Naruto Shippuden 12

-In the Hokage Tower-

" …Jiraiya boy fell in battle."

The room was silent as the news was taken in by all those present.

"Against those Paths of Pain Jiraiya boy was simply outmatched and not even his Sage Mode could defeat them." Fukasask(Pa) said.

"Pa," Tsunade said as her voice cracked slightly. "Thank you for being there for Jiraiya in his final battle."

"It was an honor to fight alongside Jiraiya boy Tsunade and all the toads of Mount Myoboku will mourn his passing. Unfortunately with Jiraiya boy's death comes a need for action." the toad replied.

"Action," Tsunade asked as Pa nodded.

"He was planning on teaching young Naruko our arts, but with his death, that role falls to me as the Elder toad." Pa said looking at Naruko who stood with her eyes blurred by her blonde hair. Everyone could feel the negative energy flowing off her as she clenched her fist as her nails broke skin as she bled.

"Excuse me old man Fukusaku," Naruko said quietly as the old toad turned toward Naruko and nodded. "Can you please hold off on the training for a day or two? I need a little time to vent."

"Of course Naruko, I understand completely in fact I was about to suggest the same thing." Pa replied as she walked off to her apartment.

She might have made fun of Jiraiya sometimes but there was some love and respect for him. To find out her God-father and another family member were dead got her really angry. The people on the street moved out of the way as she walked through fearing she might lash out.

"I am going to murder that Pain person violently." Naruko said as she walked into her apartment seeing Kaede patting at the seat next to her. Naruko walked to the spot and sat on it. She rest her head on Kaede's shoulder as they sat there for a while.

"Is Shinobu back yet?" Naruko asked getting a 'no' from Kaede.

"Naruko do you want help with this fight?" Kaede asked.

"No, there are some fights, that I need to tackle by myself. But I would appreciate it if you just make sure the village is still standing." Naruko said before standing up and getting something to eat.


"Kaede, from what I hear this Pain, has a Rinnegan. What does it do?" Naruko asked to Kaede sitting opposite her.

"Hmm, from my research. It has 6 main techniques. The first two are the control attractive and repulsive forces through the Deva-Path. I would watch out for that. The third isn't really important but its main ability is mechanically manipulating one's body. The fourth which I would watch out for is the Human path.

It extracts souls from its targets. You would survive it but I'm sure it would be a weird experience feeling your soul forcefully tried to be removed. The fifth ability is the summoning of creatures through the Animal Path.

Its sixth ability is the ability to transmit chakra, it can also be used to immobilize whoever is hit by aiming for their 'tenketsu', but you don't have to worry about that as you don't use chakra anymore.

The last ability is a lesser version of what our mother does with only having the power to revive the dead." Kaede explained to Naruko who memorized the information she got and got to training.


As she was training, she felt a familiar presence in the room. Naruko saw none other than Itachi Uchiha standing before her with a neutral expression.

"What brings you here?" Naruko asked.

"I'm dying.," Itachi said with a small smile."

"And?" Naruko asked looking at him.

"I've come to tell you a few things, ask a few things, and leave you with a gift." Itachi said.

"Why?" Naruko questioned.

"Because by the end of today I shall most likely be dead either to Sasuke's hand or succumb to my illness." Itachi said with a small smile.

"So Sasuke is having fun? Good for him." Naruko said before summoning a plate of donuts and eating. "How much time do you have?"

"This is a clone with limited chakra since I'll need the bulk of it for my fight with Sasuke however it should be enough for what we need to discuss. The first thing you need to know is the reason why Lord Jiraiya failed to defeat Pain." Itachi asked.

"I already know about the six paths of pain? But explain anyways, I might have missed some details." Naruko said getting a shocked looked from Itachi before she settled with a smile.

"Very well, in that case, he will be here in about two days. He's coming for the Nine-Tails in you." Itachi said getting a nod from Naruko.

"Yeah, already know that." Naruko said before seeing Itachi hand her a folder.

"These are several documents outlining the abilities of the Rinnegan I've seen Pain use personally to the best of my ability. I've also attached information on another Akatsuki member by the name of Tobi. He plays the fool but behind that mask lies someone almost as formidable as Pain himself if not worse if that intel is indeed accurate." Itachi said explaining the info in the Document.

"That's, hmm." Naruko said skimming through some of the files.

"Now I must use this before I run out of chakra," Itachi said as he flashed through a series of hand seals. "Goodbye Naruko Uzumaki."

Naruko looked at Itachi in confusion before jumping back in surprise as a large crow darted toward her and forced its way into her mouth and down her throat.

'Naruko let the crow enter!' Tamamo's voice chimed to her telepathically.

'Why the hell would I do that! I'm being deep-throated you fuck.' Naruko replied back.

'It isn't harmful and appears to be some kind of defense so I see no reason not to allow it in.' Tamamo says.

-Later that day with Sasuke-

"Oi Sasuke where exactly are we going," Suigetsu groaned much to the rest of the group's annoyance.

"Do you ever shut up fish breath can't you see Sasuke is preparing himself to fight his brother," Karin snapped.

"We're here," Sasuke said as he motioned to a small branching path that led off into a darker section of the woods they had been walking through. "Beyond this trail is the Uchiha Clan Hideout."


"Why do we need to fight?" Sasuke asked.

"I would think it obvious wouldn't you Sasuke? You are here today to restore the honor of the clan and drag it from the dark depths it had descended into." Itachi replied.

"Which means we still have to fight." Sasuke said with a sigh.

"Yes but before we do I have a few more things you need to know about the first being Danzo himself. I have his whereabouts however you cannot blindly attack him as you have been with the Akatsuki." Itachi said getting an eyebrow from Sasuke.

"He's just an old man what can he do?" Sasuke asked.

"Have you ever wondered why he wears all those bandages?" asked Itachi.

"Not particularly." Sasuke replied.

"Behind those bandages is a sight that will no doubt anger you, even I felt anger when I first discovered what lay beneath them. Implanted into Danzo are the eyes of countless Uchiha that vanished with his covered eye containing the missing eye of Shisui Uchiha."

"I knew he'd taken the eyes but to implant them on his body," Sasuke said as he shook with rage. "Now I know who my new target is!"

"Indeed but remember Sasuke Shisui's eye was legendary and there is a specific reason why Danzo went after it. You must ensure that should you go after Danzo you guard your mind well."

"I knew he'd taken the eyes but to implant them on his body," Sasuke said as he shook with rage.

Slowly Itachi rose from the throne as he activated his Sharingan immediately putting Sasuke on guard.

"The rest of what you need to know can be taken from Danzo himself though in all honesty it no longer truly matters. Will the Uchiha Clan die here today or will you overcome me and restore it to glory?"

"I'll surpass you here and avenge the clan and most of all our family." Sasuke said getting ready for the fight.

"Remember Sasuke I will no longer hold myself back, fight with the intent to kill." Itachi said.

"I planned on it from the start!" Sasuke responded.

"Of course," Itachi replied as the two vanished and reappeared in front of each other crossing their respective kunai with the loud clash of metal hitting metal ringing all around them.

Both quickly broke off and retreated to the opposite ends of the hall as they flashed through identical hand seals.

"Fire Style-!"

"-Grand Fireball Jutsu!"

Both Uchiha unleashed massive fireballs that quickly engulfed the entire hall in flame signaling the beginning of a long-fated battle between brothers.