Not a Good Person

Qiao Yue didn't beat around the bush and said directly, "Beauty, this person likes you, so he often finds trouble with me. I like to solve problems once and for all. Since this is his cause, then beauty, give him an answer! Let me do everyone this favor."

Qiao Yue's smile was gentle, but in the eyes of some people, it was demonic. Her words were even more like a demon's curse.

The girl's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't understand how Qiao Yue could do this to her. She had just given him cookies a few days ago and he had said such gentle words to her. But in the blink of an eye, he had put her on the spot.

The girl stepped back subconsciously but was held by her friend. Her friend threw Qiao Yue a disapproving look. She wanted to say something but was frozen by Qiao Yue's gaze.

"Qiao Yue," mumbled the girl. Her beautiful eyes lost focus as she looked at Qiao Yue. One could imagine how hard Qiao Yue's actions had hit the girl.