Naruto Shippuden 13

Sasuke watched as the top half of Itachi began to glow revealing it to also be a clone as the two sailed across the hall through the air. The clone exploded kicking up a large cloud of smoke only for Sasuke to appear in the center of the room with his speed avoiding the explosion.

"Perhaps you have improved," Itachi said as he spoke from above Sasuke revealing himself to be on the roof gazing down at Sasuke impassively.

'Aww, how do you always just randomly appear like that big brother!'

'You must praise the log Sasuke for the log sees all, hears all, and knows all and if you follow its almighty path it will place you exactly where you need to be.'

"You have a good grasp on your Sharingan and I'm pleased to see you haven't solely relied upon it for combat." Itachi said complementing Sasuke.

"Heh, Naruko beat that concept into me." Sasuke said with a laugh.

"I'm glad you listened to her Sasuke because it has led you to where you needed to be and perhaps you stand a chance in the possible events to come." Itachi replied with a smile.

The Itachi on the roof burst into a murder of crows which charged straight toward Sasuke who stood ready. Just as the crows approached half of Itachi's body reformed as his kunai clashed with Sasuke's sword with the two pushing against one another.

"Hmm, okay reflexes." Itachi said as he burst into crows once more as they flew toward the throne. Itachi reformed standing atop its back already flashing through another series of hand seals

"Fire Style-!"

"-Grand Fire Ball Jutsu!"

The pair once again unleashed massive balls of flame that set alight anything that wasn't already on fire with the two flames fighting for dominance.

'You see this technique Sasuke it's called the Grand Fire Ball Jutsu.'

'Whoa, that's so cool!'

'It is a signature jutsu of the Uchiha Clan and you should always practice ensuring that yours is one of the best.'

'Will you help me practice it, big brother?'

'Maybe another time.'

"It seems you have gained an excellent understanding of the Grand Fire Ball Sasuke however I wonder what you'll do against this? Mangekyou Sharingan!"

Opening his eyes Itachi revealed the eyes that had used to haunt Sasuke's dreams for years, the Mangekyou Sharingan. Looking into those eyes now caused him to smile before he too morphed his eyes to the Mangekyou.

"Hmm, you are able to use the Magekyou also. Then you must know about this technique" Itachi said as he closed his eyes once more before opening and looking into Sasuke's eye which mirrored what he was about to do.

"Amaterasu!" both Uchiha said as their eyes bled.

The two crimson flames that had previously been battling for dominance were both utterly crushed by these new flames that seemed to simply absorb the crimson flame into themselves.

They both jumped back living the flames alight.

Running up a wall Sasuke reached the roof where Itachi was waiting and adjusted his blade, blue lightning sparking from its edges surprising Itachi.

Sasuke immediately fired out a sword beam shaped as an arc which Itachi avoided by turning into a murder of crows. The attack slashed a hole in the roof allowing him to escape the consumed hall below which was now covered in the pitch-black flames which leaked out of every window and hole in the building.

Sasuke stood atop with one eye closed at the Uchiha Hideout with Itachi standing on its front steps looking up at Sasuke with one eye closed. With both paying the price for using the Amaterasu.

"This will be my final attack Itachi." Sasuke said before beginning his attack.

Itachi looked up in awe as a massive Dragon head made of pure lightning appeared in the sky easily dwarfing the hideout as Sasuke raised his hand up in preparation to command it.

"This jutsu is … Kirin!" Sasuke said as the dragon loomed overhead.

'I'm gonna beat you one day big brother I'll get so strong that you'll go slack-jawed at my greatness!'

"Begone with the thunderclap." Sasuke exclaimed finally.

Lowering his hand the massive Dragon descended upon the Uchiha Hideout and Itachi himself, setting off a massive explosion shattering the entire building in one powerful attack with the sound echoing for miles in all directions.

Sasuke landed in the dirt where most of the building now lay scattered about around him panting slightly as he walked forward to make sure Itachi was dead.

"You should be proud of yourself Sasuke. Only a few people have pushed me into using this." came Itachi's voice from the rubble as Itachi emerged, his cloak all but destroyed as he looked at Sasuke with the same smile as always. This only served as a momentary distraction for what was to come however as flames began to flicker to life all around Itachi's body as a large shield appeared in front of him protectively.

"Tch, of course, he'll have that." Sasuke said as he saw his brother's Susano.

'I don't have enough Chakra, but it's do or die. Body don't fail me now!' Sasuke thought before he struggled to summon his own Susano surprising Itachi.

"Impressive, you continue to impress me, brother. I see it now. It shall be through you that the Uchiha shall be brought back to its former glory." Itachi said with a smile.

However, before the fight could continue Sasuke Susanoo dissipated as he soon fell to his knees, his curse mark randomly popped up on half of his body to his confusion.

Itachi watched on as eight heads burst from the Cursed Seal in genuine surprise as a massive serpent rose to equal his Susanoo in height.

"Orochimaru's Eight-Headed Serpent Jutsu?" Itachi wondered, he thought the Sanin was dead from the information gotten.

The eight heads all hissed at Itachi before charging forward just as Itachi raised his Susanoo's shield in an effort to block the attack sending out powerful shockwaves upon impact.

Itachi dropped to one knee as he began coughing violently before looking up at the massive serpent.

'My illness' Itachi thought as he coughed up more blood.

Suddenly he noticed that one of the serpent's heads looked to be gagging as it slowly opened its mouth. From its mouth, Orochimaru emerged as he began laughing like a madman as the remaining seven heads all began charging up an attack.

"How are you alive?" Itachi asked

"My death was greatly exaggerated, but I guess I did get lucky Kukuku. That bitch Shinobu does have a part of my soul trapped within her. I hid myself dip inside Sasuke making him believe he got rid of me. And thanks to you repressing his chakra I have the chance to take over his bo-" Orochimaru said before being interrupted by a blade stabbing through him.

"Hahahaha, did you truly believe a puny attack could take down the likes of me." Orochimaru said laughing before gasping in shock.

"Now Sasuke, what will you do?" Itachi asked.

"This sword, impossible. It couldn't be." Orochimaru exclaimed in shock as he noticed what stabbed him. Very soon Orochimaru and the snake soon started getting absorbed and sealing him away. Finally freeing Sasuke from Orochimaru's grasp.

Slowly Itachi began walking toward Sasuke who had no chakra left thanks to Orochimaru's temporary takeover of his body as he fell to a knee.

As Itachi got closer to Sasuke he lifted him up and leaned him near to a wall as they both slid down and had one final talk.

"Tch, even with all this training I couldn't beat you." Sasuke choked out with a sad look on his face.

"No, you beat me," Itachi replied coughing up more blood.

"Can I really call it a win, when you were sick?" Sasuke asked getting a surprised look from Itachi.

"You knew?" Itachi asked getting a nod from his brother.

"Yes, Naruko told me some time ago, that you were suffering from an illness. That you wanted to die by my hands before you died by the illness. I also know about the reason for the massacre." Sasuke continued to explain as Itachi looked at him with a sad smile as he was running out of time.

"I see, in that case. You know what to do. I wish I could spend a few more moments with you." Itachi said as both brothers struggled to get up.

Itachi looked at Sasuke and tapped his forehead with his fingers and a bloodied smile made its way onto his face. Without a word, the finger slipped down his face leaving a thick trail of blood as his brother fell to the ground lifeless.

Falling again once more Sasuke didn't look at his brother as a shaky hand touched his forehead in fond remembrance.

'This is the symbol of my promise Sasuke so never doubt it.'

'No way big brother you're just doing that to bully me aren't you!'

'I wonder …'

"Itachi," Sasuke said as he used his hands to cover his brother's eyes.

Sasuke finally sat down against the wall with it raining in the background as the black flames of the Amaterasu raged on.