The Past

"Of course. The Qiao family has already announced it to the public. Besides, your nephew, Oswald, also met my fifth brother at Harvey's anniversary. You are probably aware of my brother's true gender." Qiao Jing said.

Was Oswald the one who discovered Qiao Yue's true gender?

"I see." Andy took a sip of his champagne elegantly. "Is there another possibility? That Mr. Qiao Jing doesn't know his sister well enough?"

Andy spoke with confidence and did not seem to be lying. Qiao Jing frowned.

"This is also my family matter. Perhaps Mr. Andy should stop intervening." Qiao Jing's voice was cold. He didn't want to talk about Qiao Yue anymore.

"It looks like Mr. Qiao Jing needs to pay more attention to his brothers and sisters."

Andy sensed Qiao Jing's disinterest and politely clinked his glass to Qiao Jing's before he walked towards Oswald and Minnie.

Qiao Jing put down his glass, looked around, and left the banquet hall.