Naruto Shippuden 14

-Konoha Gates-

Two days had passed since Naruko had left to train with the toads of Mount Myoboku in order to prepare for the murder she was going to bring upon Pain and gain new skills including Senjutsu.

Currently, two shinobi stood at their eternal posts ever vigilant in their duties ensuring that no trouble got through the front gates without a fight. Unfortunately for them, trouble was walking down the dirt road toward them as two figures wearing the signature cloak of the Akatsuki organization appeared and were immediately surrounded by Konoha nin.

"By order of the Lady Hokage Tsunade Senju you are both to surrender immediately or face immediate execution," the closest Konoha nin said sharply as the bluenette looked toward her partner expectantly.

"I see you don't plan to just hand over the Nine-Tails peacefully," he sighed before slowly raising his right hand. "Very well then I shall retrieve it myself."

Every shinobi in the area was blown back as the leader of the Akatsuki Pain sent them all flying backward at high speeds with the remaining paths appearing by his side in moments.

"Do you remember the plan Konan?" Pain asked

Large scale destruction, kill any who resist," Konan replied as Pain nodded. "Will you use everything?"

"Of course," Pain replied as he held out his right hand and dragged one of the eternal gate guardians Izumo toward him grabbing the man by the neck in an iron grip. "Where is the Jinchuuriki?"

"Go to hell!"

"Where is the Hokage?" Pain asked.

"Die you bastard!"

"This one is useless," Pain said monotonously as he summoned a black rod from the sleeve of his coat and pierced through the man's neck and pinning him to the front gate.

"IZUMO!" Kotetsu roared as Pain vanished and reappeared in front of him easily disarming the man as another Path held his arms out to his sides.

Where is the Nine-Tails?" Pain asked again with an emotionless look.

"I'll kill you!"

"Where is Tsunade Senju?" Pain asked again.

"Fuck you!"

"Useless." Pain monotonously replied.

Pain watched as several Leaf Chunin attacked him using a combination of different Jutsus. Unfortunately for them one of his paths jumped in the way and absorbed all of their attacks granting him access to the chakra inside of them as he let one of his other Paths of Pain handle them.

It is only a matter of time before I find the Nine-Tails." Pain said as he advanced into the village.

-Flashback a few minutes ago-

"Hmmm, when will Naruko be back from her training." Shinobu asked as she sat down on the couch, watching some television.

"Some time today, I believe." Kaede replied to her while drinking some blood from blood bags.

A massive explosion cut off them of as all three of them looked at the source of the explosion.

"So they've finally arrived." Kaede said looking at the commotion.

"It seems so," Shinobu said with a frown as she was interrupted from her free time. "You two keep the village as safe as possible. I will deal with the boss."

"Don't forget, don't kill him, Naruko wants to do it herself." Kaede chimed in as she walked out of the door.

Vanishing in a blur Kaede appeared in front of a rhino summon and swiftly sliced it causing it to explode in smoke. She continued dealing with any more summons in her way and dealing with them swiftly.

-Elsewhere with Tsunade-

"You all have your orders now move," Tsunade roared as the assembled nin vanished from the briefing with Tsunade, Shikamaru, Sakura, and Anbu Neko remaining.

"I can't believe they actually attacked the village head-on like this it just isn't logical," Shikamaru sighed as he looked down at a shogi board deep in thought.

"This Pain person obviously believes himself to be strong enough to handle the full might of Konoha himself," Tsunade replied simply as she looked out the window at the unfolding destruction. "We need to move."

The four vanished and reappeared on the roof of the Hokage Tower just in time to see beams of light(actually plasma, but I'm not sure plasma is a thing in Naruto) snipe some of the bird summons in very, very quick succession.

"It appears Naruko's siblings have joined the defense." Tsunade said with a smile.

"There are still far too many summons for this to simply be the work of one person," Sakura pointed out. "The amount of chakra required to do all of this is far beyond what most people can do!"

"In most cases, you would have been correct Sakura. However, Pain possesses the Rinnegan and through it, he has power none of us save probably Naruko, her siblings, and probably Sasuke but he is not here now.

"The eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths himself," Shikamaru muttered. "Seems unreal even when the proof is slapping you in the face."

Flashing through a series of hand seals Tsunade bit both her thumbs before slamming her palm down on the ground as a large cloud of smoke appeared in the courtyard in front of the Hokage Tower.

"What do you need Lady Tsunade?" a large slug-looking creature asked.

"Lady Katsuyuu I ask that you lend your aid to anyone who needs it in the village and assist in fighting off the Akatsuki!" Tsunade responded to the question.

"Oh my it looks like the village is in quite a bit of trouble so I'll move as quickly as possible," the massive slug replied as she began breaking down into hundreds of smaller slugs each the size of horses as they slowly began filtering out into the village.

"I'll not allow the village to fall not while I'm Hokage!"

The sound of multiple shushins caught her attention as several Anbu appeared behind her immediately adopting a kneeling position.

"Report from the Intelligence Corp, Lady Shinobu has safely delivered over two hundred civilians to the shelter and has joined the battle proper!" one of the Anbu spoke up.

"Report from the Medical Corp, Lady Shizune has determined that the chakra rods used by the Paths of Pain are in fact receivers of some kind as they became active upon Pain's arrival!" another Anbu said.


Looking up at the sky Tsunade could see Pain simply floating there as if he were watching and waiting for something but it was then she realized their mistake.

"Feel Pain." a voice called out causing both Sakura and Tsunade's necks to snap toward the half-melted head of the Deva Path of Pain that had thrown the main Path into the sky as its one remaining Rinnegan bored into them.

"Contemplate Pain."

"Pain what are you doing now!"

"Accept Pain. Know Pain!"

"What is this pressure," Sakura said as she slowly staggered to her feet trying to shrug off the weariness she was currently feeling due to her last attack.

"One who does not know Pain cannot possibly understand true peace," the half-destroyed head said before falling apart as the main Pain's voice began to echo across the village.

"Lady Hokage a report from the Intelligence Corp, all the different versions of Pain have vanished!" an Anbu called out.

"What!" Tsunade exclaimed

"But then that means-!" Sakura said before being interrupted

"I am a benevolent God," Pain's voice boomed as everyone felt the monstrous spike in chakra throughout the village. "Therefore I shall bestow true peace upon you all! This world … shall know Pain."

A bright light blinded everyone except three individuals within the village as the massive increase in power suddenly vanished leaving a tense momentary silence before it finally happened.

"ALMIGHTY PU-" Pain started before getting a kick to the face sending him flying downwards towards the floor cratering him.

"Sorry Lady Tsunade. Hope I didn't make you wait." came the voice of Shinobu Oshino who was in a red dress with sharp black frills at her waist and chest, and a white section along her torso. She also wears white gloves that go up to her upper arms, and black stockings, alongside white high heels. Black spikes jutted from her head like a crown.

"Just on time Shinobu, just on time," she replied with a small smile as Shinobu turned back to face Pain who simply floated back to the sky and looked down at her contemplatively.

"Now does anyone have any idea when my little sister's supposed to be here because this is her fight?"

"Her fight," Tsunade asked confused. "What do you mean her fight?"

"I have no quarrel with the man over there, but my sister has asked me to keep him occupied and not cause any lasting damage to him so she can kill him with her own two hands." Shinobu replied.

"I see, please don't do anything that would further endanger the life of my citizens." Tsunade asked in a small voice getting a smile and nod from Shinobu.

"No worries, Alucard is busy dealing with any stragglers, while Kaede is helping around," Shinobu replied before looking up at Pain.

"I'm surprised you managed to catch me off-guard." Pain said complementing Shinobu.

"You are very lucky I made promises not to kill you because I guarantee you this little invasion of yours would have both started and ended at the village gates." Shinobu said with a frown.

"Where is the Nine-Tails?" Pain asked.

"Fuck off." Shinobu replied back with a grin

"You would use such vulgar language before a God?" Pain said looking down at her.

"You're no god, nothing more than a cheap imitation," Shinobu said with her eyes closed. "I would usually educate you on how a god does battle but I'm only here to stall for time."

"I see why many hold faith in you now," Pain said getting a confused look from Shinobu. "You seem to hide such knowledge and wisdom not seen since the time of the Sage of the Six Paths himself."

"Kakaka, I don't know where you get such crap from but I don't recall anyone having faith in me except for a few." Shinobu replied with a laugh. "I am only here because of two reasons. One, my little sister requested for me to help and you disturbed my free time."

"I see, you do not care for peace, or want to unite the world." Pain said with an emotionless face.

"Kakaka. I only care for a good fight and the thrill of it and also protecting those close to me. Nothing more, nothing less." Shinobu said. "It seems your opponent has arrived."

"I see. The Nine-tails is here. To put your faith in her is quite exemplary but foolish non the less" Pain said before flying off in Naruko's direction.

"Well let's go watch the demolishing of Pain." Shinobu said before opening a void broadcasting the fight in 4K resolution.

"Hey guys." came the voice of Kaede who had a barely conscious Kakashi hoisted on her back as she walked up to everyone.

"Where's Alucard?" Shinobu asked

"She left after dealing with all the summons. She wishes Naruko good luck." Kaede said before laying Kakashi gently before placing him in her lap and healing him.

"What is wrong with Kakashi?" Tsunade asked.

"He is going through Chakra exhaustion and I had to save him from being skewered by one of those puppets," Kaede said as she dropped him and walked toward Shinobu.