Chapter 11 - New Fun

Thinking over what she said I my mind— I could understand that she wasn't wrong. I have been rather tense since reaching here due to what happened previously.

It's not that I want to be so— and maybe I don't even realize it until now— but I have been acting a lot more calculative for some reason.

This was why I could see that it may help a little to relax and have fun. I also didn't want to keep trying to argue a point with her, since she was like a brick wall once she made up her mind; she wanted me to join them, and she would have it.

"Alright, fine," I mumbled. "You're right I have been tensed lately"

I tried to smile, but it felt forced. "Just promise you won't get too wild ok? If it does, I'm leaving." I warned her— knowing fully well she wouldn't take my warning to heart.

She grinned widely— her face showing just how little she cared to follow through with that. "Don't worry this is just going to be fun and games!"

A soft sigh escaped my mouth seeing her response, but I decided to not bother saying anything— simply shrugging her off and continuing onwards to my room.

Since we were most likely going to a bar— I decided to wear something that would suit the occasion— something simple yet looks good.

All I could find in my closet that would suit the situation— and be willing to wear— was a long black gown that was long enough to cover my entire body.

With long sleeves that would wrap around my arms in a wavy pattern and a slide slit that would expose my right leg.

The dress itself was made out of thin materials and light-weight, but at the same time, it still managed to cover my entire body without looking bad.

It was merely one of the main dresses that my sister have bought me over the years— but it was one of the few that I actually liked and wore previously.

So I decided to go with it— laying it out on the bed to put on after I finished showering.

Showering didn't take long— nor was it interesting enough for it to be of any importance. So once I finished getting the day's waste off my body— I headed back to my room in order to get dressed.

Drying my skin off, I put on some rather simply underwear— it's not like anyone had to see them anyway, so why bother putting on anything fancy.

Before I finished putting on the rest of my clothing, I decided to take a peek outside and check out the weather along with the time.

Seeing the sun slowly setting in the distance and the clear night sky beginning to wake up, I smiled— at least there wouldn't be any rain tonight.

With that said— it made sense to head to the bar at the night rather than during the day. Could you imagine day drinking? I would never partake in such activities— though I can't say the same for the twins.

Closing the curtains, I turned and returned to getting ready to go out.

Getting the dress on wasn't hard— it was a slim-fit dress that hugged my body only after I got it on. Combined with my tall figure and long black hair that matched the tone— I looked quite elegant if I don't say so myself.

I did a little more fixing up— makeup here and there. Nothing much since I already looked fine, in my opinion.

The part that took me the longest, aside from getting the dress on, was finding a good shoe to go with.

In the end, I decided to go with a pair of black high-heels that went well with my dress— while also not being so high that it would cause trouble if I got drunk.

I never liked high-heels all that much— sure they were fun to wear and looked good on me— but I hated the fact that if I make one mistake, I could somehow damage myself.

After finishing up with getting dressed— I took my phone off the bed and opened it for the first time in a long time.

I haven't gone on it since yesterday— which is a rather long time if you're someone like me who is often on their phone.

'Jeez.' I thought to myself as I scrolled through the many notifications I received from friends and people that I knew from the town I left.

Many wondered why I left so suddenly— others were mad I didn't say anything. Some even said they missed me— which I found charming.

Shaking my head, I removed the thoughts of the past that I couldn't do anything about anymore. Clearing the messages away from my notification, I instead checked the time.

It was now around 7 PM, which wasn't a bad time to leave, so I decided to head out now.

Taking one last look at myself in the mirror— I fixed up my hair and straightened my back before heading outside of my room to see if the twins were ready yet.

"Are you done yet?" I said as I walked down the hallway and passed their room— loud enough for them to hear me at least.

"Yea, coming." I heard a reply from Helena, followed by the opening of the door and the two stepping out.

Helena and Cassandra— both dressed in matching dresses, with the only difference being the color.

Helena wore a white dress, while Cassandra wore a black dress. Sticking to their theme of being opposites yet intertwined.

The outfit was quite revealing— so to speak. At least enough to show off their bodies without a care of anyone seeing the few tattoos they had exposed; the important ones were hidden on their back after all.

"Alright, let's go then," I said, making my way towards the front door— I didn't bother to say anything about what they were wearing because I didn't want to further increase their already inflated egos.

"You're no fun~" I heard from Cassandra behind me as I walked forward— her playful tone showing their intention to tease me.

Ignoring them, I opened the door and stepped out of the house— heading towards the gate. The buildings were lit up with yellow lights, which gave the area a nice appearance— along with the bright stars littering the night sky; it only added to the view.

The walk wasn't long or anything— with the only bothersome part being the twin's constant bickering about random topics along the way.

With their most annoying topic being how to find me a date for the night.

"Can you guys just walk and stop being so— you," I said in an exhausted voice with a sigh.

The night hadn't even started yet and they were already tiring me out— this was exactly why I rarely hung out with them.

"Fine, fine, but you need to at least let us pick you out a date tonight." Said Helena— causing me to raise an eyebrow in return.

"No way— last time you picked a date for me, the person ended up being a weirdo. Not happening again Hel."

"Come on sis, don't be like that. It was one time— plus didn't we deal with them?" Cassandra said in defense of themselves.

"Cass-" I didn't bother finishing my sentence and simply sighed— knowing they would never take no for an answer. "We'll see when we get there ok. Now just be quiet for a while."

The walk wasn't a long one— and soon enough we found ourselves standing in front of a large two-floor building with a sign labeled 'Moonnight's Dew'.

It looked like a pretty popular place— with a lot of people going in and some even leaving in a very drunk manner, stumbling along the sidewalk.

I couldn't quite tell what was going on inside though— since the windows were completely blacked out and the doorway was blocked by a cloth behind the door.

The twins didn't bother wasting another moment more— stepping forward and pushing open the door— entering into the dimly lit room that was flashing with lights and music blasting loudly in the background.

The number of people inside the room was a lot more than I was expecting for such a small town— let alone a small bar— however, it wasn't enough to make the room feel cramped thankfully.

They were all having a good time as far as I could see— a lot of drinking and dancing with people— some even doing less legal means of getting a good time going in a very blatant manner.

As I looked around the room— I spotted the twins already moving towards the bar counter— their bodies dancing through the crowd as they took to the fun like fish to water.

With a shake of my head, I followed after them— albeit a lot less naturally through the crowd than they did.