The Auction

Soon it was the day of the auction. 

Very few people used their real identities at an underground auction like this. Almost everyone used their pseudonyms and wore masks to the auction. 

Qiao Yue searched for Andy in the crowd.

But Andy wasn't there. 

"Andy, where are you? Isn't today D-day?"

"Don't worry, I'll be there in time."

Andy's reply came. There seemed to be sound of waves at his end. He was probably on the deck. 

Just as Qiao Yue was about to ask more questions, it was time for the third auction item.

It was a carved pistol with beautiful carvings and a "Qing" character.

"This pistol was donated by Mr. K from Room 304. It belonged to his beloved when she was alive. He donated this item to remind all of us to cherish what we love." 

Qiao Yue's eyes turned to the legendary Mr. K.