Old Master Qiao

Many cardiovascular specialists gathered at the entrance of the Cleveland Clinic at 8a.m., hoping to meet the internally renowned Dr. Qiao.

Qiao Xuan's whereabouts were usually not publicized. It's only because he had invited a TCM doctor to treat his grandfather that many people knew that he'd be coming to the Cleveland Clinic. Many specialists came here in hopes of learning from Qiao Xuan.

Qiao Xuan and Lu Ying walked in front while Qiao Yue and Qiao Jing walked a few steps behind.

Qiao Yue couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw the welcoming party.

"Hasn't the old master been staying at this hospital for a while? It's also not big brother's first time here, so why are these people so surprised?" Qiao Yue asked.

Qiao Jing's voice was flat when he said, "Big brother has always visited in private. His whereabouts were not known."