
That sort of made sense.

Perhaps someone in Andy's family knew Qiao Qing and told Andy about her. Therefore, Andy said those things to him at the banquet just now...

But that didn't explain how Andy knew Qiao Yue's true gender.

It couldn't just be a random guess on his part.

"Did aunt mention fifth brother when she wrote to you?"

Old Master Qiao nodded. "Yes. She told me that she had given birth to a son. Unfortunately, her son couldn't be reunited with his father. That man had abandoned your aunt."

Qiao Jing frowned.

Qiao Qing didn't even tell the old master that Qiao Yue was a girl, which meant only very few people in the world knew that Qiao Yue was a girl.

How then did Andy know? He couldn't be related to Qiao Yue, right?

"Thanks, Grandpa." Qiao Jing lowered his head respectfully.

"Why did you suddenly ask me about your aunt today? Did something happen?"