Naruto Shippuden 11

"Speaking of having a plan. Sasuke what's the plan now?" Suigetsu asked as the group continued walking towards an unknown destination.

"We need to find my brother Itachi and we know that he's part of the Akatsuki so I'd think our current objective is clear." Sasuke said with a deadpan response.

"Attack the bases of the Akatsuki until we find Itachi Uchiha or someone who knows where he is," Jugo finished as Sasuke nodded.

"That sounds stupid. Stop being stupid. Do you want to get Akatsuki on our asses Sasuke!" Suigetsu exclaimed at their plan.

"None here are weak Suigetsu unless you believe you couldn't beat Kisame Hoshigaki-?" Sasuke said with a coy smile.

"I could fillet that fish bastard any time any place," Suigetsu snapped. "Don't forget who I am Sasuke!"

"Yeah yeah we've all heard it a million times already Suigetsu," Karin groaned. "Big bad Suigetsu Hozuki heralded as the second coming of the Demon of the Bloody Mist who's brother ended up being one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist blah blah blah!"

"You'd better watch your mouth when talking about my brother Karin or else you'll find out firsthand why they call me a prodigy in the art of murder," Suigetsu growled.

"That's enough from both of you," Sasuke said stopping the pair from arguing further. "We continue our journey to find the first Akatsuki base immediately."

"Hopefully this doesn't end up being us running across the Elemental Nations for months," Karin sighed as the group continued walking.

-Meanwhile In Konoha-

"You want me to go where?" Jiraiya asked.

"Jiraiya you know I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't have to but you are the only one who could pull this off." Tsunade said with a sad sigh.

"But Princess you do realize where you just asked me to go right? Infiltrating the Hidden Rain isn't possible you know that as well as I do! Why haven't asked Shinobu or Naruko and the rest?" Jiraiya asked.

"I asked Naruko for Shinobu's location, but she said she is at some place called the Land of Shadows. Well, what other choice do we have," Tsunade shouted as she slammed a fist down on her desk which was struggling to stay together from the force she applied to it. "We have one opportunity to get information on the leader of the Akatsuki and if we let this slip we may not get another chance!"

"I know," Jiraiya sighed as he sat down on the couch in the corner of the room. "Rain just brings back all those old memories from our time as kids."

"Yes, back when Orochimaru was just a creep and we were all just skilled shinobi doing our best to survive the Third Great Ninja War. Then one day you, Orochimaru, and myself all got caught sneaking around Rain and ended up fighting Hanzo the Salamander until he took pity on us and let us go." Tsunade said thinking about the past.

"Yeah and dubbed us the Legendary Sannin for our trouble," Jiraiya snickered. "Honestly that title people give you would've been far more appropriate wouldn't it?"

"The Legendary Suckers," Tsunade said with a small smile. "Yeah that would pretty much sum up our lives wouldn't it?"

"Trained by one of the greatest men this village ever produced yet not one of us turned out right, Fate is a fickle thing isn't it?"

"And now Rain calls once again," Tsunade sighed as she gazed out of her office window. "Be careful out there Jiraiya."

"I'll return Tsunade don't worry about that after all, I've got precious people to take care of and the heart of a Princess to capture don't I?" Jiraiya said with a grin.

"Shut up you old fool and get going." Tsunade said with a smile.

"Heh, I'll see you around Tsunade," Jiraiya said with a wave as he leaped out of the office window much to Tsunade's annoyance.

Jiraiya smiled to himself as he made his way toward the front gate of Konoha, mission scroll in hand to present to the eternal gate guardians who stood ever vigilant at their posts. He walked over to the gate presenting the scroll to Izumo who marked it off in the book at the desk.

"See you soon Lord Jiraiya," Kotetsu said as Jiraiya left the Hidden Leaf, his smile slowly fading as he prepared himself for the hardest mission of his life.


"Another bust," Suigetsu groaned as he sat on a desk. "Oi Sasuke are you sure that guy we interrogated was legit?"

"I'm positive especially since we have evidence every place we've hit are Akatsuki hideouts," Sasuke replied as he looked toward the room the group hadn't checked yet.

"Why bother I doubt everyone is hiding in there?" Suigetsu groaned as he followed the group.

"Shut it Suigetsu and use that brain of yours for something productive," Karin said as she pushed Suigetsu over on her way to the door.

Kicking down the door revealed a dark room that was completely devoid of anything save one chair at the opposite end of the room where a man sat silently watching them.

"Oi Sasuke is this your brother?" Suigetsu asked.

"Hello, Sasuke. You've gotten taller." came Itachi's voice

"Itachi! You look old." Sasuke replied menacingly as the two brothers shared a laugh.

"Why did you leave Konoha?" Itachi said.

"To look for you, but you already knew that." Sasuke responded.

"Hmm very well, but this here is just a clone I left in order to leave a message." Itachi said to Sasuke.

"A message?" Sasuke said looking confused.

"The location of Danzo Shimura."

"You know where he is?," Sasuke asked as the Itachi clone nodded. "Yes and I know you seek to kill him, but I insist we finish our family business first. Meet me. I have some things to tell you. Be prepared for battle." was the final thing the Itachi clone said before it burst into a murder of crows that flew past the group and out the nearest window just in time for them to hear another voice.

"Aww come on Deidara Senpai why do we have to run around after a bunch of brats!" came a jovial voice.

"Shut up Tobi I'm getting real tired of your shit!" Deidara exclaimed who had his arms back with stitches.

"B-but Deidara Senpai my feelings … my feelings are hurt! How could you treat poor Tobi like trash!" The now-named Tobi cried out with tears.

"It's a bit late to conceal your presence now you know." Sasuke said as the two looked up to see Sasuke and his team staring right at them.

"Man why'd I have to get stuck with a loser like you," Deidara groaned as he turned toward Tobi. "You completely blew any element of surprise we could've had!"

"AAAAAAH TOBI IS SO VERY SORRY!" Tobi said crying and getting to his knees.

"SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!" Deidara screamed getting tired of Tobi's shit.

"As amusing as this is can we hurry up. I have more important things to do." Sasuke said snapping the pair out of their argument.

"R-right," Deidara sighed as he turned toward Sasuke. "So you've been trashing our bases for the last week haven't you Sasuke Uchiha?"

"Yes, what of it?" Sasuke asked.

"The Leader isn't too happy with you and he's asked us to take care of you." Deidara responded.

"He sends both of you to disturb my Sasuke!" Karin exclaims in anger. "Sasuke alone could beat you both. So I'd scurry on back to whichever hole you Akatsuki have decided to crawl into and hide."

"And who do you think you are speaking to the Mad Bomber like that eh!" Deidara asked.

"Karin, stop provoking them with your big mouth." Suigetsu cut in before Karin could land them into bigger trouble.


"Shut up Tobi and as for you," Deidara said with a scowl as he reached into a pouch putting all four shinobi on guard. "I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson to respect your betters it seems."

"Damn it Karin. Look what your big mouth got us into." Suigetsu said only for Karin to come back with a retort. "Oh hush, I'm sure you would have said worse and annoyed him more.

"Both of you quiet down. I'll deal with him. Jugo take them and go without me. I'll catch up soon." Sasuke said as Jugo carried both Suigetsu and Karin and leaped out of the hideout.

Sasuke brought out his sword, engulfing it in lightning chakra before appearing in front of Deidara, grabbing him by the face with his free hand and flinging him outside. Deidara skidded to a stop near the edge of the forest with Sasuke walking out with the sword on his shoulder.

"Damn Uchiha," Deidara growled as Sasuke shot him an unamused look. "I'll teach you to look down on my art!"

Deidara summoned a large clay bird and took to the skies as he fired over a dozen smaller birds aimed directly at Sasuke.

"Useless. Is this all your precious art can do?" Sasuke responded before holding his sword behind him and firing of a massive sword beam mixed in with some lightning chakra that engulfed Deidara's creations narrowly missing his position as it shot past before descending into the forest that sets off a large explosion.

"Tch. Damn you Uchiha." Deidara said.

"To be fair you aren't weak however I'm far above you in all aspects." Sasuke said with a grin

"Far above me, how dare you underestimate me and my art!" Deidara said with anger.

"Oh but I'm not underestimating you because I was there the last time you went up against Naruko you were crushed with ease and fled, even when she didn't put in any effort. Deidara the Mad Bomber said to be an S Rank missing-nin yet you were defeated in less than five minutes once your pursuers caught up, pathetic." Sasuke replied.

"Heh, I'm not gonna let you rile me up duck-butt Uchiha." Deidara responded getting a blank look from Sasuke.

Deidara was already moving and created another clay bird in order to flee followed by six other larger ones to slam into Sasuke's position. To his shock however, Sasuke made no move to even dodge the attacks as the birds slammed into him setting off a large explosion.

"Leaving so soon? Earth Release: Earth Flow Spears" Sasuke voiced.

Deidara was shocked as large spears each the size of pillars erupted from the earth stabbing right through his clay bird in an attempt to get to him. Unfortunately, he wasn't as fast in trying to dodge and as a result, his prosthetic arm was torn clean off as he fell to the earth in shock.

Walking toward him with no sign of damage was a shirtless Sasuke with black marks covering half of his body, his blade crackling with lighting and his eyes morphing into the Mangekyou Sharingan as he drew closer and closer.

As Sasuke raised his sword he paused when he noticed Deidara's body begin to glow with thin white lines beginning to appear all across it.

"Heheheheh, I'll teach you to look down on my art, I'LL TEACH YOU ALL!" Deidara said as he turned himself into a bomb.

"What is he doing?" Sasuke asked stepping back with caution.

Sorry, but you won't get to do all that crap with my body you stupid Uchiha because it's about to take center stage!" Deidara exclaimed.

"Wait you turned your body into-!" "Sasuke exclaims.

"Oh, now you're scared well then I hope you enjoy it all the way to the afterlife!" Deidara said.

Sasuke tried to run only for Deidara to stand and run toward him with his arms out wide and a maniacal grin on his face.

Everything went white in that instant as Sasuke took the full brunt of an explosion that shook the entire surrounding area. The blast shook the area for quite some time and didn't die down until the smoke did with only one person having appeared to have survived.


Deidara was about to release a clay bird to flee when an arm got a hold of his shoulder. He looked back to see a bloodied Sasuke covered in an ethereal armor.

"You almost got me there. Fuck how does Naruko tank such hits and walk them off so easily." Sasuke said as he punched Deidara in the face sending him flying back before he himself dropped to a knee and held his arm.

"What the fuck," Deidara cried as he saw Sasuke get back to his feet and limp towards him with an expressionless look before his Sharingan began rotating.

"AMATERASU!" Sasuke said as his eyes began bleeding slowly. Deidara soon found himself engulfed in the black flames, screaming in agony as his body was roasted and burnt without it being recognizable.

Sasuke looked at the charred corpse before turning to face the fool named Tobi who was staring at him in an almost calculative way.

"Do you want to be next?" Sasuke asked.

It appeared as if Tobi was considering it before simply vanishing in a strange vortex leaving Sasuke alone as he looked at the wounds marring his body and laughed.

"Ha, to think I would have this much fun. Is this what naruko feels when she gets into a decent fight?" Sasuke said to himself before snapping his arm back to place without so much as a grunt and began walking to catch up to the rest of his team.