Uninvited Guests

Lu Ying thought for a moment and decided to try to unclog the blood vessels in the patient's brain to wake him up as soon as possible. Lu Ying subconsciously looked at Qiao Yue and saw her daydreaming.

Lu Ying retracted his gaze, took out his acupuncture kit and placed it on the side table.

Just as everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see Lu Ying in action, the door to the ward was kicked open.

"Qiao Xuan, Qiao Jing! How dare you give your grandfather acupuncture without consent from the elders! Are you trying to kill your grandfather?"

The loud roar shocked everyone.

That included Qiao Yue. She turned around and saw a middle-aged man glaring angrily in the direction of the hospital bed.

Qiao Jing frowned and looked at the man with an icy gaze. Qiao Xuan's smile also disappeared, his expression as cold as Qiao Jing's.