Naruto Shippuden 9

"So we're going after the 'immortal' duo of the Akatsuki then." Alucard asked Naruko who was getting changed in front of her.

"Yeah, I need to avenge Gramps's son. It's the least I can do. Shinobu are you planning on coming with us?" Naruko asked looking at the mentioned woman who was dressed.

"Nope, I have some duties to attend to." Shinobu replied with a sly smile getting groans from both Alucard and Naruko.

"Very well, have fun. Alucard and I are going to go kill some people." Naruko said before holstering the gun Alucard gave her. "Is the gun really necessary Alucard, I barely know how to use one?"

"No worries little sister, I shall teach you the art of the gunslinger. Even got a book from the legendary 'Donté, el exterminador de demonios.'" Alucard replied with a grin as she and Naruko prepared to leave through a gap she made.

"Good luck and Have fun ladies." Kaede spoke to them from the living room as she was eating some Mr. Donuts.

"Hey, Kaede. I said stop hogging the donuts for yourself!" Shinobu's voice was heard by both Alucard and Naruko as they walked through the portal to put an end to the Immortal duo of Akatsuki.

"She really loves Donuts. I barely see her get that loud." Alucard said getting a nod from Naruko.

On the opposite side of the portal, they were met with destruction. Naruko could feel two forces opposing each other and thanks to Kakashi's diminished power level she knew he and Asuma's students were on the losing end.

"Looks like we got our work cut out for us. Kakashi surprisingly is here." Naruko said.

The both of them took off toward the sound of explosions as they saw a large fist appear over the treetops before coming back down to shake the entire area with its force. They arrived in time to see Choji's massive fist being blocked by Hidan's scythe as the man grinned away like an idiot.

Looking over to Kakashi, Naruko saw a wire piercing his chest and frowned as she traced it back to Kakuzu whose arms seemed to have split open with several wires writhing around like tendrils.

"That is a really punchable face." Alucard chimed in.

"*Sigh* There goes the element of surprise, which we surprisingly suck at." Naruko said as Kakazu noticed them.

"Hidan it appears we have company," Kakuzu's gravelly voice boomed as everyone in the clearing turned towards the duo in shock and surprise.

"Alucard…Naruko," Kakashi sighed as Hidan began to laugh once again.

"More sacrifice for Lord Jashin" Hidan said

"Fuck, his face is really punchable and is also annoying." Alucard said with a grin.

"Well looks like we have our targets. Well, it's time to fuck them up 100% Maximum No chill!" Naruko said with a grin as she jumped after Kakazu.

"Wow. She really is going for it. Well, you heard her Mr. Cultist." Alucard said before blitzing Hidan with a kick to the head.

-With Naruko-

Naruko jumped in before summoning Kokorowatari and cutting the wires that were sent her way. Kakazu looked up at her before moving out of the way of her sword swing which nicked his Akatsuki cloak causing it to fall and reveal what he had under the cloth.

With his cloak off, his entire form was revealed which appeared more like a patchwork of other bodies mixed together.

"Wow, aren't you a Frankenstein reject. Well, I'm going to kill you now and it is probably going to be painful." Naruko said before materializing both Gae-Bolg into her hand.

"Hmph, as if you can kill me girl. I am immortal." Kakazu boasted getting a groan and a frown from Naruko.

"Very well 'Immortal'. You've rambled on long enough." Naruko said before getting into a stance.

Before Kakazu could react Naruko dashed past him numerous times and piercing his flesh and stabbing him. Then he felt something, something vile and disgusting behind him. Looking back he saw Naruko hold the spears out towards him in a stance. The feeling of death coming from those spears made him unconsciously take a step back only to find himself paralyzed with fear unable to move. The last time he felt like this was with his encounter with the First Hokage

Naruko got into a stance as she was about to call upon the power of her spears. She dashed toward him with spears in hand.

"You're going straight to HELL! Stab and penetrate...Thrust and drill!" Naruko exclaimed as she stabbed one of the Gáe-Bolg directly in one of his hearts sending him flying in the air and pinning him to a tree.

Before Kakazu could even think of trying to remove the spear embedded in him and coming through the other side, he soon felt something growing in his stomach, almost akin to sharpened thorns. Then he felt it, all of his hearts were being trapped in the thorns and getting crushed and pierced painfully. Before he had the time to contemplate on his problem, Naruko's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Gáe Bolg Alternative!" Naruko screamed out throwing the other spear directly at Kakazu before exploding on impact and destroying a part of the forest they were in and completely destroying Kakazu not leaving a trace of him left.

"Tch, fucking Frankenstein. At least he died in unimaginable pain." Naruko said as Gáe-Bolg Alternative rematerialized in her hands before she brushed off a strand of blonde hair from her face and looked onward with a beautiful smile.

-With Alucard-

The sound of flesh hitting the ground repeatedly could be heard throughout the forest as Alucard had Hidan by his head and repeatedly bashed it against the ground with a smile on her face.

"She really is making this look so easy." came the voice of Ino who sat beside her teammates and Kakashi.

"Isn't she one of the women that Naruko lives with? If she's this strong why doesn't she help around the village." Choji asked confused.

"She is usually not around." Kakashi said which was technically true as she spends most of her days either in Naruko's shadow or in their personal universe.

"Should we help her?" Ino asked.

"No, we'll only get in her way and she looks like the kind of person to accept the casual loss of innocent lives and collateral damage as long as it gets the job done. We could get caught in the crossfire and die without her showing a shred of decency or care." Shikamaru told Ino who frowned and looked down with her fist clenched.

While Alucard was beating the breaks off Hidan she overheard the group's conversation on the sidelines and smiled at their description of her. Yes, she was a monster. Everyone in her family are monsters in their own way. She then looked back at Hidan who was once again eating dirt.

"Are you done eating dirt?" Alucard asked as Hidan got up with anger.

"You fucking cunt. I'll fucking kill you, then I'll kill that bitch of a Jinchuuriki and sacrifice her corpse to Jashin maybe make us of her body before th-" Hidan said before getting his rant interrupted by Alucard grabbing his lower face and crushing it, leaving his jaw hanging by one joint. Hidan let out a slight groan and had a look of horror as he noticed the carefree woman he was fighting with get angry and close her eyes.

Alucard pulls her arm back and thrusts it through Hidan's chest and out his back, with his heart clenched in it, before pulling her arm out along with the organ. Alucard then force-fed Hidan his heart while forcing him to his knees before grabbing the sides of his head, opening her now bloodshot, murderous eyes, and uttering one final command.

"Now swallow." She says before crushing his head into paste with her brute strength. She soon revived him but without his immortality before tossing the unconscious Hidan to the bystanders.

"Do what you see fit. I removed his immortality." Alucard said before walking away toward Naruko's direction with her hands clenched in anger.