A Bad Guy

"What did you find out?" Qiao Yue asked.

"Boss, I don't think I can explain it clearly over the phone. You should go home and check your email. YQ has already emailed you the information."

"Alright," replied Qiao Yue.

"Xiao Yue?"

A voice suddenly rang from behind Qiao Yue, causing her to quickly end the call.

"Fourth brother." Qiao Yue turned around to face the person.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you going home?" Qiao Yu asked, puzzled.

"I was just about to go home. Why are you so late, fourth brother?" Qiao Yue changed the subject subtly.

Qiao Yu glanced at Qiao Yue's phone and said, "We had a student union meeting to discuss work arrangements for an off-campus social event."

Qiao Yue nodded. She had already heard about Qiao Yu's position as the president of the student union on her first day of school. But she didn't expect that there would be so much work that they had meetings till late.