Chapter 12 - New Obsessions

I walked behind the twins towards the bar counter— their natural experience showed by how easily they were able to weave through the dancing crowd— whereas I kept bumping into other people.

"What're you having?" I heard the bartender say when I finally reached them— a middle-aged man that seemed like he was working here for so long he lost interest in doing anything else.

"Just something simple," I replied to the man in an off-handed manner— only for my order to be interrupted by the twins.

"Nonsense, you came here to have fun. Drink something good." Said Cass— while on the other hand, Hel placed an order in my stead.

"Give her a Strawberry Daiquiri." Said Hel— order a drink I didn't even know how to pronounce the name for properly.

The bartender took his time to look at me before shaking his head and placing a glass on the counter. He then started his process of mixing the drinks together in order to get my order ready.

"Hope you enjoy it— it's a light one, don't worry." He said as he looked over at me— pouring the drink into the glass along with some ice.

Once the bartender finished making our orders, he turned back to other people that were ordering— getting back to his job.

I on the other hand picked up my glass— giving it a sniff in order to see how strong it was. Yet all I could smell was the fruity scent of strawberry and the slight hint of lime that covered anything else.

That was probably a good sign— it at least meant it wasn't very strong.

"Here's to nothing. Cheers!" I said as I held the glass up towards the twins.

They smiled at my ready acceptance— clanking their glasses together with mine before downing their drinks like they didn't need to wake up tomorrow.

I however decided to take it easy— sipping the drink slowly. The taste wasn't as bad as I thought it would be— it was mainly strawberry with the taste of the rum in it overthrown by the lime.

I didn't hate it. So I decided to keep drinking it.

"Let's go dance!" Cass said as she started to tug my hand— pulling me in the direction of the dance floor.

Hel joined her soon enough.

I didn't resist their pull— instead taking a bigger sip from my drink in order to get me in the mood, then went along with them into the crowd.

Dancing was never my thing— if there is anything you should know about me, it's that I am stiff as a board when it comes to dancing.

I wouldn't say I can't dance— that would be rude— it's more like I never tried dancing properly before.

So when the twins started to dance around with other people in the crowd— their bodies rubbing together or touching in order ways— I wasn't sure what to do.

'How hard could dancing be— I've done way more complicated things.' I thought to myself as I gave dancing a shot.

I allowed my body to just flow with the beat of the music— resulting in random swings and dance moves— yet somehow it felt so natural that no one around found it weird.

People even started to dance along with me— I didn't even mind when some of them got closer than I would normally allow.

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe I was just enjoying myself too much to care.

But it was fun.

From the corner of my eyes, I could even see Cass and Hel dancing with people, but they also danced with each other. As if it was second nature to them to be touching and moving close to each other.

Which only made sense since they were twins.

The music was playing so loud that I could barely hear anything else in the crowd— if anyone was saying anything at all, that is. The flashing lights didn't help with this— limiting my sight to directly in front of me.

That was when I noticed a tall muscular man standing next to me. I couldn't tell how he had gotten so close without me noticing him— he must have been a pretty good dancer.

His hair was short and dark brown, yet his eyes reminded me of the ocean.

'The ocean.' My mind drifted to thoughts of an odd girl I met just recently— causing my mood to shift from the fun I was having to a more unsure feeling.

"Tsk." The clicking of my tongue against my teeth sounded out— limited to only me to hear with the blasting music.

The mood to dance was gone so I decided to go for another drink— slipping through the crowded dance floor and back over to the counter, I placed my order for the bartender once more.

"Give me another Strawberry Daiquiri," I ordered— placing the empty glass I still had in my hand on the counter.

The bartender nodded— since the music would make it hard to converse— and got to working on my drink right away.

He went through the same process as before, blending all the ingredients together until they were made into a perfect blend.

Ice, white sugar, frozen strawberries, a little bit of both lemon and lime juices, some soda, and topped off with the final— but most important ingredient— rum.

The bartender tapped the table to call my attention— but I was already looking at his blending motions— as he set my new drink on the counter in front of me— giving me a glimpse of its contents.

It was exactly the same as the last one— but something about it seemed different— I could tell more care was put into it than before.

Maybe the bartender had some extra time— or maybe it was just better since i was paying attention to the process.

I looked up at him and gave a friendly smile— my thanks for the drink alongside the money I left on the counter before I turned to leave.

My mind drifted to the ocean again as I took my first sip. The alcohol hit my throat almost instantly— the sweet taste of the strawberry thankfully overpowering the taste of the rum and hitting me harder.

It gave me the feeling of a warm summer day— a day one would spend having fun outdoors— at the ocean.

I downed the drink in seconds— wanting to get drunk as quickly as possible so I could forget about the thoughts that kept interrupting my fun— the memory of the girl I saw earlier and the idea that she might come here.

I felt the warmth spread through my entire body as the alcohol started to take effect— my heart slowly started to speed up.

I was never a big drinker like my sisters— but I could at least hold my own pretty well compared to most people.

So even with the effects of the drink starting to kick in— my mind wasn't as foggy as one would expect— I could still think clearly.

And thought kept flashing through it.

My eyes drifted over to the twins who were still dancing with others on the floor— having fun.

I envied that to an extent.

Like how Cass and Hel were so happy— how they weren't worried anymore.

They didn't care about anything but themselves, which was the exact reason why they were so happy.

They didn't feel anything— they didn't care about anything but having a good time.

I could never understand that. I had so much to think about at all times.

I had to worry about blending in with the crowd at each new school I go to.

I had to worry about the people I got close to because I might have to leave them at any time.

I had to worry about disappointing my mother.

So much to think about— drinking was just no fun anymore.

Drinking made my mind wonder— it made me think.

I didn't want to think.

'Damnit, this isn't fun anymore.' I thought to myself as I finished whatever was left in the glass— placing it on a random table I walked by on the way out.

I decided to leave since I was no longer having fun.

I know I just reached— no less than 20 minutes ago— but there was no point in trying to force myself to enjoy something I wouldn't.

The twins might ask why I leave tomorrow when they finally notice I left— but they probably won't care all that much anyway.

With the last few steps towards the door— I was already as sober as I could be— my feet may have been stumbling a little bit as I reached the exit, but that was a mixture of things— not drunkness.

Stepping outside— I breathed in the fresh air of the night. A cool breeze blew past my face— refreshing me after all the stuffy smell inside.

I liked the cold air. It felt nice on my skin— and it helped clear my mind from the thoughts that wandered in it.

"Let's head home," I muttered to myself as I started to make my way home— taking a slightly longer pathway since I wanted to enjoy the night coolness a little longer.