Naruto Shippuden 17

Gathered around an arched table sat the Five Kage who were each flanked by two of their most trusted Elite Jonin. Each Kage had placed their respective Kage hat in front of them as a sign of respect to the others upon arrival in order to keep things civil.

Mifune sat at a smaller table set before them in order to act as a mediator between the Kage, a task that in the past had been more troublesome than fighting a Tailed Beast with your bare hands.

"Now that the last of the Kage have arrived we can get this meeting underway," Mifune said formally. Let the record show that I, Lord Mifune, presided over this meeting of the Five Kage."

"Can we skip the formalities and get to the task at hand here!" Ay, the Fourth Rikage spoke up.

"You seem as bull-headed as usual Raikage acting as if you can order any of us about. You're about half a century too early to be telling me what to do!" came the voice of Onoki the Third Tsuchikage.

"You dare talk back to me Tsuchikage," Ay roared as he slammed his fist down onto the table sending slight sparks of blue lighting out in all directions.

"Come now let us not fight when we've all made the effort to come this far to meet. Our villages are waiting to see a positive outcome from these talks so let us get down to business." Mei Terumi the Fifth Mizukage spoke up with a warm smile.

"I must agree with the Mizukage on this, we've come too far only for talks to break down before they even begin. Let us cease this pointless bickering and discuss the matters at hand that brought us all here today." came the voice of Gaara, Fifth Kazekage.

"Oho looks like the brat believes he gets a say in all this," Onoki said with amusement in his voice. "I wonder if you are even worthy to wear that hat especially given the reputation of your shinobi-!"

"ENOUGH! Cease this pointless talk and let's get down to business!" came the voice of Tsunade Senju, the Fifth Hokage.

"Let us all get down to the matters at hand," Mifune said trying hard not to sigh. "Lord Raikage I believe it was originally your idea to call for this meeting?"

"Yes I did call for this meeting to discuss several potential threats that can no longer be ignored," Ay said firmly. "The first ones are those who are a part of the Akatsuki Organization!"

"The ones that have been taking the Tailed Beasts," Mei said thoughtfully. "I had heard that the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails killed the leader after his attack on Konoha or am I mistaken Lady Hokage?"

"No you are correct on that however it appears that Pain, or his real identity as Nagato Uzumaki, was merely a puppet for someone even greater."

"Do you have any idea who this supposed shadow leader is," Mifune asked wondering if Tsunade would actually answer.

"Nothing concrete as of yet however the leads left behind by Pain could lead us to them."

"The Akatsuki are the ones who are taking the Tailed Beasts," Gaara spoke up after several moments. "Did you manage to find out where they have hidden them?"

"The only thing we know for certain is that the Tailed Beasts are sealed within something known as the Gedo Statue and that it is a summonable prison of sorts for them."

"Surely you must know something more than that Tsunade," Onoki said with his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Unless you plan on hoarding the Jinchuuriki for yourself-!"

"Why you useless old-!" Tsunade exclaimed before being interrupted.

"Returning to the matter at hand," Mifune said firmly silencing the two Kage with a glare. "Lord Raikage what was your reasoning for beginning this inquiry into the Akatsuki now instead of when they were running rampant and actively taking the Tailed Beasts?"

"The one in the orange mask took Yugito and almost got my brother Bee who might I add has gone missing! I will not stand by and let my brother be taken so soon after Yugito so I've come to get as much information as I can so that they can be crushed as they should have been so long ago!" Ay said.

"And you just expect us to just help out," Onoki snorted in amusement. "We all have our own problems and we aren't here to help the Hidden Cloud clean up its own messes!"

"That is big talk coming from you Tsuchikage," Ay growled. "I know for a fact that at least two of your villages have used the services of the Akatsuki in the past so perhaps you are actually conspirators in all of this!"

"How dare you accuse me of anything brat," Onoki snapped.

"I'll admit during the reign of the Fourth Mizukage he did use the services of the Akatsuki however he was also a puppet under their control. As Fifth Mizukage I have done my utmost to ensure that the Akatsuki has no place within the Hidden Mist or the Land of Water."

"Well, clearly you haven't been doing a very good job since they swiped the Three-Tails from out under your nose when you weren't looking!" Aye said mockingly.

"Lord Raikage please cease this needless goading of the other Kage," Mifune sighed. "Now I believe it is fairly obvious that the Akatsuki is a threat that could potentially harm the Elemental Nations at large as evidenced by the recent attack on the Hidden Leaf Village therefore it stands to reason that we decide how best to approach dealing with them."

"Lord Mifune is right we all have issues with the Akatsuki which means we need to work together to defeat them." Tsunade chimed in.

"What exactly are you proposing Lady Hokage?" Mifune asked.

"We know the Akatsuki has seven of the Tailed Beasts which means if we want any chance of beating them we need to work together. That is why I propose a formal alliance to fight the Akatsuki and recapture the Tailed Beasts wherever they appear." Tsunade suggested.

"Well at least someone here has a plan of action," Ay said slightly less hostile than before. "However who would lead this supposed alliance?"

"I was thinking that when it comes to who leads the alliance it shouldn't be any of us since we are more likely to argue and collapse from infighting which means someone will need to be elected to lead in our stead." Tsunade said.

"An interesting proposal," Onoki mused. "If this representative is agreed upon by us then I see no issue with this plan."

"I agree," Mei said nodding her head in approval. "However the question lies in who do we place our trust?"

"Yes that is a most interesting question indeed however I have a suggestion as to who should lead the alliance," Mifune said as all Five Kage turned toward him in interest. "Considering the fact that no candidate aside from yourselves is probably suited to the role I believe that it would be most prudent for the Hokage to lead the alliance."

"You would have someone scared of blood lead the alliance against a threat that could end the world as we know it," Ay scoffed unimpressed. "We'd stand a better chance with a Genin in charge!"

"Now hold on a moment Raikage let's think about this logically," Onoki said shocking everyone as the aged Tsuchikage shifted in his seat. "The Mizukage and Kazekage are still far too inexperienced when it comes to wartime matters, yes Mizukage I know you did fight the war for Kiri however from what I've heard it wasn't even Kiri natives who won you that war."

"Well yes, that may be true but-!" Mei said before getting interrupted.

"As for you Raikage you anger far too easily and when it comes down to it we need a strong but steady leader. Usually, this would be where I promote myself however I know many of you distrust me after recent events in my domain which leaves the Slug Princess Tsunade Senju." Onoki said giving his opinion.

"A-are you sure I'm right for the job though I mean technically even the Mizukage has been in charge longer than I have?" Tsunade said.

"That may be true however you fought in the Third Great Ninja War and were among some of the biggest names that succeeded its horrors. Names such as Minato Namikaze, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Ay, Bee, Chiyo, Sasori, and countless others emerged with serious weight behind them. You distinguished yourself against Hanzo the Salamander alongside your comrades and were dubbed the Legendary Sannin plus you are the world's greatest Medical Ninja and so I am willing to place a bet with you this time." Onoki replied again.

"In exchange for what?"

"Call off your lapdog, Shinobu from destroying things in my lands!"

Whatever the Tsuchikage was going to request from Tsunade that certainly wasn't it as Tsunade openly gaped at the man.

"I-I'm sorry but what did you just ask for?" Tsunade asked confused, she didn't have Shinobu doing her bidding. It was Naruko who had her do those.

"I know Shinobu caused more than half of our planet to be scarred from one single attack. I know she is an extremely powerful individual who is likely as strong as Madara Uchiha was back in his prime and I'm asking to be left alone!" Onoki said with a groan.

"I see, sure I can do that." Tsunade said still in shock as the Tsuchikage nodded in satisfaction when a strange noise began to hit their ears.

"What is that sound," Mei asked before gasping and pointing to the small space in-between Mifune's desk and the rounded desk the Kage sat at.

"Hellooooo everyone, my name is Zetsu and I've got some rather exciting news!" a plant-looking humanoid creature said

"Who the hell are you," Ay growled as Lightning began to release from his body.

"Ah ah, haven't even delivered the message yet you big silly you! I thought I should let you know that a certain man has decided to attack this place and he's pretty keen on taking control of your minds, scary stuff huh!" Zetsu said ignoring the Raikage's threatening look.

As if in response to Zetsu's words the entire building shook as if an explosion had just gone off followed by several more putting everyone on guard as Zetsu began to laugh.

"Yes, hundreds of ROOT operatives and Mister Bandages have come to claim your minds, better watch out! Best of luck!" Zetsu said before slowly sinking back into the earth leaving the Five Kage, Mifune, and the various guards of the Kage blinking in shock and confusion.

"What did that thing mean by Mister Bandages," Mei asked confused only for Tsunade's portion of the desk to snap in two.

"Danzo and his little private army are attacking us which means Danzo plans on using his stolen Sharingan to try and manipulate us."


Naruko was currently walking through the grounds not even bothering to combat the ROOT ANBU foolish enough to attack her, instead simply letting the fools get crushed by her darkness or get eaten by the hounds she borrowed from Alucard.

Instead, Naruko was focused on a particular power signature she'd sensed and as she rounded a corner her eyebrow lifted. With his blade through the neck of a ROOT ANBU Sasuke turned to face Naruko, his eyes displaying the basic three tomoe Sharingan as he stared at Naruko with a mixture of shock, and surprise.

"Hello Sasuke, I do hope you are not betraying us. You know how much I hate traitors and how violent I can get when it comes to dispatching them." Naruko asked menacingly.

"Relax, I am here to kill Danzo and nothing more." Sasuke said with a frown.

"So what's with the Akatsuki get up, trying to cosplay as one of them. Not very smart since everyone here wants them dead you know." Naruko said getting a groan from Sasuke.

"I have my reasons." Sasuke said.

"And those reasons are what exactly, power, working undercover?" Naruko asked looking at him.

"Madara Uchiha." Sasuke simply replied.

"I see, so you want to learn how to use your Magenkyou properly and he was the best option you've got. Understandable, but I'll warn you now. Do anything that I find stupid and I'll drag you back by force if I have to.

"Hmph, don't have to tell me that. You're the reckless one." Sasuke said getting a laugh from Naruko.

"Very well, Go and get your revenge Sasuke, show Danzo the consequences for messing with one's family." Naruko said as she phased through a wall leaving Sasuke alone killing the Root Ninjas.