A Princess Carry

Xu Hao laughed as he sang a line from the song, "Just like that, I'm conquered by you, cutting off all escape routes."

"President, your brother is asking you to sing! Quick! You must sing your 'Conquer'-ed heart!"

Xu Hao teased, and the people around him followed suit.

Qiao Yu stepped forward and put his arm around Qiao Yue's neck. He put on a fierce look as he tightened his grip. "Kid, you want your brother to sing 'Conquer' to you? And sing it kneeling down?"

"No, no. I wouldn't dare. I'm just kidding. Just kidding." Qiao Yue played along and begged for mercy.

Now that Qiao Yu was almost done with his punishment, it was Qiao Yue's turn.

Qiao Yue had already drunk about a case of beer. Because she didn't drink anything else, she was sleepy but clear-headed. But she had no idea what would happen after she drank the three U-boats with mixed alcohol.