Naruto Shippuden 16

-2 days later-

"So you are the samurai from Iron?" Tsunade asked.

"Indeed I am Lady Hokage and I come bearing a message from Lord Mifune," the samurai replied. "There is to be an emergency Five Kage Summit taking place in the Land of Iron four days from now regarding the Akatsuki organization and the missing Tailed Beasts."

"I see," Tsunade sighed. "The usual non-hostility agreement between the Five Kage is still in place?"

"Of course, Lord Mifune assured it would be before he allowed the summit to take place." the samurai answered.

"Then you may inform Lord Mifune that I shall be there four days from now," Tsunade said formally as the samurai nodded.

"I also have another message for Lord Mifune regarding Lady Shinobu. He would first like to thank her for dealing with Oda Nobunaga and the Oda clan." The samurai said

"I see I'll relay that to her. So what is the message?"

"Lord Mifune requests her presence in Iron on the day of the summit for several reasons he will only disclose in person." the Samurai replied getting a nod from Tsunade.

"I see," Tsunade replied frowning slightly at the secretiveness of Mifune. "I'll ensure Shinobu is there on the day."

Thank you," Tsunade replied with a tired smile as the samurai left to return to the Land of Iron prompting Tsunade to sit down at the new desk she'd made. "So the Five Kage Summit takes place four days from now."

Leaning back in her chair Tsunade couldn't help but let her thoughts drift to all those who lost their lives to Pain and the Akatsuki. Hopefully, the summit would be a chance for the Leaf to get some payback however she would ensure her emotions were in check on the day.

"I suppose I could ask Naruko and her siblings to act as guards since Shinobu is going to see Mifune for another reason." Tsunade sighed as she took out some Sake from a hidden location and proceed to drink it.

It was times like this that made Tsunade hate being the Hokage.

-Elsewhere 2 days Later-

"Man how long are we gonna be stuck here," Suigetsu groaned setting off the fiery redhead next to him.

"Do you ever shut up Suigetsu you know why we haven't gone anywhere yet!" Karin shouted at him.

"Yeah, and it's bullshit!" Suigetsu continued to complain.

"Calm yourself Suigetsu," Jugo sighed as Sasuke's eyes moved to the trio. "You know Madara is preparing to make his next move and we will get our orders once he returns."

"And who is he to order us around-!" Suigetsu answered before getting interrupted by Sasuke.

"Keep your voice down Suigetsu, I need Madara to help me with my Sharingan and after that, we leave." Sasuke said. "Danzo is still out there and I need to avenge a few more people, it is the only thing that matters right now."

"What about that Naruko friend of yours." Suigetsu asked.

"Ha, she can handle herself. She still owes me a fight, and we're going to have it but I need to get stronger so I don't end up disappointing her." Sasuke said.

"So your end goal is to get strong enough to tango with her. Well, best of luck Sasuke." Suigetsu said.

Before they could continue their discussion a distortion in space appeared before the group as the masked man appeared with his Sharingan shining through the single hole in the mask.

"I trust I have not kept you all waiting for too long," Madara asked as his eye scanned the room. "Either way I have some interesting news I think you will be most pleased with."

"And that is," Sasuke asked with a raised eyebrow as Madara tossed him a scroll.

"A Five Kage Summit has been called and is set to take place in the Land of Iron in order to decide what to do about us, the Akatsuki."

"I wasn't aware we'd joined you?" Sasuke said with a groan.

"Look at our partnership however you wish but I don't take you for a fool Sasuke, the benefits you have by allying yourself with me are endless especially when it comes to mastering the Sharingan." Madara said.

Sasuke remained silent as Madara slowly made his way over to a small desk in the far corner of the cave and pulled out a map of the Land of Iron that had been edited significantly.

"My spy has taken this from an individual I've heard you've been searching for Sasuke, Danzo Shimura I believe his name was." Madar said getting an eyebrow from Sasuke.

"What does Danzo have to do with this Five Kage Summit?" Sasuke asked.

"The man desperately wanted to become Hokage yet thanks to the efforts of Tsunade Senju, he and his mindless ROOT drones were ousted from the village and have been working tirelessly to find an opportunity to seize power once again." Madara explained

"He plans to attack the Kage?" Sasuke asked.

"Actually he plans to do something far worse," Madara replied with his voice filled with disgust. "As you know the fool is in possession of countless Uchiha eyes however one of his main eyes is eye is the eye of Shisui Uchiha."

"So he plans on controlling the Kage from the shadows rather than rule directly?" Sasuke said putting two and two together.

"Indeed and although the removal of the Kage would be a boon for me Danzo has committed a great sin against the clan by abusing our eyes the way he has and so he must be silenced. Will you silence him for me Sasuke?" Madara asked Sasuke.

"Very well, I have a quarrel with him anyways." Sasuke replied as Suigetsu and Karin gaped in disbelief.

"Old he may be but Danzo is still rather powerful, especially with the Sharingan at his command." Madara warned

"When do we leave?" Sasuke wondered.

"The Five Kage Summit is two days from now so you will need to leave immediately," Madara said as he turned his eye to the others. "I shall bring you all to Iron myself however you will need to plan a strategy to isolate and eliminate Danzo."

"Very well. Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo get ready." Sasuke said.

"Prepare yourselves for we shall be leaving shortly." Madara said before leaving the group to themselves.


The group consisting of Shinobu, Alucard, Naruko, Kaede, and two guards currently stood near the Command Tent waiting for Tsunade to exit so that they could head to the Land of Iron for the Five Kage Summit.

The two guards chosen to protect Tsunade were Elite Jonin Might Guy and Elite Jonin Kakashi Hatake who had fully recovered from the Pain attack with the help of Kaede.

"Remember Alucard, try to be nice and don't act as your usual self. Kaede and Naruko, try not to act childish. The last thing we need is having Samurais gunning for us." Shinbou said firmly as Tsunade led the group toward the main building where several samurai stood guard.

"Inform Lord Mifune of the arrival of the Lady Hokage and Lady Shinobu," one of the samurai said as another nodded as the gates began to open. "Lady Hokage and your chosen guards if you would please follow the samurai to my right they will take you to the official meeting chambers for the Kage. Lady Shinobu if you and your friends would please follow me I shall lead you to Lord Mifune."

The two groups split up with Tsunade, Kakashi, and Guy being led off into the main building and Shinobu and her siblings being led toward a side building that appeared to overlook a rather large courtyard.

The samurai halted near another checkpoint as the gates swung open to reveal Mifune wearing his standard kimono with two blades strapped to his side. The man strode forward regally observing the group before stretching out his hand in greeting s with Shinobu accepting it and shaking hands.

"I'm glad you could make it Lady Shinobu on such short notice, and it seems you have brought a few guests with you." Mifune said observing the three young women beside her.

"These are my sisters. I have never met you before Mifune-dono. What is that you need me Lord Mifune." Shinobu asked.

"Indeed, I'll get to that. I didn't invite you all here for pleasantries so lady Shinobu if I can have a word with you in private." Mifune asked.

"Very well, you three please behave yourselves." Shinobu said.

"You three ladies are free to roam the compound. However, I would advise avoiding the Kage room for the time being. Lady Shinobu if you would follow me please we can get this discussion over and done with."

Following Mifune into the compound, Shinobu looked around observing the area. It was quite beautiful in her opinion there were swords hanging on the walls.

'Impressive swords and they are quite beautiful, but none would ever match the Kokorowatari' Shinobu thought with a smile as she followed Mifune to his office wondering why he needed her there.

Mifune took a seat behind his desk with Shinobu sitting in the offered chair before pouring her some tea which she accepted gratefully.

"Firstly, thank you for dealing with Nobunaga even if you didn't plan to do it. It greatly helped my people. " Mifune said with a smile.

"It is no problem. I guess you are lucky that he was in the way of my attack." Shinobu said while drinking her tea.

"Well with that aside I do actually have important things to discuss with you regarding several events that are going to be discussed here today." Mifune said gaining Shinobu's attention.

"Is that so?" Shinobu said with a smile.

"The main one I thought you would find interest in is yourself." Mifune said getting a groan from her.

"Of course, I'm one of the topics being brought up." Shinobu said with a gloomy look.

"The Raikage and Tsuchikage are demanding answers on you. No one has seen such power thrown around so easily. It scares them I believe." Mifune explained.

"What of my sisters, do they have any thoughts of doing anything about them?" Shinobu asked concerned.

"They might think of attempting it, but won't given how strong you all are. Now then the second topic is to do with the Akatsuki." Mifune said .

"Yeah, that was pretty much a given considering what they just did." Shinobu said.

"Have you learned anything more about them?" Mifune asked with hope.

"The only useful thing I have learned is Madara Uchiha is the true leader of the Akatsuki." Shinobu said while taking a sip of her tea.

"Given the way misinformation runs rampant and false sightings I'm about eighty percent certain. Itachi Uchiha is dead and my little sister has tabs on Sasuke Uchiha. However, this man in the orange mask has an EM Sharingan so unless he is just a really good actor he's the legitimate Madara." Shinobu said. 'However, I doubt, from what I hear Madara has far too much pride to hide himself behind a mask. So it's probably someone pretending.' Shinobu thought with an inward giggle.

"I suppose without one hundred percent certainty I shall not bring it up during the meeting." Mifune said.

"Anything else you want to know?" Shinobu asked, finishing her tea.

"Yes, I need your word of wisdom. It's about the tailed beasts. I know they should be free however it is unlikely that the Tsuchikage nor the Raikage will allow such a thing." Mifune said solemnly.

"Hmm. We can cross that bridge when we come to it." Shinobu said as the door opened to reveal a panting samurai.

"Lord Mifune the Kazekage has arrived which means the meeting is ready to commence!"

"Understood, send word I will be there momentarily," Mifune sighed as he drained the rest of his cup. "Thank you for your time Lady Shinobu."

"Go and mediate the children Mifune-dono." Shinobu said before walking out of the office.