Chapter 13 - New Discovery

As I walked along the street— taking lefts and rights in order to fully enjoy the fresh air of the night— I soon enough came across an odd location that I was familiar with.

The abandoned building that I stumbled upon during the day— where I officially met Rosaline and we had that interesting conversation.

'It's so dark.' I thought to myself as my eyes lingered on the building— stopping my movements outside it.

Since the building had no power— it was practically pitch black. It would have been near impossible to see anything in or around it if not for the street lamps that provided the place with some lighting.

The last time I was here it was morning— the sun shone brightly over top of the building. But now that the sun had already set, it was so dark that it was hard to see anything within the area.

It gave the building an eerie feeling.

I wanted to explore it— I didn't get the chance earlier after all.

But I wasn't sure if it was safe. I wasn't worried about running into someone dangerous since I can deal with such people easily. I was more so worried about the building itself.

It was so dark that I might end up hitting something— or worse if I break something by mistake and the building came down, I would be screwed.

'Screw it— it's fun.' I thought to myself as I smiled and walked forward.

Maybe it was the alcohol that was affecting my mind— or maybe it was the excitement that exploring an abandoned building at night gave me— whatever it was, it felt so right.

For the moment— I ignored the fact that the building was old and focused on the fun aspects of it. I couldn't wait to look around and see what was inside.

"Let's go," I said to myself as I walked towards the door— taking my phone out from my pocket as I reached it.

I looked through the opening in the door I made this morning— seeing just how dark the inside of the building was. I decided to use the flashlight on my phone because while it mightn't be much, it was better than nothing.

I clicked the button on the side of the phone to turn on the flashlight— watching as the beam shone on the ground in front of me.

Aiming the back of the phone towards the inside of the building— it lit up the room with its dim shine.

It was dark, but it wasn't pitch dark anymore. The beam of light illuminated some parts of the room, revealing the general location of everything.

'This should be good enough— I just need to be extra careful.' As I entered the building much as I did earlier— I looked around the empty room.

Empty because it seemed to be some sort of unfinished reception room— with the layout of where everything should be finished, but not the actual furniture there.

'It's not as bad as I thought it would be.' I thought to myself as I started to wander around.

This room was empty, but that didn't mean the others would be as well.

Walking into the room where I bumped into Rosaline, I noticed that it had some furniture in it that I didn't spot before. Couches and tables— both of which were old to the point of rotting.

'Just how old is this place for the things to already be rotting?' The thought crossed my mind when I got closer to the table to expect it— only for the slightest touch of my foot to cause the table to break away under its own weight.

It created a loud sound as it crashed to the floor— raising dust that caused me to block my face and cough.

As I waved my hand in front of my face in an attempt to get the dust away— I heard an odd sound from one of the other rooms nearby— a low growl alongside a clanking sound.

'What the hell? What's in here? A dog?' I thought to myself as I held my phone up high to light up the room with the beams of the flashlight.

I turned to where the sound originated from— being met with a closed wooden door that seemed to be broken in some parts— yet it limited my view of what was on the other side.

"Who's there?" I called out in order to see if I would receive a reply.

And to my surprise I did— however, it wasn't the kind of reply I wanted to receive. It wasn't a voice answering my question— but instead, another loud growl that seemed to be growing closer and much more aggravated.

'That's no dog dammit.' I thought to myself as I realized what it was— jumping away from the door.

I jumped just in time— because what burst through after would have definitely injured me if I didn't move.

A large anthropomorphic dog-like creature that stood on its two hind legs and had long arms that were twice the size of my head.

Its entire body was covered in black fur— alongside its sharp canines, claws, and other hound-like features such as its ears and tail— it was quite easy to tell what it was.

'A werewolf?!' I thought to myself in shock— my eyes locked on the massive creature that towered before me.

It had to hunch its body in order to not hit the ceiling of the room.

'There isn't supposed to be any werewolves in town— and it's not even a full moon— why is it so big?' My thoughts were cut short when the creature spotted me— its white eyes locking onto my body.

It released a roar— so loud in fact that it caused the floor to shake slightly under its might. Clenching my ears to cover the pain— I tried to move back.

Werewolves were never dangerous creatures to witches— in fact, most of the time they worked either alongside or under witches.

However, there was one time when a werewolf would be dangerous— on a full moon.

They would lose all control of their body and mind— going into a sort of primal hunting state as they turned into a form that is much stronger than their regular one.

Normally werewolves would be prepared for that and have themselves chained up— however, this one wasn't.

What made the situation even worse was the fact that it wasn't even a full moon yet— how could it possibly have turned feral without a full moon.

'Wolfsbane?' I thought to myself as I sniffed the air. As a witch that often needed to use herbs and such for my craft— I had a keen sense of smell for herbs in the air.

'There isn't any wolfsbane— so if wolfsbane isn't the cause, what is?' I was sure it would have been wolfsbane if it wasn't the full moon.

While not the same— wolfsbane was poisonous and toxic to werewolves, it made them go crazy— but not stronger.

'If it's not the full moon or wolfsbane, what is it? Shit-'

My thoughts were once again interrupted by the creature jumping in my direction— its outstretched claws attempting to slice my slender body in half.

Thankfully I wasn't as physically lacking as it thought— it may have been fast— but I still had the advantage in such a small place where my slender and agile body was of use.

Dodging the incoming attack with a roll to the side— I attempted to hide behind one of the old couches.

'Shit, killing it would be bad— but if I don't kill it, I don't have any other way to stop it.'

Werewolves were somewhat resistant to magic— which was why witches liked to either be alongside them or have them under them.

And I didn't know any restraining spell that was strong enough to work on a frenzied werewolf.

I did, however, know killing spells that would work.

However, if I killed it— then I would be murdering someone. And while it's not like I haven't done murder before— killing was something we had to do to survive— I would cause issues with the Council for killing a werewolf.

The choice was simple really.

Either I'd have to risk getting hurt, or I would have to take the chance and try to kill it.

And I had no intention to get hurt.

'Sorry random werewolf, but I have to do what I have to do.'

As I was about to act— readying the spell I intend to use— a rather powerful killing spell that would take a cost since I am unprepared— I heard a sound that broke me from that concentration.

"Not so fast you ugly thing. So this is where you ran away too?"

The soft feminine voice filled with courage and spirit was not the only thing that made me open my eyes wide— but so was the sight of the person I saw standing there saying it— someone I knew all too well.
