Real Identity

The man in Qiao Yue's memory put the gun in her hand and pulled the trigger.

"Miss, what are you doing? We are only testing the gun. You can't use it to shoot someone." 

"Is this lady crazy? Quick, get her out of here! How did such a dangerous person get on the ship!" 

Everyone panicked as they watched Qiao Yue stand there with a gun pointed at Mr. K.

The emcee had already ordered the staff to evacuate the frightened guests.

There weren't many security staff on board the ship. Most of them were afraid of the gun Qiao Yue was holding and didn't dare to approach.

The black muzzle was aimed at Mr. K but he didn't move. He sat there like a mannequin, motionless.

"Qiao Yue, you are not scared, are you?" The emcee's voice rang out from behind her.

The man held her hand and before she could react, he pulled the trigger.

Mr. K fell to the ground with a thud.

Qiao Yue's body suddenly started to shake.