What a Joke

Qiao Xuan didn't answer his mother's question and started talking about something else.

"Mom, I'm the one who invited Dr. Lu here. If second uncle continues to make a scene here and other people saw us, wouldn't it embarrass the Qiao family?" Qiao Xuan's smile was warm, but his words were not.

First Madam Qiao thought what Qiao Xuan said made sense. She had heard about this miracle-working Dr. Lu back home. If word got out about today's fiasco, the Qiao family would become a laughingstock!

Besides, her sons were famous internationally. It was not worth it to have people gossiped about them over such a small matter.

First Madam Qiao's eyes swept the few people by the hospital bed. She frowned slightly when she saw Qiao Yue but didn't say anything and turned to leave.

Although First Madam Qiao had silently endorsed Qiao Xuan's decision to have Dr. Lu treat the old master, it didn't mean that the others agreed.