what I want! Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru have gone after the Immortal Duo and they'll be slaughtered so please I beg of you save them and kill the bastards responsible for Asuma's death!" Kurenai said as tears fell from her eyes.

"..." Naruko looked lost, only to be cut off as the Genjutsu mistress got down onto her hands and knees and bowed before her.

"Please Naruko, Shinobu any of you guys, I beg of you, wipe the stain of those two off of this earth so that no one else has to die the way Asuma did." Kurenai sobbed as Shinobu saw Naruko visibly flinch.