You are worthy opponent

we walk toward large 4 way dam pipe, and found out. We stuck, 4 way pipe have many zombie horde while up there was Yhord Roaring at us.

What i gonna do ? Just chilling and eating my chocolate chips.

"Roaaaaaarrr" Yhord keep roar to show dominance over the high ground, I'm just nod to it and keep eating. Just you wait, after i done eating. you will be below my feet.


{Destroy Yhord Pride}

<>Make Yhord Impatient<>

Keep Everyone alive (12/12)

Survive Zombie Horde (0/6)

Mock Yhord (0/50)

<>Show Yhord that you are worthy<>

Keep Everyone alive (12/12)

Survive Zombie Horde (0/6)

Make Yhord falling down (0/1)

Fight Yhord Without help (0/1)


30x Medical Kit for every burn wound

1x One time Air Strike


Hmm, interesting choice for dying dragon. air strike its good to have it.

Second option for absolute bloodbath

we got rushed by zombie horde, Yhord Keep roaring toward us. i just give it middle finger for every roar. just shut the fuck up Yhord

we done doing horde, Yhord Charging its mouth , its chest bulked out and vomit poison, shit .

"Dodge that, Or you will Be melted into nothingness" I scream toward the team, but one unlucky soldier get hit in the leg.

shit fuck.

"Jeniffer , treat that soldier, retreat to control room now" I equipped Hermes

"But" She helped that soldier who leg almost got melted

"Do it woman, When you there open the pipe cover to drown this place down. You hear me , Now Go" She nod and the team retreat. I jump toward Yhord and claw the railing , Yhord fall down, and water now flowing in here. looks like they do some good job

"At last , Now only two of us, Ready for round two" Its growl and roared. then attacking me, i claw back, we fight like a fucking underground fighter no guns need it, in wet ring blood poison spilling in here. i laugh it roar, we enjoy every second of it. and we rest , looking each other like a fight buddy.

"Mission Complete"

Great, Now lets make this more interesting.

"Heal your wound Yhord, Become stronger. we will fight again next time" Its growl and roared at me, then run . Good.

I go to the control room, now jeniffer angry at me.

"You release it again, Are you stupid or what" She shouted at me and i close her mouth with my hand

"Bla bla bitch, You concerned that stupid lizard than your own soldier, Stupid Captain. You are no better than Gerard himself" She shocked hear that and release my hand.

"How do you know major Gerard" She now pointed her pistol toward my mouth

"He my comrade in arm when back in the day, If you know him or talked to him , say hello from me" I pushed her gun then walk toward her team , and i treat that soldier wound.


{Good Soldier Never question the order}

<>keep wounded soldier alive<>

Bring him to the surface (0/1)

Make sure he stay awake (0/1)

<>Give the soldier honorable death<>

Let the soldier gave you a his final wish(0/1)

Shot him in the head(0/1)

Mutilated him (0/1)

Let Jeniffer see when you mutilated him(0/1)


1x Dog tag

3x Weapon Repair Kit

50x Heavy Machine gun Ammunition Box


Well, lets help him then. Your are good soldier pal.

"Jeniffer Call headquarter to reinforcement in helipad at surface" She frowned.

"Just do it, this is human survival. not zombie hunting" She nod and call . after while she ready the team to the surface.

"Hop on buddy, Lets make you come back to facility" I pick him up in my back

"Thank you sir, Thank you" he trembled because the wound

"You must stay awake and alive when help is coming" He nod, we go to the surface . and wait in the helipad

"Mission Complete"

okay now we wait, i keep treating his wound. His skin melting like water, shit that's some dangerous poison. he keep groaning in pain, every member his team look pity toward him.


{Dead in action is sad thing to hear}

<>Relieve his pain<>

Ask him to cut his leg (0/1)

<>Spare his pain<>

Ask him to put him down for good(0/1)


1x Rebuild Limb Serum injection

1x Family Photo


Shit,Shit,shit, i must convince him to do that.

well time to try.

"I'm sorry to inform you that, i must cut your leg to relieve the pain." Every body who hear it of course angry.

"You asshole,Who do you think you are" Some soldier hold my collar

"i'm the guy with most logic here, While we wait the reinforcement to come, we can't let him dying there. either cut that wound or wait him to turn, which side you choose. come on" he release the grip. and back to his position

"I know that i'm a asshole, but i rather die mutilated by zombie than dying in here waiting to get turn. turning into those mindless fucker is not an option" I approach the wounded soldier.

"What your choice, I will respect it" He take huge oxygen and close his eye.

"Please cut my leg, i don't wanna become one of them. my daughter still waiting me in that facility" He ready. i nod to him

i coded to the team to pin him down and ready for mend him

"You want quick cut or long cut, cause you need stay awake. if you don't we must kill you here" i rip his pant and ready to cut it

"Make it quick" I nod then cut his leg with hell hound, he scream and we must treat it quickly before some shit happened. then reinforcement arrive and land beside us.

they quick treated him.

when they pick him up to helicopter i stop them

"Here take this, Inject it when you arrive in that facility. and here , maybe you need it" I gave him the injection and the family photo

when he see it, he cry loudly. damn boy

"Thank you , I will remember you" Then he go back to facility.

"You gave him what" Jeniffer asked me something that similar to itsuka, i looked at her and smile

"Why do you care, i thought you doesn't need a soldier" she enraged and throw tantrum toward me.

i'm just ignored it, cause itsuka still do the thing with act but this girl only throw shit.

"well team lets go to west, Yhord run toward there. There is a waterway facility, maybe its hiding there" They nod but jeniffer still throwing tantrum. i keep ignored her

we walked there, found many abandoned warehouse.

we scavenge and fight some small zombie.

lucky for us, we found two M2 browning machine gun and one Rg 6 grenade launcher. but the stupid thing is, those gun are broken. well i will repair when i get back, i try to put it in my back pack but i doesn't fit. fuck , fuck ,fuck. why M61 Vulcan can fit in my backpack, shit backpack.

i looked around to find a cart, when i found it . i put those 2 in it and Rg 6 Hanging in there

"What you gonna do about those broken gun" random soldier asked me a question that i'm sure he will surprise to hear the answer

"If this broken gun can do most damage than entire team combine, i must bring it with me" Jeniffer hear it and throwing tantrum at me again, i ignored her and keep pulling the cart.

we keep walking but i left behind, what a inconsiderate team.

when they arrive in the position that i pointed, but they trapped , and fall into some kind a boiler. they will fight , a giant mutated cottonmouth. when they struggle our Vangra still pulling the cart.

"Bastard" I keep pulling this heavy shit, why juggernaut virus can push this shit. what a shitty luck, when i arrive there.

nothing, where the fuck is everybody.

well lets repair this Rg6, i pulled out repair kit then repair it until its done.

good now lets go to control room.

i put down the cart and go to control room. i see some glowing button there.

'Press to activated cold water pipe'

I press it .


still nothing, what a waste.

i walked around and found big ass hole. hmmm lets dive in.

when i dive in.


{Defeat boss type Zombie}

Kill Rayd (0/1)


1x Special Weapon Boss


1x Upgrade your killing blow weapon

1x Upgrade your belonging


whats that, Second reward its great. let see, either Scope or backpack. well lets see the zombie was. second reward then.

when i reach down, the team already in critical state. and thats snake breath was a fire, plasma more accurately.

i looked around and see some water drip from one of the pipe i shot it and cooling this place.

"Use this"I throw the burn medical kit to them.

after that i shot that zombie boss with kalia and stupidly i forgot that we in the closed place, so kalia roar make we stagger

"Are you stupid" Jeniffer shouted at me

"I was" I joked at her, shut up bitch. i'm trying to learn here.

time to give it a goddamn true damage.

M61 Vulcan Ready for action.

i pull long dick out of my backpack. just like some PH video, you know right.

i shot it Continuously and with heavy laugh .

this boss take hit and run around in circle

"Oooohhhhh Run,Run I'm coming for you" I keep showering that thing with my Vulcan, Overheat ? Didn't give a shit , just keep shooting.

"Mission Complete"

Finally, I stop shooting . and looked my masterpiece of destruction, blooded snake, My team cower in fear and of course Jeniffer throwing tantrum over how the hell that i got those minigun

"You guys never search in rooftop so yeah" I shrugged and she ? tantrum.

"Shut" I close her mouth with my hand and she gripped my hand

"So anyway, how do we go up there, any thought" i pointed upward and they shake their head

"So, Do you guys want to fly ?" They confused, i just demonstrate to them. i jump with hermes and return back.

"So who will be the first customer, come on don't be shy" Some brave soldier raise hand and i pick him then jump. another. and another. and another one. and last but least, Captain Jeniffer.

"So, captain do you want " I squatting and give her carried sign

"No, I want in the front" okay, i carried her with princess carry. i jump, then she scream and also choking my neck, fuck that's some nice grip.

when i landed she still screaming trembling and choking me. i gurgled my mouth out and coughed hard toward her, she release her grip and stand straight but still shivering.

i code the team to shut up about something, i pick some jacket in my backpack, loot from mall. and wrap it around her hips.

"What are you doing " do you have any idea whats happened to your groin mam

i just coughed and pointed toward her groin. she check it , What we hear was, Scream and cursing. and what we do, ignored it. pretend this didn't happened at all.

so we continued the journey and pretend to lost memories about what happened there.

shit i forget to check the the reward

'Vulcan's smile, A high end technological weapon that has a magma flow pattern in each barrel.Vulcan's second form 'Vulcan's disappointment' Each multiple shot will create a magma meteor bullet that burns all obstacles in front of it. A weapon that requires specific bullets'

'Gilgamesh's greed, The treasure room used by Gilgamesh to show his greed, Every king has a desire for something.'

Holy mother of Jesus, that's some cool as summary. lets check it.

my backpack now become more big like carrier bag , with golden color pattern. awesome

now my Vulcan literally modified to better handling and easier to hold. great now i'm more versatile using this, but the sad part i need specific bullet to use this, if we found another mission maybe we will find portable ammo manufacturing. so i'm gonna use this when i found that thing, anyway where we gonna go. to some abandoned factory complex. my map track Yhord was there. So everybody now following me except Jeniffer who still malding about the piss. i just ignored it, more like we ignored it.

lets fight again Yhord, our battle will be legendary