What a Surprise

Its been a month that i arrive in this place, in the rain forest. the map showing that Yhord was here. but the bigger clue was , A massive shit in the middle of temple.

legit a big ass shit, the smell so horrid that i almost puke out my lunch today. now lets Tarzan out this forest

I scout out this forest found big hangar, or should i say abandoned hangar, for smuggler maybe.

i search around found a nomad infected people and some native people here but many of them become corpse, maybe some of this nomad attacking them, outnumber by zombie the nomad dead, unlucky.

gun or any weapons , nope either is jammed or broken by horde, what a shitty luck


{Deforestation is human nature}

Kill Lilies (0/1)

Take Flower in top its head (0/2)


1x Lilies Mutation Virus

1x Flower Hairpin


1x Yhord leash

1x Yhord Whips


what i'm gonna do with leash and whips, if that to small for boss type i will regret it so first option then.

out of nowhere my leg got trap by some vines, and i see some infected vine woman, in top of the tree's, she looks like poison Ivy 2.0 . in top of her head was 3 different colors flower, Red Green Blue.

so that's the flower, alright here we go, i equip my Hermes and Hell Hound , dash toward her and cut the flower. she roared at me and try to bind me but before the vine got me, i spin my body to cut her, then she got slice into third part.

"Mission Complete"

I'm sorry miss, looks like you need better skincare next time.

'Nature's gratitude, The hairpin of a florist who died because her plants caught fire, and she was burned inside. Giving its owner the unparalleled beauty of nature'

That's some sad story of some unlucky florist, so where the virus. what took it so long. come on , where the shitty summary.

My body feel being broken apart, my bone literally breaking repairing breaking again, shit this too painful for me.

'Lilies Mutation Virus, Virus developed for better nerve reflex , perfect coordination the body is better than stronger'

Yeah, another shitty summary. i will give the hairpin's to sue next time.

I continued to search Yhord, but i hear some gun shot, i jumped high to see some helicopter hovering around in there.

I run , and stop in top of hill, sitting down enjoying the view.

View of human trying to fight Giant mutated Komodo Dragons, really delightful.


{Defeat Dragon Kings Yhord}

<>Capture Yhord<>

Make Yhord health bar down to 5% (200/5)

Don't take any damage from Yhord (5/1)

Make Yhord Fear about you (0/1)


1x Yhord Tracker

1x Special Ammunition Box


1x Yhord Location

1x Upgrade your weapon

<>Kill Yhord<>

Make Yhord bleeding Out (0/1)

Rip Yhord head (0/1)

Drink Yhord Blood (0/100)


1x Yhord Special Weapon


1x Yhord Special Accessories


One of each choice have different reward, that's was good thing, so what now .

i don't wanna risk it to drink Komodo Dragon blood, i'm afraid the poison in there, so first option, then what reward , if location maybe i will stuck again in another place, so the first reward then.

i prepare my kalia, shot Yhord in far away, when kalia charge up i jump in up its head then shot my kalia.

After kalia shock wave, i switch to Hermes, then kick its head. after i jump out give another distance.

"Yhord" i scream its name, then ready leap toward it. it roar then clawed me, i evade than return the attack with Hell Hound, it bleed. great. the health bar above its head now going down.

i keep slash it and Yhord attack me with its tail and claw, i try to make Yhord wound bigger and scream to another army who witness our battle to shot's the wound, they help me and i keep slashing Yhord.

Yhord Roar, and grow 2 new thorn in tip its tail, another thorn spike in its elbow, Great second phase.

Yhord slammed its elbow spike in the ground, i frown but some big ass spike come from below my feet. with my lilies mutation i can practically dodge it, before it sunken i grabbed it and cut it with hellhound. Yhord roared and bite my well being, and i kick its jaw up, then claw its rear face. nice battle wound you got there.

its health bar down to 50% now, so i need little push. i run toward its tail and hug it.

i raised its body and slammed upward, looks like juggernaut virus and nemesis virus make my body keep stronger. or maybe every virus that i got will upgrade another existing virus. great.

when Yhord stomach open, i jump in its chest

slash my claw repeatedly . Yhord struggle and roll over its body. when i fall downward, i stab my claw and run toward its groin.

i'm gonna spill your guts out like god of war kill.

i got out and run in front of it. Yhord down.

"Go catch it" I scream to them and helicopter drop comically large fish net.

when it down. i looked Yhord eye, its looked back at me

"I will defeat you humiliatingly as possible, and i will honor your last effort, so go on. Fear me" I looked Yhord with high passion , Yhord angry and free itself . and ran toward forest.

"Run Yhord Run. When i found you, I will Fight you to death. You hear me" I shouted that and Yhord responded me with roar.

"Good" I sit back and clean my self up.

"Mission Complete"

wheres my reward baby, come on , i want to know.

'Yhord has been marked in your map, Find it'

'Special Ammunition Box, Cross body bag type Storage . Give user special ammo for every special weapon had. Exchange normal ammo with ratio 1:1 to special ammo, Unlimited Space Storage'

That's a nice reward, Now i have special ammo storage and special Backpack. if i'm lucky again . maybe i can get special modified kit weaponry. i pray to you god, goddess of luck.

when i check my backpack i found it, Its really cross body bag. i'm gonna use it when i get a special weapon with special ammo.

When i checking the my backpack, A woman came to me.

"Who are you" same question to me, i looked at her. Blonde, normal tits, Slim body.

"I'm Batman" I closed my backpack and wear it, then stand in front of her

"Now who are you" I look into her eye, i don't wanna look into her breast cause you know , her eyes its not there.

"Jeniffer, Captain of Yhord Squad from hope institute. Specifically deploy to Capture Yhord, So why you disturbing our target and make it escaped" She now point a gun at me, well shit cause i have a mission bitch.

"Yhord also my target, So i let its escape for my entertainment" She now angry and ready to shot me.

"Do you think this some kind a joke to you, I must arrest you now" She then shot me and i dodge it. she keeps shooting me then i pinned her down, Unlucky for me other soldier also pointed gun at me.

"Let me go" She struggle, and i keep pin her down.

"Listen to me , i will track it with you guys . so you better resupply in here, go contact your headquarter for reinforcement. do yo understand" she keeps struggle and after a while she nod. i release her, and wait them to resupply.

i look my map and found that Yhord was hiding in the Dam north side from here. okay that's enough information, lets try this new box. i take the ammunition box , exchange my shotgun ammo. when i put it, it glow white then appear some new ammo in it.

'Electric type shotgun ammo'

that's it ? no shitty summary. great, lets try the ammo first. i put that in kalia and shot it to innocent barrel.

after effect when i shot that ammo was electric current spread around the barrel.

okay, that cool. now lets try some thing. i put 2 shotgun ammo, and 2 pistol ammo in there.

i use kalia now, i take the ammo in the bag. it pop up a shotgun ammo,next i use Glock and it pop up pistol ammo.

okay so basically every weapon i use , the bag will give specific ammo to it, that's really convenient.

Worth gift from dying dragon, when i found you i will treat you . if you not attacking me first.

i return to the team , and waited again.

"So where it is ?" Jeniffer asked me while held me a gunpoint. this bitch same as itsuka, i hate this kind a girl.

"North , In the Dam" I raise my hand and looked at her

"Okay now follow me" i shrugged and follow her team to the dam.

At least this team not sucks