A Strange Group Chat

Qiao Jing also felt Qiao Yu's gaze, and he looked at him coldly.

"Sit properly."

Qiao Jing was a cold person, and so was his voice. Although Qiao Ze and Qiao Yu didn't like their second brother, Qiao Yu was still under Qiao Jing's care and had to listen to him.

As they drove, Qiao Yu peeked at the two people in the backseat through the rearview mirror from time to time, but he didn't see anything unusual anymore.

There was less traffic late at night compared to during the day. The summer breeze blew through the car windows, making the ride pleasant for everyone.

Qiao Yue opened her eyes slightly, still confused about her surroundings.


Her slightly hoarse voice instantly attracted the attention of the two men.


"Fifth brother, you're awake?"

The two people who answered Qiao Yue at the same time looked at each other and didn't speak again.